Item 8 - City Loan Program/Old Coach Improvementsti 1 AGENDA REPORT l�� OF o� CITY OF POWAY - F /e�Nnni tow Com, M THE CO TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mann INITIATED BY John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Alan Archibald, Director of Public Services i DATE: June 12, 1986 SUBJECT:City Loan Program/Old Coach Improvements x ABSTRACT A The residents of the Old Coach Road area have petitioned the City to authorize there to participate in the improvement of Old Coach Road through the City °s loan program. BACKGROUND s OldCoachRoad is an unimproved dirt road of approximately 2 miles in length that was accepted into the County maintained road system several years prior to the incorporation of the City. Since incorporation, the City has had several meetings with members of the Old Coach Hameowners Association regarding the quality of the maintenance of the road. Discussions have also been held regarding various methods to construct improvements to the road. Although the homeowners have been informed that the road would be required to be improved if L development occurs in the area, and that the road improvements could be made by the Redevelopment Agency, they recognize that neither is likely to occur in the near future. As a result, discussions with the homeowners association led to having the road improvements constructed through the City's loan program. Earlier this year preliminary meetings were held with the homeowners' representatives and they Were given a rough engineering estimate of $150,000 to improve the road to rural 1 road standards based upon a 241 roadway constructed of 2 inches of asphalt on native base. It was indicated to the hmneowners that if they were able to garner enough support from the residents that the City staff would recommend that the City pay for the grading and engineering costs of approximately $50,000 and that the road construction which was estimated to cost approximately $100,000 be financed by the City loan programa ACTION: f. 'UN 12 198-6 1 T M 8 Agenda 'Report June 12, 1986 Page 2 Based upon this information, the homeowners association was able to gather let- ottern tersfrau 22 property owners in the area requesting that a specific engineering stud be conducted to determine a more precise cost of these . y p unprovents The later cost estimate would be bused upon a review of needs for blasting, drainage, and realignment of curves. F , Following the receipt of the homeowners petition, the Engineering Division deve- loped a. preliminary design and cost estimate. f FILINGS Easedn the preliminary upo p ary designand cost estimate, it was determined that the improvements would cost approximately $240,000 as follows; Engineering I Survey-aerial photo $ 5,000 _ Design 15,000 Construction survey 5,000 Assessment Engineering 5,000 Inspection.-soil. testing 5;000 35,000 Construction din Grading g $ 25,000 Rock blasting (straighten curved 30,000 Drainage improvements 25,000 [` Paving (2 AC) 105,000 Curve (as necessary) 15,000 Striping/signing-mise. 5,000 $ 205,000` Project.total $ 240,000 Following a review of these figures with the hcraeowners.association represen- tatives.. they indicated they they would like to continue to pursue this matter. However, they indicated that the City should pay the improvement costs in excess Of' $100,000. S-t ff indicated that they would recomend to the City council that the City pay for the grading and engineering costs as discussed earlier which would total approximately $90,000. However, the homeowners should commit to financing the construction cost of approximately $150,000. p 2 of 3 JUN 12 1966 ITEM 8 it Agenda Report June 12, 1986 Page 3 Preliminary discussions have been held with the homeowners regarding how the, City loan programwould be structured, however, nothing has been resolved pending the City Councils review of this matter. City Loan Pr aq The financial plan provides a total of $50,000 to be used to provide low t interest loans to citizens for street related improvements. The concept of the loan program is to provide a source of financing neighborhood street improve- ments at a rate of approximately one half of the market rate to induce citizens to improve their neighborhoods. The loan would create an encumbrance on the property that would be paid off over the term of the loan or upon transfer of property. If the City Council were to approve this project in concept, the specific terms of the loan would be worked out with the homeowners and a loan agreement would be developed which would be approved by the City Council at a later date. At that time an addi- tional appropriation would have to be made to fund the total amount to be loaned x for this project. RBOOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review this project and authorize City participation in the project for the grading, blasting, and engineering work required to complete the necessary improvements. JLB JDF:ADAslc 3 of 3 .JUN 12 1986 1 TE M e a , Choy Manager .. CITY SANTEE Ronald L Ballard � y Y` .l<" Qq Council Jack Doyle, Mayor Jim Bartell y • ��roA9pROV0 Mike Clark Pat Gallardo RECEIVED Gerry JUN 121986 June 9, 1986 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mayor and Members of the Council; Your support is urgently needed on a critical issue of local control affecting cities throughout the counties of San Diego and Los Angeles. Currentlybefore the State Legislature is SB 2543 (Presley) which allo- cates the Proposition 52 state bond funding for jail construction. This bill was recently amended with special legislation for San Diego and Los Angeles Counties to require city council approval for all new county jail projects within their jurisdictions. At the core of these amendments is the issue of local control and whether a -county should have totally unrestricted powers in siting jail facilities' within incorporated cities, despite strong opposition from those jurisdic- tions. The City of Santee is currently facing a county jail facility proposal for the Santee Town Center, the City's major redevelopment area project. The type of facility being proposed would resemble a concentration camp in design --with 19 prefabricated metal barracks, guard towers, and barren unlandscaped grounds encircled by 12 -foot chain-link fences topped with spiraling strands of barbed wire. This jail proposal is also located within one-third mile of an elementary school and within one mile of five other schools. Just last fall, the City of Santee issued a $6.4 million bond on this redevelopment project. Now, because of the location of this proposed county jail facility, the very economic future of the City is at risk. The purpose of these amendments would be to protect municipalities from ? the serious socio-economic impacts of county jail facilities inappropri- ately sited within their jurisdictions, without regard to city efforts t to revitalize their communities. s: 10765 Woodside Avenue 9 Santee, California 92071-3198. (619) 562-6153 F RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL APPROVAL FOR COUNTY DETENTION FACILITIES WHEREAS, existing law provides that counties have the authority to site detentifln facilities Within city boundaries despite formal opposi tion from the affectedcity government•, and WHEREAS, ,the inappropriate siting of county detention facilities could have serious social and fiscal impacts upon the public welfare, safety and economic viability of these communities; and WHEREAS, some county detention facilities are proposed for city redevelopment project areas financed through tax increment funds, and the resulting property devaluation may affect the city's ability to finance necessary public improvements and revitalization efforts; and WHEREAS, SB 2543 (Presley) would provide the state bond funding for the construction of new county jail facilities; and WHEREAS, Assemblyman.Larry'Stirling has sponsored amendments to SB`2543 to require city councilapproval in the Counties of San Diego and Los Angeles for all county jail faci ld-ti es fended through the state wide jail construction bonds; and WHEREAS, these amendments address the critical issue of local control over vital matters affecting the social and economic well-being of a comma nity, such as the siting of a county detention facility.. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the. City Council of the City of does hereby support the proposed amendments to SB 2543 to provide for local control over the siting of county detention facilities, and we do hereby urge the State Legislature to approve these amendments. PASSED the day of 91986.