1986 07-10 - Agenda Adjourned*MMI`i #EUMM 124 PMARMON P e ReG ARmom= - =Z 101, 1986 4:00 P.M C COONGM CEWs - 13325 CI= CENM ERM SIS ` IS AN WaW G NEE TM ' CF CaMM M IS NCr C PRE TATI B=Mo, IP ='= =HAVE n=iW ICN M TEO AMMAr You MAY ARRMW EM INPM Wiry$ THE MYCR PRIM M THE M •. •.T rz 1. ROLL CALL _ EMM, CRAVEC, SMPAEOSCNr VUM,, RE WSE 2. *Pre-Develcpwnt Conference - Jim Huddleston, Silver Saddle Ranch for -min.) ca mercial stable on 10.28 acres, in Creep Malley. (PDC 86-27) (15 3. *Preeeve%Qment Conference - Lepetri/Faaborg for a building materials torage yard located at 14225 Garden. Road. (PDC 86-25) 15 min.) 4., *Pre-bevel opaent Conference - lark Bently, North C ty Soccer- Park, located near intersection of Turin Peaks and Fspola Roads. (P1)C 86-26) (35 min.) 5 . *Pre-UevelopMnt Coi'sference - SpectrM Proge-rties s International. FM se of Pancakes, for c=troction of new resfiaurant in the Panerado Plaza ShoPpim Center. (PDC 86-28.) tis min. ^ 6. *PrDuel a-t Conference - Philip Butzen/Pa�ado Hospital District, for n drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. (PDC 86-291 15 min.)> 7. *Review of pr Ridgeline/si.11side status (20 min.,)-, 8.. *Review of proposed hotel/motel deve1q3wnt sods t20 min. 9. *Review of satellite dish: antenna installation standards t20 min.3 10. *County'sstere Canyon Park final site development plan review (10 mf.n . ) a, 11.*Rev ew of Historical Building Preservation ordinance t10 min. t *MMI`i #EUMM 124 PMARMON