Item 4 - PDC for North County Soccer Park - Mark BentlyL- VrCRA City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City* /14,anti cp t 1? 6 v i e. Ark- , hereinafter referred to as " eat* enter into this Agreeaent of Understanding based upon the follawi.ng facts: Proponent awns or has an equitable interest in. Land described by fast assessor's parcel number(s)` 32.1 - 190 ?/ Proponent desires to develop this property in =cordon= with the will of the City and withoutthe expense of a protracted development. City is a ncerned that Proponent will create developoent plans unsatisfac— tory tory to City and. '=sins time: and . effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. City will receive no: evidence, specific in nature, insupport particular: development plan. City will, make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent nay subse uently submit. D. If any developnent proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will preceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent nay rely. Dated:: 6 % / d f ;, Proponent: Signature PDC 86-26 ATTACHMENT 1 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 4 of 6-. 10 June, 1966 His. Martaae Wah sten Poway City Clerk P.O. Bac 789 Poway CA 92064 Dear City Cleric We are interested in constricting two mini courts in the area west of . ow cuntburg and behind the Circle K. These courts would fill. a need in the sumer community to provide space fw`practice areas and less than full. twat play, We believe that this addition is consistent with the intent of our current permit and with to this option with the City Count%. The attached map outlines the proposed location. Thank you, North' County Soccer Park Mark Bentley 14530 &Tole Road Poway, CA 92064 748-4260 PDC 86-26 ATTACHMENT 2 JUL 10 1986 ITEM L • 4 1 • 9 CITY OF POWAY ITEM S TITLE : r� SCALE : kic`NE ATTACHMENT of 6 JUL 10 1986 ITEM Y �aF-.,. • �j • �A ter' (D - DO1 i • i - - s - � vt. .•yes . o " - f: p }� CITY -- -- --• - OF POWAY ITEM : bra Zoo TITLE -=-rAr,.i SCALE N©N_ ATTACHMENT 5 of 6 JUL 10 1986 ITEM - - - _ _ 3.�..._ � _ , - � - ._ .x� ca ,r. CL,... -: - IM-F OV - $fir I -. no - - [� AC 15 sIM SWAIM Iwo id 1# '+sT tater am sum dimf - - - SAM - ' !-S-LU 0 Vaal— i1fJ$ x asp ej 474 S®<er' tOilt'7' 0.:14.4 w 404 A if user AIISA r 7.1, M 4. ?LAYIRS bfNGN1 7}4. •r 19.,:1,5 .Si" :ttsrrsreferigc-.sirs'" 4011n0 Ggmwvr..e:.raaasros "44'0, dolour_ alGMr«!R , 744 `tiVlto I44Jt AY341,04. 4 n �� .. ...>� ,� . a.� . a . ......_ y. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. © »�� �� y» °� � ��� � w. c .. .. . �°�,� �w � ?��� � . c� � «s- : ofv� � � >— � � � «.« 2 w ?:� :2...«� .z. »� �� �: � �—&w��«m�� ���em� ..�.e.�:� :em�� �, . . ... .. . . . .. ..,l44K.fr p,vV 44vomeo yJ NMI", GOMNTr .rac a.rot .4,40 wRwrw:,r�wirR►..: fA'ir�,.. et a Aires', St J 'tea? r liefl v D PL S w4a 0.4 • 0,,r 4 it fry h'Af f t r•a.c. 0.4/Irl. z rwe. • vAi itis• 0' rrri. ws Nr $p. 0, .id`rdefA.rr( 4 ^1 ? el. .r:. rr,•.;,..r r�-c AP!I.• CO✓Ri ¢ArttMT (rrNgn.•) Aro,',' u.I:•r T`Y ,.�.. w'M Arne!.. Mwt /'OSj? ee,r, 004 4 4,4m7 D47A/4 l 0" IS; 44v/o" irxP{rR4 1000 WAr r ,w,00'P46S344RE SOO,YM 4 / N7S Coma Rijn[` POOr INO 29" S0u,4Rm Y',p "Aesft 0." 4.444.4 Wl0 r!HO Mam1, D cwor,/ C7!ri ..:p NCS' (*tow') _ I r,1 R4y4n nom fOnsn 8 o* w $Wr7Na4lACFCl,rooCOo QvvRFO �" i CsRi°grN4 AcYWAOC �I. 0.;e 6" 444C, S. 2q" Cd"r'4'I!s CowCRNrr fxrtRto< ) 4(60.r . f G n7 Tniv 1 % /.f $ s G 806r$ 134,444,0 w' - 57.rriC PO,s r roos7 a = a Fore *s a4G4' woe 4#" 1 'oQ 6,''0'f►!4O Wqs, ., JO& if/047j Too Y/4' V OP AL 7$RNg7.f POJ7 A»4CMr44"17 MMrrer0 GoNJYG M6rlON .odieI/s t .... wa,Vrr✓ cp wre.rocctg ot40,01 xMld./MN/L7 : &OAK R .Co rtc r PM. 4240 .ssxao 4trae.10i. "0. 4