Item 10 - Sycamore Canyon Park Final Site Development PlanAGENDA REPORT CITY OF P'OWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY Lee Lewis, Director of Community Service ,e� DATE: July 10, 1986 SUBJECT: Sycamore Canyon Park Final Site Development Plan BACKGROUND In 1964 and "1965, the County of San Diego was issued patents by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to develop, operate and maintain. recreation .and public service facilities in the Sycamore Canyon area of the County. The County has not developed the site in accordance with plans submitted at the time of application for the patents. In 1984, the BL1K put the County on notice of potential imposition of the reversionary clause contained in the patents and suggested the County proceed with the improvements or face revesting of title. In addition, the BLM suggested the County work closely with the cities of Poway and Santee since both cities expressed interest in acquiring the land. FINDINGS Over the past two years, Staff has met.with the County on many occasions regarding the development of the Sycamore Canyon site and the impact on the City of Poway. The County has committed to the BLM to develop the site as recreational hiking and equestrian trails. In 1985 Staff reviewed a schematic site development plan and attended meetings for public input regarding the schematic plan. On April 28, 1986, the County published a Final Site Development Plan for review and solicitation of input. In the attached letter the County requests the City's review, comments and concurrence in writing. Staff has reviewed the site plan and narrative for the project and finds that the plan adequately addresses the City of Poway°s concerns. The County's development schedule calls for the improvements to be complete and available for use in the first quarter of 1987. ACTION: JUL 10 1986 ITEM 10 �.f Workshop Agenda Report July 10, 1986 Page` 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the Final Site Plan for Sycamore Canyon Park and authorize the City Manager to provide comments and concurrence to the County of San Diego. JLB:DLL :sf Attachment of 6 JUL I4 1986 ITEM 10 1 ROBERT R. COPPER' DIRICGTOR COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 5201 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE P • SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123. (619) 565-3602 April 28, 1986 Mr. James L. Bowersox City Manager City of Poway P. 0.; BOx 789 Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. Bowersox: Subject: Sycamore Canyon Park Final Site Development Plan RECEIVD MAY 11486 CI MANACkate WO. 411, Attached is the Final Site Development Plan for Sycamore Canyon Park along with brief text about the proposed project. BLM has indicated a willingness to work with us in regard to allowing a reasonable time to implement the project provided good -faith efforts are being made in a timely manner. The Final Site Development Plan represents the next of these good -faith efforts. The Sycamore Canyon Park project will be implemented concurrently with the Lakeside BLM site. We anticipate community <` review of the Sycamore canyon Park plan in May, with Board of Supervisors approval in late May or early June 1986. Approval of the major use permit should occur by late Summer. Construction will occur during -the Full and/or Winter with the park becoming operational during the first quarter of calendar year 1987. The Final Site Development Plan adequately addresses the concerns mentioned in your March 4, 1985 letter of response to BLM regarding the Revised Schematic Site Development Plan dated June 4, 1985. Please review the attached final plan, and text and send us a letter concurring with the proposals along with any additional comments within the next two to three weeks. 3 of 6 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 10 Mr. James L. ` Bowersox, City Manager City of Poway April 28, 1986 Page 2 If you have any questions, please contact R. B. Claire at m staff ` at. 565-5863. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere ROBERT R. COPP.Ft`, Director RRC:wt Attachments cc: R. B. Claire Doug Ruth Dan Cather File: E 1.. Sycamore Canyon BLM Park 4 of 6. JUL 10 1986 ITEM 10 7 SYCAMORE, CANYON PARR FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The final site development plan utilizes existing; roads, trails, and firebreaks within the park for two reasons: 1-) to reduce initial development costs., and 2) to. reduce environmental impacts on the site. The exception is the new stretch of trail to be built along the west boundary from the existing water authority road north to Sycamore Canyon Road. All of the facilities proposed are for day use only. The following is an explanation of the Legend symbols shown on the Final Site Development,Plan. S 1 Staging area for 30 - 40 vehicles with turnaround within 84=' easement. Staging by reservation only. Pull through parking spaces. A volunteer residence will be installed near the staging area to provide better security and maintenance. R 1 Rest Area One, at the southern end of Sycamore Park Drive. The development plan calls for this graded open space to be used as a rest area and viewpoint. Two or three benches will be installed near the western edge and horse tethering posts will be -installed nearby. in certain cases,... vebicular. access may be allowed to groups on a resetvatiam has" rota 1. this area so that it could be utilized for parking ' and staging or service or emergency vehicle use. Rest Area one k is also large, enough to allow an Astrea or Life Flight helicopter to land in case of severe medical need. V 1 This viewpoint will utilize the cleared area at the top of this peak_. Benches and tethering posts will be installed. R 2 This rest area will be established at the confluence of two seasonal runoffs in the canyon, utilizing what shade is available. Benches and tethering posts will be installed. V 2 This viewpoint will be - developed the same ` as V 1 above, additional clearing at the peak may be required. R 3 Rest Area Three will be developed in the meadow near- the - pond area. Benches and posts will be installed Access from road on south edge is to be installed. Most of the proposed trail system in Sycamore County Park is currently in place as roads or firebreaks. Work crews of the California Conservation Corps or the County Honor Camps will be used to grade and level problem sections for hiking and eques- trian use. The remaining half mile of new trail will link the park with the City of Poway trails at the northwest corner of 5 of 6 ITEM M 14 JUL 10 1986 sycamore Canyon Park Page 2 Final Site Development Plan } the site and will be constructed by CCC work crews with. County Parks supervision. maintenance of this trail system will be accomplished with County F Honor crews and park personnel supervision. k Site Development Plan calls for the staging area to be con— structed immediately west of Highway #67 at the entrance to the facility allowing v"isual access from the highway. Heavy duty gates . are being constructed at all road access points into ; the site to control 'unauthorized -vehicular use - in the park. Security and enforcement will be addressed through a variety of sources. Examples are the installation of a volunteer residence, Park Rangers t.o monitor use on a periodic basis,_ coordination with he Sheriff` to patrol' the facilities on a regular basis, and occasional patrolling by the Humane society Mounted patrol. User groups will also be encouraged to report any illegal or unusual occurrences,_ Rest Area One can provide 1andi.ng area foran Astrea. or Life Flight helicopter depending on the nature of the emergency. Paramedic vehicles can conveniently reach Rest Area One from Highway t67 over Sycamore Park Road, and, depending on the size of the vehicle, can reach to Rest Area Three or view--` - 6 of 6 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 10