Item 5 - Report of Weed Abatement, Nuisance Abatement, and Vehicle Abatement ChargesAGENDA REPORT ' l OF oW CITY OF POWA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana e INITIATED BY: William A Toon, Director of Safety Servicesu- A Stewart W. Gary, Fire Marshal { Joseph. D. Walter, Fire Inspector DATE: August 5, 1986 SUBJECT: Report of Weed Abatement, Nuisance Abatement, and Vehicle Abatement Charges to be Collected on the �. 1986-87 Tax Roll BACKGROUND' The 1986 Weed Abatement Program. commenced on April5 with the mailing of approximately 500 notices to property owners whose properties required weed abatement. The City Contractor, Bradford _ 1 , Tractor Service of Nista, California, began clearing properties an May 5, 1986. Several abandoned vehicles were also removed from lots after proper notification and similarly, several lots were cleared of trash and debris. FINDINGS Weed abatement is effective in the. prevention of fires and also in the control process of fires About 200 parcels, estimated to be approximately 200 acres, were abated this year. The attached "Report of Weed Abatement, Nuisance ' Abatement, and Vehicle Abatement Charges to be, collected, on the 1986-87 Tax Roll," Attachment 1, lists the properties by assessor parcel number and the associated. charges. The weed abatement charges also include a twenty dollar ($20) City Administrative Fee, The Weed Abatement Program has received excellent cooperation from property owners. Many owners have abated their own fire hazards or contracted for the work individually® ACTION: a AUG: 5 06 ITEM J5 Agenda Report August 5, 1986 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It isrecommended that the`City Council adopt Resolution,. Attachment 2, which approves the report and authorizes the City Clerk to file and report with the County Auditor. J'LB:WAT:SWG:JDW:js Attachments: 1. Report 2. Resolution Hatt- 5 tooIg e' *et REPORT WOO , AND VEHMIE ABATEMENT MAR= 10 BE COLLECTED CN TM 1986-87 TAX ROLL In accordance with Ordinance No. 41 of the City of Poway, property avners of the attached listed parcels were notified by mail of the necessity to abate weeds, brush, and/or other debris on their property which cause a public nuisance. The public nuisances ° were not abated by the date specified onthe notices and, a private contractor, working for the City of Poway, abated the. nuisance. Charges for the abatement, which includes a $20 City Administrative fee, are listed and shall be collected on the tax roll. Several charges for and for vehicle abate -milt under Ordinance No. 25 are also listed. Property cwners that do notdesire the charges to be added to the tax roll. map pay the charges to the City of Poway, Custaner Service Division, prior to 5:00 p.m., August 5, 1986. 1A ATTACHMENT 1 Amok t WEED ABATEMENT, CHARGES'"- 1986 t FUND 6075-11 273-100-10 355.96 2.73-133-10 65 00 273-14:5-06 55.00 273-182-18 2370:20. 273-182-19 237.2:0 273-790-11 237.08 273--820-03 134.00 273-820-04 572..72. 273:-$20--19 127'. 68' 273-.901-01_ 467.:48 275-2 31-01 430.2 0, 275-232-21 185 9 2.75-2,32-.45 .36:58 27550-2.40-39' 215.00 r 275-241-Q1 2.02.:22= 275.-241-08" 61.36 275-24-1-091 127.88 275-24I-10 68.00 275-241-11 8:2020 2=75-291-12 73 3'2 275-49 0-02 117.50 } 275-510-15 140'000 275-570-25 121.00 2.75-720-28 58..00 277-070-29 75.;76 277-070.-30 168.40 277-071:-08 424.40 277"1401-061 60.00 277-1.4.0-23 60.00 277-140-27 65.00 278>-180-57 - 86.00 2.78---190-71 : 2192.00 278:-18°1:-01 330.36 278'-•181-08 2640'00 Y 278-28°0.-2:4: 170.88 278---442-36 48'.,00 278-442-41. 158.42: F _ t AUG 5; 1986 IT E W 5 F WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES - 1986 FUND # 6075-11 Continued 314-020-52 77`..50 314-020-60 216.56 314-020-61 224.00 31.4-0.40-17 592.88: 314-060-03 97.40' 314.-060-04 68.0'0 314-060-06 74.00- 314-131-10 68.00 314-160-37 258.32 314.-160'38 139.00 314-160-39 - 80.00 314-180-24 68.00 314-193-30 197.20 314-"194-34 62:.00' 314-201-13 50.0:0: 314-2`01.-22 58..00 31.4-201-2.3 58`..00 314-201-24 58.00 31.4.-201-25 58'.00` 314-202-27 62:.00- 31.4--202-28 62.00 314-20.2--29 58.00 314-202:-30 62:..00 314-213-1R 68.00 314-214-29 62. 00 - 314-214-19. 62:..00 314-214-�30 62:..00, 314-214-31 62.00 314-21.432. 62`.00 314-22.1-02 680-.00 314-230-42 68.00 314-230-47 5:8.00 314-230-48: 68.00 314-2;42-02 106.26 314-340-03 117.92 314-340-04 287.48 314-350=09 62.00 314.-350-23 171,.20 314-350-30 68.00' 314-360-20 122.98 31.4-360-30- 228.08 314-370-25 125.06 31.4-370-27 129.78 314-370-36 z 242.96 314-370-37 389.72 of zQ ALG 5 .1986 - !TEM � z WEED ABATEMENTCHARGES - 1986 FUND #€ 6075-11 Continued 31.6-020-03 101..00 316-020-25 182.00 316-071-01. 87.96 316-071-06 140.24 316-071-07 316-12.0-30 1 403.44 317-021-05 68..00 317-021-15 62:.00 317-021-20172'.5.2 317-031-0 6" 99..68 3.1:7-031-15, 62.00 317-0:3.1-17" 86.90: 317-031-30 68.00 317-090--35 62.00 317-090-39 150.,96 3.17-090-40 170.00 317-101-27 154.34 317-10:2.-07 202..52 317-111-16 194.60 r fi 3=17-2.00-13 75.42 317-211-02 58.0,00 317-211-04.01 129.32 317-211-04.02 12.9.3 2. 3172110'4.03 12:9'.32 .4 317-211-04.04 12.9.32 31:7--222-08 132..50 #i - 317-222-09 f. 315.80 317-222-10 632.00 3L7-2.32-06 5$.00 - 317"-232-08 58.00 317-232-09 62.00 31.7-232-16 6'2.00. 317-232-17 80.00 317-241-50 153.30' 317-242-05 58.00: 317-242-08 72.56 317-270-04 153.20 317-281-03 36`5.00 31.7-471-07 334..50 317-472.-01 155.90 31.7-474-01 68.00 317-480-07 104.00 317-480-08 68.84 317-4-90-46 L 1.82.50 317-500-12 68..00 317-501-10 68.00 317-520-06 194.48 6 of l0 A11A 5 `T98fi lT WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES -1986 FUND -# 6075-11 Continued s t 317-521-01 120.80 317-521-03 82.72 317-521-04 172.6.4 317-521-05 180..56' 317-534-20 713.50 317-66-2-01 168.-28 Plus 164.28 from last - year. 317-680-37 195.20 317-680-38 176. 00 317-761-13 68.00 317-520-05 160.04 321-011-20 226..52: 321-011-21 134.00 321-012.-47 115.00 3,21-012-49 10:0.50, 321-012-53 85.00 321-020-72 117020 321-020-73 206.04 321-020-74 -68.00 321-030-04 124.58 321-070-20 450.:32 321-100-28 15o .0Q 321-100-25 321-132-14: 150.-00 74.36 321-14'0.-28 68.00 321-1.40-30 68..00 321-180-50 208.;88 321-180-51 105.74 321-190-28 132.40 321-19-0-34 62.00 321:-I90-35 62.00 321-1.90-36 62.00 321-191-17 68.00 321-20:0-35 75.00- 321-200.-37 62.,00. 321-200-41 173.16 321-220-08 68.00 32.1-220-09' 68.00 321-23:0-30 62.00 321-230-38 62.00 321-230-56 62.00 321-230-87 87..44 321-23.0-88 62.00 321-230-8-9 62000 321-23:0-90 62.00 32:1-30:3-1.8 58.00 32.1-303-21 196.16 AUG ,5 1986 I T E M 5 of 10 WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES - 19`86 FUND # 6075-11 Continued 323-010-11 64.00 323-010-20 120.00 323.-010-23 150.00 323-010.-29 64.00 323-031-01 159.56 323-031-02. 336.44 32.3-060-09 90 x.04 323-060--18 104.00 323-070-15 215.60 32.3-070-1.6 68.00 323 -OTO -17 68.00- 323-0.70--18 68.00 323-070-19 230.,36 323-070-25 22.7.30 32'3-071-15 `20 `; 323-071-1.8 224.00 323.-091-01 177.80 .323.-091-02 98.00 323-100-51 62-.00 323-180-52 124.54 3.23-2.61-31 72..80 323-26"2-1.0 68.00- 323-262-28 72:.30 32:3-262-29 72.30 323-262-30 72.:80; 323-270-06 68.00: 323-270-08 1385..84 323-270-52 98..94: 323-270-53 83..78 323-270-55 99.02 323-407-37 129.78 i AUG. 1986 ITEM 5 Q .. ABANDON VEHICLE FEES TO BE PLACED ON THE. TAX" ROLES —1986 t FUND 6075--15 275-232-02 55.00 277-140.-23 65.00 317-130-47 55.00 317-152-07 55.00 s.. 317-190-21 55..0.0 317-190-39 55.00 317-540-26 55.00 } } y. r MVG 5 1986 ITEM: 5 ATTACHMENT ' 2 10 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 86— A. RESOLUTION OF THE,. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIF+ MAr APPROVING THE: RE CRT PREFAM FOR COLLECTION OF WEED ABATEMENT, AND VEHICLR CFS ON THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSORS ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1986-87 , WH7WM, the City Council of the City of Paway desires that Weed Abatement, and Vehicle Abatement Charges for the fiscal year 1986-87be , collected oa the tax roll,. in the same manners by the sama persons., and at the same time: as,, together- with and, not separate from the: general taxes, as provided in the Government Code; an %M3EAS Ordinance 41 and. 25 of the City- of Poway respectively establishes the: procedures for weed abatnt r and vehicle abatcnt by notifying property owners of the necessity for abatement and authorizes collection of abatcnent. charges on the Tax Roll; and MMMS the. City Council` conducted a Public: Hearing on these matters following due pranulgation of notices as- required by law, r Naw, THEREE4YML 0RE, THE, . C COUNCIL CF THE CITE GAF' POWW Y PMOLVE, t A0 ODER. AS FOILOWS: SON 1: The report submitted to the City Council setting forth Weed Abatement,: and Vehicle Charges as established by Ordinance j 41 and 25 respectively and attached; hereto: as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. SWTION 2: The City Clerk is authorized and directed to file, the offi- cial, report with the: County Auditor, County of San Diego, State of California. `i PASSEDF ADOPTED Atm APPRWED, by the; City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this. 5th day of August, 1986. "l Carl R.: Kruse, Mayor- A' ESTs Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT ' 2 10 of 10