Item 6 - Minutes of Meeting July 8, 1986AUG 5 1986 ITEM b 2234 0 x Ifo`• �' av' �• •-!t •" •l •1:1I1C ••�• s^ _- ,� •0 • -t •. - • _ '.••-1_ ♦ r •♦. f- .. .•. . Odt t. '.._. ♦..--'-. _ •.: .�-s 1 �_ • a,1. •+� - _• l: ti.� iso" � � �,' �' � '� 't iii ' � l I� •f�' :16i� - • �'� ! �# - - c . • - • -e f• . s� at �f[ ;m � _ s t • • * it =1t s_- .�li:' -.._ • -• fift _ It _fY: o:- - i ... s. • .• s:.:.,_ v. . o t _ it e' e<p • a , * • - Rl a•T v a al vu •moi■ ra. ' - v; y • - •tiff[ i' .:�.. • -e '0 V'/ •tt ti -1.•- : •: • tea•- • •. - _ _ • ., •. • • tt s o ti :!! +" 'y -`s . • •: •=t �.=o e' s !I -.-1-C s - i] _: • ar - � _. •. -• • ^ . ;• as .:• ,e e • __.,:. a •. t • a 0 - _ • � •i..� a �:,7P �. t:- l • t , . tt e� t• • • � _ r -.• a;i • a s__ t - ,s. • i ®:li l{I t9:. S s' • s . • s =a Tt 11� Y iJ:t GMEN SWM LM May=-, Krusee cpened the pub3lia hear' staff report by city manager Bamersox. Th ..w w-da=e with •I • m -Na. 358., staff,• r.•♦ • a ssemmt •a e' a maml, in Cxaclen,it - AVG' 5 1986 ITEM 6 2236 CITY OF PCS July 8, 1986 There was no one present wishing to speak on this iter. Motion by Councilraamber Oravec,, seconded by Councilnember Sheiaardson, to close the public hearing and approve Reimbursement Agreement. 86:-01 and: direct its. recordation. Motion carried unanin usly. ITEM8' ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-11 APPLICANT: TEEMS': EMI" Mayor Kruse announced that he will abstain front this itsndue to a potential:. conflict of interest between his; etployer and the applicant.. He then left the roan. Deputy Mayor, Siepardson: opened the; public raring.- Staff report.. by City Manager B ersox.; This is a request for a develogtent review for six single family' dwe11ing units, located approximately 100 feet northof the intersection of Poway Road and. Evanston Drive. There was no: one present w_shing to speak on this item.. Motion: by Counoilmember Oravear sem: by Councilmenter Tarzy to adopt Planning Resolution. No. P-86-50 entitled, 'A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Development Review 86-31, Ass's Parcel Number 323-201-18 through 20, and; 321-201-23 through 25." Motion. carried. 4-0 with. Mayor Kruse abstaining. (Mayor Kruse returned to the roan. at. thistime) ITEM 9 CCMMtTrEE MEET= ATTENDANZE. POLICY Staffreport by City Manager Bowers x. This iter: was brought forward at - the request. of Councilmorrber Briery on April. 22, 1986. In reviewing the Charters.: of thefour existing City C.ttees, they were found to lack consisted.. Staff r all c.harters: be revised to be consistent with the Redevelopment Advisory Caiuu.ttee's, which calls for dismissal.: after missing three consectative meetings without prior authorization by the Ifayor, or rerovalat any time without cause by a majority vote of the City Council. council concurred with staff recandation and directed revisedcharters be brought, back for adoption.. AUG5 1986 ttctii 6 2237 t, ; te ,. �, — Page 5 CMCF PCM* 3i3Ly 8 r 1986 L 3 ► S s .: ~ I i is •t ! s _ 40 =sem. • r- .. .•: a[Itltt 1 'i• _st l.� l. -.:v. 1 • # • 1=+`.:-. o: w•: • - •- - • _ .. s s sne s # o � • r a - _ - ) >r i>,.- s.s�: - - 11 _ ::• • �' •` •• a • ttClts- a�tl- s •Y• • • ti [t - :rws tttl - /.o •;• +it i • =• .. a 0 WOO wo, 1 t, � !�•. �� l� 1, � t� 4s 4 oil 00 Aa A7 eti • at .- • � v• • - ..., s -' �. .- � '_- GI's • _ • - _ttt- ar t- -• ._ AUG 5 1966 IT E M b 2238 tr V Page 6CITY OF POWAY - JUly 8, 1986 �. ,;`.;,' ;� �`�� =� ► Following discussion, Council urred that their concerns regard aesthetics. It is to have no eVoSedr StWlI and the. Uprights shall: be encased. .n stuco or v+,od to give a nam appears.. Trellis: Plants: small be planted close enough: to give good coverage The, underside of the roof, shall be painted. Motion. by- CouiiClhmember Fryr SP_=xle'd , by Coumci Tarzy t to find that: the Wi t. agreed. to constitutes a minor. change to.Develagnent Review 85-01 and amt: Resolution No.. P-86-51 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the. covin Devel t Review, 85-01A? Assessor's City of p©way r C ai i f orni a, g Parcel. r 275-4 -1.2. u oat, carried 4- With Mayor Kruse d stainingo- ;- a 2� D]�VEL'"0 REVnN 86-10 AND TEMpORAIty USE Piff&= 86-40 APP TCAM: S=IWPFSCIFIC OF SAN DIM0 mayort Kruse stated this item was pm,, ed. from the Consent Calendar, bar the. public. Staff report: by City Manager Burs. This, is. a. rest for approval of aA development review and. temp racy use permit. for 148 single family hones and a within the. Ra model complex Itnown as. the Palisades Rancho Ax : laoh tos subdl vssion. Ms. 1 .B.. �Y3nt 12456 Witt Place-, asked questions alit environmental issues. Council:: exp33ra nned the: County approved this. entre Project and its envirorgnenta3 int, reportprior to incorporation,, Staff stated a. cope is: available in the City Clerk's: office for review. Motion by Cauncilnber dsoh,, secondedby Ccxusc lme ber' =vec, to adopt Planning Resolution. No P-86-52 entitled, "A Resolution of the City CONS MU of the City ° of rMyt California, ApprovingDeve]:oqanent. Review 86-10 and TeorarY Use Permit 86-x40 r Assessor' -s' Parcel Nu�ers 314-050-13, L7,. 19, 20, unci. 2:t ' 314-160-01, 08, 15-330, 36-39; 317-090--31 35; 317-680-37. Motion corse unanz- mously. ITM 23> TRACT MAF 4158 - TM NSIC}N AA*PLiCAVP MAN rIF-VELMERS Mayor Kruse stated this- iter- was pulled from the. Consent Cal enftr by staff. City~' Attorney. Eckis stated the bonds subon tted were not r3ated co rrectiy,; however, he spoke to the bonding canpany, today' and, they will. submit the; correct bodes, tomorrow. Ranati®n is to approve subjectto the City Attorney's approval of the bonds. AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2239 AUG 5 1986 1T E M b 2240 31. Cotncilneaber 'arty statW. he had attended: the Little League ply -ifs at Lake Poway last week -end and the ballfiedl facilities are beautiful. Counciimember Oravec statedthe drainage ditch at Rattlesnake Creek. north. of Aubrey needs cls out. City Manager Bowers= stated this would be part of the Midland. Road improvement project.. Councilaer Oravec rested improved street sweeping on major roads such as Midland and qty.: COUrlakrteMber Shepardson reported atonal burned out street lights on Poway Road. Ce ncilmembex Shepardson requested repair to the walkway on the south side of Poway Road, west of Oak Moll. ,Mayor Kruse announced Captain Jim Decker is being transferred frau the Poway sub -station to the Personnel Division., Mayor Kruse introd.uced two . of the newly -elected Encinitas- Cs Council, Marjorie Caines. and Rick Shea, who were in the audience. Mayor Kruse messed the meeting and called for a closed session at 8:40 p.m. Mayor Kruse called the meeting backto order at 8:50 p.m., with all Council. - members present, and announced that Council had given instruction to the City ` s negotiator„ and to the City Attorney regi pe.ndi.ng litigation.. Upon motion. by Cauncilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilnsnber° l ry, Mayor Kruse orderedthe meeting adjourned to 4:00 p.m., O'uily10, 1986.The :time of adjourn- ment was 8:51 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Cite Clerk. City of Py AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2241.