Item 6 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting July 10, 1986The July 10, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned frau the July 8, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:04 p.m. ` by Mayor Kruse at the. City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Pay, California.. CCON=MEMBERS PRESENT AT aliforni a. ATALL. CALL STAFF' ABmir AT ROLL: CALL. Mary Shepardson (Counci Shepardson arrived. at 4:07 p.m.) Lima Oravec (Comic' Oravec arrived at 5:10 p.m.) James Bcwersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Ecki.s Patrick Foley Reba Tow Lee %:s Join Bridges rim Nesse1 Alan' Schuler ITEC 2 FRE-DEVELMMIT CasIFERENCE APPLICANT: JIM RUDDLSSTCN SILVER. SADDLE;: HAWN City Managex City Clerk City Attorney Assistant to the City Manager Director of Planning Services Director of Garrity Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Associate. Planner Senior. Civil Engineer Introduction by City Manager Bvwersox. This is a commercial stable use on RR -C zoned property which. . is an illegal use at, the present time, without a condi- i ona.: use. pennite Mr. Jim Keston, P.O.: Bow 1447, Poway, told. the City Council he had been under the impression whenhe rented the property that there was an existing per- mit for 70 horses which had been granted by the County prior to incorporation. C.canci.lrulmr Shepardson arrived at 4:07 p.m. She disclosed she ops a lot in Silver Saddle Ranchand had at one time been the manager for this horse facility.She explained the history of the property. AUG 5 .1986 ITEM 6 2242. AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2243 i ���' fit � �j r.'.'-`•+�►r��:". Page 3 - cm cF Pamy awou mw Rmw AR - July 10, 1986 Council coed their major concerti: was the proposed blue roof and its c gatabilty with the rest of the center, Joan Ellman, 6837 Blvd., North Hollywoods representing IBOP showed a sample of blue span sh the and Council co ned ' would be suitable provided ' the building itself is architec- tually t3:ble with the rest: of the center.. +I 6 PRE-ET GOA APPIjICA1�T PE= IRI T =%SPrM. DISMC,T - AMOU CE= Staff report by City Manager Bowexsom. 7his is a rest for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center on property cried by Mr. Butzen adjacent to the hospital Property on the east. - Hospital `representativ+es spoke regarding the success of the current prograin whish. are approved in trainers roved uiuier. CUP 85-06 and on the fifth floor • of the. hospital. bus COP expires in 1987, and a Qnt facility is needed. Mr. Doug Mayoras, Stichler Design Group, 1450 Frazee Road, San Diego, presented, a pry design. Council concuLze i this is an appropriate use for this property. IM 7 RtDCaE�HILLSIDE CRDI1�fAMCE` staff report by city Manager Bo zersox. Hestated there are several unresolved issues that need to be discussed before this ordinance will be ready to cam Tuck to Council. Cettuter Wiping to 200 she is currently being prepared and a parcel- by parcel, analysis will then be done.. The entire process Will take 6-8 x months. Director of Planning Services Talw sixwed slides of bomes on. ridges and hillsi- des , In Orange county and council discussed the problems with each as it would pertain. to Poway. (Councilmember Oravec arrived during the slide presentation at 5:10 p.m.) Council I that grading and landscaping are the two major concerns. Aesthetics are important. on the ridgelanes but the other two are primary on hillsides • Both a terrain sensitive gradin ordinance and review of hillside landscaping regureinents are nom. Page 4 - CITY. OF PRAY ADJ )RNRD REGULAR MEETIM - July'10 1986 ITEM 8 BMILADIEL DEVELOPMEM STANDARDS Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by. Director. of Planning Services Touw. This is ` being brought back inresponse to Council concerns expressed during a hearing on CUP 85-14. Staff's recas dation includes mini.- mum site size, number ��offyy.�uni ts,kitchenettes. 4 j ' jmi minimum roan size, amount 7�o�f open space Q�ppeerr- unit, . and .. maximum number :. of kitchenettes. Direction. as also r + ies�d d regarding regulations for bed. and. 'breakfast facilities. Council concurred bed andbreakfasts are a separate issue. They asked that the mink= number of units be removed and minim= size of pool be added to staff 's recarendation. ITEM 9 .SA DISH ANZENNA IIZTALLATION STANDARDS Introduction by City Manager Bocersox` Staff report by Director of Planning Services Tow. Proposed changes to the existing regulations include requiring wire mesh antennas, setting 10 feet as maximus diameter except by variance, and setting three year abatat nt period for non-aonformi ng antennas. Following discussion, Council concurred' to require minor develogrant review for any antennaover six feet in diameter and a variance for any over 10 feet. ITM. 10 SYCAt4ME CANYON PARK. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The County has requested our contents on the final site plan for the BIM land in Sycamore Canyon. It is to be developed with recreational hiking and equestrian trails. Director of City Services Lewis presented a map of the area. Council authorized staff to send a letter to the County indicating our concurrence with their plan. MK 11 BIS.£a2ICAL 3iILDING PFtESERVATIO Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The City did not receive the grant to do a historic resources survey ` and action is needed to address the clition of potentially significant buildings until staff has..tip to do a survey. Council concurred to schedule a public hearing for the draft ordinance. AUG' 5 1986 ITEM 6 2245