Item 6 - Minutes of Meeting July 22 , 1986O POY,. WE O TES 22, 1986 tIOre The. Jay 22, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Paway wascalled to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Co lncil Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive,. Poway, California. aaoNcvrEISERs ARNIM= ROIL carte Linda Oravec, Mary SY epardson, Bruce- Tarzy, Carl Kruse AT NEL CALL STIFF Bob Snery James Bo iters= Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Pitch Patrick. Foley Lee Lewis Alan Archibald Bili Toon Reba Toiutw Brad Kutzner Jay IaSeur PIZ= Ce =BM= City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager. Director of C imam ty- Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning Services Senior Civil. Engineer Sheriff's Captain. Deputy Mayor`Shepardson Zed the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC MIA CODLIIMATECtIS Mayor Kruse exp .fined the procedure for Public Oral Camiunications. There was no onepresent wishing to speak. ITSIS 7-13 CALENDAR. Mayor` Kruse stated 'ten 11 had been pulled by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmanber Oravec, to adopt Consent Calendar Items 7-10 and 12-13 as follows: AUG 5 1586 ITEM 2251 7. Ratification of Warrant Register July 10, 1986. 8. Acceptance- of City's Investment Report June 30, 1986. 10. Denial. of claims against the City: A) Glen Jacoby; B) Edward McDowell; C) Billy Mills; and D) Muriel. Chagaan.. 12. Approval of temporary Water and sewer connections, located at easterly ter- minus of Indian Springs Road, Ray Whitehead applicant, subject to the following cotxlitions: Payment of all related: fees and costs; B. The execution of Pres nt Respecting Temporary Water and Sewer Connections by the owner. A Lot Book Report shall be provided by the owner for. the City's verification- of ownership; Preparation and execution of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for Indian Springs Road, and posting of adequate security for future construction; and Ccapletion of a1 .. of the above conditions within six months of Council approval, if granted and prior to issuance of a sewer connection permit, otherwise the approval shall be cleared expired. 13. Award of bid for the annual. supply of filtration plant chemi.ceds as follows: Liquid Chlorine to. Jones Cervical._ at $297.00/ton; Aluminum Sulfate ' to General C ervi cal: at $118.33/ton; Caustic Soda to All Pure Cheau.cal at $186.00/ton; and Potassium Permanganate to Al]. Pure Chemical at $2,500.00/to Motion carried 4-0 with Counciligtber Every absent. ITEM: 4 CIMITICAL USE PERMIT 86-06 D Rev= 86-09 APPLICANT: ANDREW LAI Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by Director of Planning Services ` %ouw. his is a resubmittal for a motel that was denied by Council on February 25, 1986, with the den .al reconfianed on March 11, 1986. The number of units have been reduced. from 55 to 48, there are no kitchenettes, and the motel units are now in twoseparate buildings rather than one long building. Architectural interest has been added and a colonial theme similar to Rahe: Federal is being used. AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2252. 2253 i QF POf�AY' -JulY 22' 1986 Page 4 Clay .: :'+iT::. jti`ng in favor Ren Hi.11igoss, 13715 Poway Road., representing Connote Construction. Be requested amendment, to Coition A(12) and. E(2) and E(a) to change: fee payment to time of building permit issuance. Council concurred., Tim coni%, 13715 Paway Road, expressed concern over the possibility of a future it to provide, a bridge over Poway Road as discussed in the staff report. Council. staged in all probability, a project_of this magnitude Would rec�ai re City or R�eci�evelopanent. Agency participation. Nation by Caunc lns:m1- Tarzyseconded by Councilm�nber ��4 C�Sonr to close the public hearing, issue a Negative Declaratio and Planning Resolution No. P-86=56 entitledr nA Resolution of the City Ccuncih of the City of lawny, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map 86-01, Assessor's: Parcel- NWber 321-200-35PL 36 r, 37, and 39 " with t to fee payment time, adds tion of afro , t of s'ta'nding . area at traffic signa4 and change of equestrian%pedestrian trail, -it to a license to cross the property until further subdivision occurs: when the ultimate. trail: location can be dem. Mesion carried 3-1 with Counc imember-Qravec voting "no"`and Councilmember Emery absent. Tri 6 Y _ PFDJE= PRICRITIZATYCN `BCND ISSUE. PROS Staff report by City ' Manager Bowersox In. order to oa i plete c'Gccuments for: the $10 mullion City, certificates of Participation issuance and the $17 million. Redevelopment Agency tax allocation bond issuance, projects must be identified for immediate and future canson. i Barbara Ryal, 13049 Edina Ways and Aurelia. Powledge, 13551 Cloudoroft Court, in favor of the Performa ng Arts center at Poway High School. roll wing discussion, motion by C,a c l mbeic T=zy, second- by Councilmember oravec, to approve the list of projects suhatitted by staff, to hold a workshop to dscussca1. ilementaton of the date projects when the bond pro - seeds are reoeiv and to 'hold a briefmeeting- on July` 29 to taka further action on bond sale.. Notion carried 4-0 with Counc lmsmber Emery absent. s 1.4 MAVAGMs A. Off -Docket Itemt -Amendment to Chrysler Mgatiat tiq Agreement City Manager Bowersox presented an amended. Exclusive: Negotiation Agreement with. Chrysler Realty Corporation fore the purpose of locating a Dodge/Dodge Truck dealership in the City. Motion. by Tarzy, seconded. by Counc; lu mber Oravec, to approve the amended Apr nt. Motion carried 4-0 with *em Emery absent. B. Off -Docket Ite t:. ®: Release of Title of Vehicle #48 Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The insurance company bad paid the City for unit #48, a cazpact. pick-up assigned to Cust n er Services which: was. "totaled" on May 15, 1986. Recaanendatto a. is to accept the past and signthe title over to the insurance company. Motion by Caunc Tarzy,seconded by' Councilmauter Oravec to adopt staff recam endation. i+kation carried 4-0with Councilmember larery absent. Off -Docket item:. - Bi ol.. ical _ TIM. 85-04 Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Thespring biological and existing tree survey raj red. as a condition of Pamerado Business Park (TIM; 85-04) has been: completed. Of the 82 trees identified, all but nine will be removed during grading. Cost of relocation would be $50,000 per tree with only a 50-50 chance of survival. Councilrequested staff look at cost differences between 36", 54° and 72"' boxed. specimen trees and bring back a replanting plan that includes California. Sycamore and California. Dive; Oak trees. Motion by Councilmanber. Tarzy, seconded: by Councilmenber Oravec, to note and. file the report. Motion carrier. 3-0 with almoilainher Shepardsonabstain- ing bs -a ' i-ing and, Cauncilmatber. Beery absent. City ManaQer Bowersox announced he has appointed Susan. Pulone as Directorof Administrative Services. Maass, Pulone. .s currently Assistant to the City Manager in. Cerritos. E. City Manager Bowersox requested a closed session for the Council to instruct. its negotiator. ITEM 15 CITY =ORM' ITIMS City Attorney Bckis requested a closed session under Governmnt Code Section 54956.93(1) and asked the Council to find a significant exposure to litigation exists. Motion by Council:maker Shepardson, seconded by Council tuber Oravec, tomake a finding thatsignificant exposure: to litigation exists. Motion carried 4-0 with Council ember° finery absent. Counciimanber, Tarzy referredto a letter being sent by Cox Cable to all their costa t ers regarding a rate increase including a. "pass through" of City franchise fees. Council suggested Mr. MoRann frac Coax Cable be invited to a. future Council meting to explainthis: item. AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2255 NOT Page 6; CITY CF PCOY July 22, 1986. tr- Tarzy re�uesjt�d, that s? nce.. the; meeting of July 29 is not, B. C�tuNc. ' e.�.. ceted as originally planned, the meeting of 26 be can being cm celedw Council coancurred. 20 Mayer Kruse gre.gented, a request. for a pre-dvelot Inference from Stephen Prover for an automotive center west of the Franciscan Inn. t concurred to schedule for August 7th. IF CLOSSm SESSICN t: Mayor Kruse called for a. closed session at 8x30 p.m. M CLMMI Mayor. Rause called the meeting back to order at 8:40 p.m., with all -Council members present except.11ry. Mayor Rause stated that instruction had been given to the City attorney rega�-'�di.n9 pending litigation. inployyee Salary and Benefit Mayor Kruse stated the Council oil,: airing closed sessions had approved of QnaerstaiL' zn�CJ with hiesk Eirefightexs ASSOC dt•1�I3 and the g 111 r supervisorys, Professional. and Confidential.. Mplcyees. L Loll Collncl et , seconded by Coalncilmanber o vec, to adopt RAE'S.. olution. No. 86-079 entitled, "A 331.ution of the. City of the City y of Poway, Cali forni a r Adopting the of - Bebma the City of Poway and` The pmay Fire: Fighters Association and Amending, the: rimnci W Pian: for Fiscal, Year 1986-87..a' Motion. carried 4-0 with Councilmember,Emery' Wit• N3otio , by Counci Qra�c, set and d by, C�lnci Tarzy, to t Resolution No 86-080 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway. Cal3.fQrna, Designating the Salaries' and Benef i for the Man�g�At r Supergisory", professional and Confidential Mployees of the: City. Motion c=- ied 4-0 with Emery absent. { Salary,increases range fron 9% to 13% and Coun�cilm ubes Tarty mted these: increases- are in line with lations, of the Budget Review C n nttee: and will bring salaries closer to the average of their peers.. City Manager Bowers= stated the. City Clerk azul City` attorney salaries must be: discussed in. open. session. Motion. by + � Cravec, seconded by Counc l tuber Tarzy, to authorize Caunc� the Mayor toi sign an, eaploy ent agreement with the City Clerk that reflects a 9% ' Salary increase. MotionL carried 4-0 with Camc ` Emery absent. Council- mTarzy noted this reflects the r 2ation of the: Council, salary sub- concmittee. AUG 5 1986 ITEM b 2256 fh,919111'iT Page 7 - CET"! CF POWAY - July 22, 1986 Motion by ` Co ncilmanber . Oravec, seco ed by Councilmenber Shepardson,,to authorize the Mayor to signan. amended agreement with McDcuga.1, Melccbe, Love and Eckis: for City Attorney services which_ increases the monthly retainer 9%. Motion. carried. 4-0 with: Counc' Ham absent.. Auximmene Upon motion by Ccaincillember Tarzy, seconded by Counc%r Ora., Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting- adjourned. The time of adjourn nu was. 8:55 P.m.. Marjorie. IC. ahisten, City Clerk City of Pa air AUG;5 1986 ITEM b 2257