Item 7 - Minutes of RDA Meeting July 22, 1986The ally 22, 1986, regular meti.* g of the_ Poway Redeyeimplant Agency was calls to order. at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Chambers,. 1.3325 Civic Center Drive, Poway,California. 6. PROJE iPRIOITIZATICH !CND ISSUE PRCCEE S staff report. by Executive Director BahVSSOX.. In. order to caaplete documents for the $10 million. City Certificates. of Participation issuance and the. $17 million Redevelcgaent _Agency taxallocation bondissuance,, projects mustbeidentified. for immediate and future. construction. Barbara nal,. 13049 Edina Way,. and Aurelia Pcwledge, 13551 Cloudicoft. Cwt,. spoke infavor of the Performing Arts Center at. Poway High School. Following discussion, motion by Director Tarzy, seconded. by Director Oravec, to approve the list of projects submittedby staff, to hold a workshop to discuss practical implengntation. of the im ediate projects when the band proceeds are received, and to hold a brief meeting on July 29 to take further action on bond. sale. Motion carried 4-0 with Director may absent. Trism 11 AWARD CF BID YilDLAND ROAD IMPROVEMENIS' Ca i man Kruse state: this item had been pulled frau the Consent Calendar by the. City Attorney. AUG 5 1986 ITEM 7 232. Alevr Page 2 Pagia REDEVELOPMELV IZENDA - July 22x.1:986 177) City Attorney Eck s, rested Agency note that the bid price does: not include transition work betemert public and private property. If mica mak is rewired, it will . cane back, to Agency for ap! rovaL asa. change order to the contract. Mottca by Director hoar sect % by Director Oratecr to ward. the bid for construction of street: and drainage improvements on. Midland. Road frame Mein Peaks to- Aubrey to liftvward on in the amount. of $794,420..45. Motion. carried 4-0. with Director Mary absents ADJOURENEET UPon motion. by Director Terzyx seconded br.' Director Oragear Cbalrm" •• t was 8:55 p.m. - orderthe meets adjourned . 'The t� of adjournmen -�r Marjorie K. Wahl sten Secretary Pray Redevett_ Pigency AUG 5 :6 ITEM 7 233