Item 8 - Amended Minutes - May 20, 1986�.
fA�es • j�sT(DA REPORT
This report is included on. the Consent_ Calendar. There. will be no separate discussion of the.
report: prior to approval by the. City Council unless members�of the Council, staff or public
request it to ba removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately.. if you. wash to s
have this report.pulled.for discussion, please- fill cut a slip indicating the.repert.number
and give it to. the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting.. �
�Q Teyor and Members of , the City Cotancia
FILM:. James. L BowWSox',- City Man
Iltin TiAM By: Marjorie R. Wahl.stenr City C�.erk
DATES AUgUSt S, 3986: _
® Amended Minutes a May 204 1986
Th' Minutes of May 20, 1986, omitted, portions of approved rec tarns on
Imo. Il. thicc s 15 • R tion is for the City, Council. to approve the
zmwxled minutes*.
it .is Pec that the City Council. approve the �.� for May 20,:
1986, as. follows: _
3. •, ate. Zec tion t4 Assembly Bg.11. 436 I' a1' to urge the
Govexnar s veto of Seate Bill W.,
12,.-15*, add 'w�Iii ch sets the public hearing, for Jue 3, 198.6, " to each.. item
dec ari ng tbe. intention to;. levy and caollect.
Pages. 2 and 3 of May 20, 1986 Regular City COUncill, minutes•
1 of 3 AUG 5 US t: c i
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Page 2- - CM CF PAY - My 20, 1986
Earl Clan ett, Jr., 12623 Pedsiza, asked the status of Conditional Use Pemit
83-04, the Stnegairden/Gatewayoject. city Igerger Badersox stated the
cm evired in April but =eraserr wavily granted a time extension by staff
to june 15, 1986. mr. Gi ampett objected to stiff L granting the time exten-
sion without. public notice. Cauuci l directed staff to mei:, with mr.
CZampett~ to discuss the matter and to provide Council with a status report
on this project.
IMM 7-19
Com.' CSAR
N3otlotl by COunCllmember V�\_ ecIr MWo d by C�nV� r Tarzy, to adcpt the
i consent, Calendarr as follaas:
7:.. Approval of, Mznut S City Council:
6, .1.986, ReTal=zmeetinq
May 8, 1986, Adjourned Regular meeting
9. Ratification. of Warrant Register - May- 8, 1986.
10. Approval of Progress. Pay Estimate #1, R.E. Eazard Construction. Coatmy
$137, 212.33, for the. Camino del - Norte: and Civic Center Drive bike lane
11.. Authorization to appose Assembly Bill. 3174, regarding county- ability- to
Charm. age indebtedness; authwiwtion . to o&ase: AssemlaLY Bill 43678,
r ` ` in LAE�CO confiaaton of f an order to: or, a
red' �.veSament --plane"a authorization to orae the fir' to roeto Senate;
Bim 547,local building deparcmentS t0- _undertake ea�'t�i
MLetX 21§nnir�am,
1.2. Approual of the fallowing with regatd Go Landscape laintei'aauae District
83-1 (Rancho Arbolitos, Barratt, Colonies
A. die 1986-87 Engineer's Report.
f the City Council of
B. ;Resolution No. 86--044 entitled, nA Resolution of,
the. City. of Pomy, California, Declaring the, to TAvy ; and
Collect, Within, the Paway zanascape Mantenancesmt
District No. 83-1 for Fiscal Year 1986-87, " which sets the J2!ab is
hear for June 3, .1986.
13. Approval. of the:. follawing with regard. to Landscape Maintenance, District.
86-1.: (Hirsch Ranch)
A. The 1986-87 Engineer t s Raport. establishing the 1986-87 district budget.
B. Resolution. No. 86-045 entitled, "A resolution of the City Council of
the City of PMaYr Califorrnia, daring the Intention to JZVY and
CoUect. Assessments Within the. Paway 1= scape Assessment
District No 86-1 for Fiscal Year 1986-87, u which sets theL 2tjac
hearing for June 3, 1986.
AUG 5' 6 ITEM 8
2 of 3 2177
Page 3 CMt CF Pr May 20, 1986
14 Approval of the following with regard to Landscape Maines District
f 86-2 (Sunrise Ranch)
A. Resolution No. 86-046 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of
the of poo •
tY y, Ca ifoz�n�.ap Ordering themotion of Poway
rArulsrepe ce Assessment District No. 86-2 With Wratten Consent
of .All Property Owners."
,. B. The 1986-87 Engineer's
Report establishing the 19.86-87 district 1audget.,
C. Resolution No. 86-047 entitled °'A. Resolution of the City Council l of the
City of Pocky, California, Declaring the - IntPiition to I07y and Collect
Assessments Within the Poway Assessment. District
No. 86-2 for Fiscal: Year 1986-87" which sets the public hearing for
June 3. 1986.
15. Approval of the: following with regard to Idscape Mantenenoe District
86-3 (The Pond)
A.. Resolution. No. 86.-048 entity, "A Resolution of the City Council of
they City of Powayr California Ordering the Fonmat%n of Faway
�.ascalpe.t District No. 86-3 With Written Consent_
B. The: 1986-87 IIngi is Report
establishing the 1986-87' district. bit
CW_ Resolution No. 86-49 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of FanTdy,. C31.i forma., Declaring the, Intention to Levy and Collect
Assessments Within the Poway a
No. 86--3 for Fiscal. Year 1986--87n which' - sets the public hearing for
Jmie: 3, 1986.
16. Adoption of Reso]uton No. 86-050 entitled, "A Resolution of the,City
Council of; the City of Poway, Californiar Ordering the- &Mary Vacation of
Woodset Lane, ,Abutters' Rights; of Access Appurtenant to hots 1 & 10° in.. and
to Twin Peaks Road ifonmrly, Camino de Norte) Pedestrian and; striae
Trail Easements; and a Drainage Easement, all. as Dedicated by County of Sari
- Diego, Tract No. 4107
1+ap No. 10258, and a Portion of a Drainage Easeamt :Ln
that _ Porticn. of the: South- alf of Section 2 Township 14 South, Range 2
West, San Bernarduwa Meridian (Vim; 86-06)."
17. Adaption of Resolution No.. P-86-29 entitled, "A of the City
Council of the: City of Poway, California, Approving Minor,Deve cpment. Review
86-24r, �sor r s Parcel Nmnber 323-092-51 (Port
l�o�iing ori) , n 13760 Calle Seco,
18 Approval of Resolution No. P-86-30 entitled, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Minor Deveiopnent
Ret.r ew 86-25, Asaessor's Parcel Number 3230-092®511. (Portion),.n 13725 Cade
Seco, Bert and Faith Mohling, applicants,
3 of 3 AUG 5
1886 ITEM 8,