Item 11 - Reimbursement Agmt. Between Pacific Scene, Inc. (The Pomerado Group) and the City of PowayAGENDA REPORT 1 CITY OF -POWAY I� This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will -be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to E Ca have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip'ndieating the reportnumber and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: � honorable: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM James L. Eower.sox, City Mana Alan D Archibald, Director of Public Sery cesUi _,` INITIATED.BY: ` Alan F. Schuler., Senior Civil EngineerA DATE': August 5, 1986 t SUBJECT: Reimbursement Agreement Between Pacific Scene, Inc.. (The Pomerado Group) and the City of Poway ABSTRACT Pacific Scene, Inc. (The Pomerado Group) was the developer of the Pomerado Plaza north of Poway Road at Oak Knoll Road. In 1985 the City Council entered into an agreement concerning allocation of fees (Attachment 11.. Attachment 2 is a correction of that original resolution. This new proposed reimbursement agreement (Attachment 3) formalizes and clarifies that earlier agreement and adds provisions for additional intersection. improvements. Staff recommends approval of this reimbursement agreement. BACKGROUND' Pacific Scene, Inc., in association with The Pomerado Group, developed the. Pomerado Plaza at the northeast corner of Poway Road and Oak Knoll Road in conjunction with Tentative Parcel Map No. 1671.1. On April 23_, 19850, the City Council approved Resolution { No. 85-024 which provided for the reimbursement of $3,700 in traffic signal fees and $68,996 in bridge and thoroughfare fees. The bridge. and thoroughfare fee paid was actually $65,230, not including the $3,700 traffic signal fee. The attached. resolution (Attachment 2) corrects that earlier error. The reimbursement of these fees is ..contingent upon satisfactory installation of a traffic signal at Oak Knoll Road and Poway Road by Pacific Scene and the reconstruction of a portion of the Poway Road median at thein eastern boundary. The reconstruction of the median in Poway Road has been secured by a cash deposit and will. be completed by the City after activation of the traffic signal. ACTION: AUG 5 1986 ITEM 11 1 of 7 AGENDA REPORT - July 22, 1986 Reimbursement Agreement Between Pacific Scene, Inc. (The Pomerado Group) and the City of' Poway Page 2 The proposed reimbursement agreement also.provides for the City to reimburse Pacific Scene, Inc.. for certain "Southerly Improvements" shown.on Exhibit A These, improvements were originally scheduled to be constructed as part of a City project but were deferred to allow installation. of the traffic signal.. The $19,262.1.4 to be reimbursed to Pacific Scene represents their cost for those improvements.. The traffic signal and associated, improvements are presently under . construction. In the near future, Pacific Scene will be bringing another reimbursement agreement to Council for consideration. In that case they will be asking several undeveloped properties near the intersection to.reimburse them for a share of the remaining cost of the traffic signal. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that.the City Council approve the attached "Construction Agreement for Reimbursement of Cost of Permanent. Public improvements.' between The Pomerado Group and the. City of Poway, and direct its recordation with the County Recorder.upon proper execution;., and adopt the attached. resolution:.. JLB : ADA AFS mh `a Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 85-02 2.. Resolution Correcting" Resolution No. 8:5-.02:4 1 3. Construction.Agreement for Reimbursement of Cost 2 o 7 AUG5 1986 ITEM 11 RESOLUrIC T NO. 85-024 A RFSOLUrIC i Cr THE CITY CLQTEE CITY Cts PLAY, CALIPCRREA APPROVING THE FEE ALLCC iTION =MEM BETWEEN PACIFIC SCS, INC., AND THE CITY OF PCJ Y, FOR THE. C SPRUK.TICH OF A TRAFFIC: SIGNAL AT THE INTERSE3CPION CV POWAY AND OAK KNOLL BMWS WHEREAS, Pacific Scene, Inc. desires to have the City of Py approve .the allocation of fees paid on TPM 16711, Panerado Plaza, and WHEREAS, the installation of the traffic signal will provide better access to the P nerado Plazadevelop hent, and , f WHEREAS, the City Council agrees to reimburse to Pacific Scene, Inc., at the end of constructions 1. The previously paid fee of $3,700 for the developers share of the traffic signal costs at Poway Road and: Oak Knoll Road 2 The previously paid bridge and:.thoroughfare fee of $68,996. WHEREAS, after the installation. of the traffic signal at Oak "moll Road and Poway Rcad, that the developer be required to reconstruct that portion of the medianon the eastern boundary, to its original configuration. PASSED, ADOPZ13D AND APPROVED, by the City Council ,of the City of Pbway, �.a Chlifornia, at a regular meeting rg thereof this 23rd day of April, 1985. • 4-ThTh.4rtZi. GV`S. I+ rjor e;K.., Wahisten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 1 3 of 7 AUG 5 1986 1T E 11 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAh, CALIFORNIAp APPROVING THE FEE ALLOCATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFIC SCENE, INC., AND THE CITY OF POWAY, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF,. POWAY AND OAR KNOLL ROADS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 85-024 1 WHEREAS, Pacific Scene, Inc. desires to have the City of Poway approve the allocation of fees paid on TPN 16711, Pomerado Plaza, and WHEREAS, the installation of the traffic signal will provide f better access to the pomerado Plaza development, and WHEREAS, the City Council agrees to reimburse. to Pacific. Scene, Inc., at the end of construction: 1 The previously paid fee-. of $3,700 fon the. developer's share of-'the traffic signal costs at Poway Road. and. Oak Knoll Road. 2. The previously-aid.bridge.and thoroughfare fee of $65r296.1 WHEREAS, after, the installation of the traffic signal at Oak KnollRoad and Poway Road, that the: developer:be required to E reconstruct that portion of-the median on the eastern boundary to its original configuration. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 85-024 incorrectly stated that. the previously paid bridge and thoroughfare fee was $68,996, and WHEREAS, the`City Council of the City of Poway hereby rescinds Resolution No. 85-024. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City.`Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 5th day_of August, 1986. y Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie R. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 2. AUG 5 1986 !TEM 11 4 of 7 Recording Requested BY: ) ) city of Poway ) When Recorded Mail to ) City; Clerk ) City of Poway, ) P V O Box 789 } Poway, CA 9S 0 6 4 ) (This space for Recorder's use) CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF PERMANENT f�. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TRIS AGREEMENT is made this day -of , 1986 between THE POMERADO GROUP, a California -limited partnership ("Groups') and THE CITY OF POWAY a municipal corporation. ( "City") with respect to the following: s' RECITALS: A. Group is the owner of certain real property at the northeast corner of the intersection of Poway Road and Oak Knoll Road within the city limits of City. B. Group desires to cause to be installed a traffic. signal at the intersection and to cause the con-- strdctx*on of certain improvements within: the Poway Road right-of-way (herein collectively referred to as the "Improvements") as shown schematically on Exhibit "A". C. Group is required to construct and complete certain improvements known 'as the Poway Road.Southerly Curb and Southwest Return of Oak Knoll Road ("Southerly Improvements").as shown schematically on Exhibit "A". D. City desires that. Group cause such improvements and Southerly Improvements to be made in accordance herewith. E. The parties desire to provide for reimbursement of costs for the completion of the Improvements and Southerly Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and other good and valuable "consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows ATTACHMENT3 AUG 5 1986 STEM 11 5 of 7 r 1. Group hereby agrees to commence and complete construction of the Improvements and Southerly Improvements in accordance with all plans and specifications approved by City, which improvemnts shall be completed on or before December -31, 1987; provided, however, any delays caused by events beyond the control of Group shall extend `the completion date to the same event. Such events shall include labor disputes,"fire, unusual delay in transportation, adverse weather conditions, =avoidable casualties beyond Group's control "Completion.Date");. 2. Upon acceptance of the improvements by the City, City furthermore agrees to reimburse Group $19,262.14 from the Capital Improvement Construction Fund. 44, The improvements shall., be deemed completed when they are:completed'in accordance V1th the approved. plans and specifications therefore to the satis.- faction of the City Engineer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this. Agreement as of the date first above written at San Diego County, California.. THE;.POMERAD`0 GROUP,. i. a California limited partnership . PACIFIC IG SCENE"., INC. a California corporation By: Its CITY OF POWAY, a Municipal corporation By: Carl -R. Kruse, Mayor t. AUG,5 9986 ITEM 11 6 of 7 n o 0) m EXHIBIZI SCO'' 'CONSTRUCTION :AGREEMENT S17?1/45 LEFT TURN E . AND Cl/R8 L1�/ /ff #./m/...(2 viz co#:7.-zy, "Ay REMOif MELD/AN 410 PQUF POWA ' ROAD SOUTHERLY IMPROVEMENTS ., REMOVE 1514AIDAND CONSTRUCT CURS, GUTT '4AJD SPE' ----DEDICATE OAk HAMILL R/iV NOTE FOR NSW DET4I45.5EE CI YOFPiu4Y PLANS AIQ, 801-01-/70 /-1 POPAr/KW0.4111(LLRO TI ility521 •ew) ONTE'RSECTIOA11MP YEEAfaliJ�'LF IMPROIEMEHT eXlylhl9' 1r •A —MODII Y 1/ILET NEW 510141. • er RFAINECURA &404U/TE(P4VEVI T CO/JMUCT /Jus1La APRIL IO.IQS F 20o198GOWL INGINEENNA AND PLANNINI .t. PROJECT DESIGN QONSuLTANTT IMO Soma Ai+.M6..X04Ian OS►OWN ewe f11MR1 • 1 •