Item 14 - Reimbursement to Carmel Mountain Ranch for Additional Costs to Install a Sewage Metering StationAGENDA REPORT
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M: Honorable Mayos and Members of the City Council
FRflt++l: James L. Bowersox, Ci. `
Il1iA'T'F'� By: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services/City Engineer..
BATE': August Sy 1986
SUBJECT: PWnbursement to: Car1Ml Mbuntain Ranch for Additional, Costs
to Install a Sege Metering Station
Because of disagreements between the City of San Diego and the
other Metro sewer system users regarding accurate measurements
of sewer flows, all the Metro agencies have agreed to standardize
the- method of metering sewage flows
Earlier this year, a standard was established for an electronic
metering station that will be installed in a special` manhole at
all points within the Metro system where flows cross jurisdictional
As ,a condition of development of a portion.of. Carmel Mountain. Ranch
(CMR), west, of our City limits, CMR was required to install a meter-
ing station on the 12` -inch sewer main, where it enters the City of
Poway. During the discussion of where the meter would be installed,
it was discovered that by moving easterly, a larger metering station
could be installed downstream of the connection point for the Bernardo
Heights sewer main., thereby eliminating the need for an additional
metering station for Bernardo Heights. CMR has agreed to install
the larger metering station at the new location, provided that the
City of Poway pay forr the additional expensesof$11,000.
The elimination of the metering station for Bernardo Heights will
save the Cit of Poway
City y approximately $50,000, plus the lifetime
maintenance. of -the additional station, less the $11,,000 for
AUG 5 1986 ITEM 14
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