Item 16 - Annexation to Sewer Improvements District - Harmon_AUG 5 S86 1 - e - - -- - - - - - - PROPOSED HARMON ANNEXATION TO. THE CITY OF PONAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT I SCALE: 1. 1000' " zil S. 7X 691 CONSULTANTS, INC. VICINITY MAP��- camAmts ta Gaft"W"W" Ageroft 5 16880 West Semardo Dr. - San Diego. CA 92127 AUG 1986 11 E m 16. 2 of 6(619)451-6100 052-224-'513 ITACHMENT 1 3 of 6 HARMONTO ANTHNEEXATION CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 14 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WES.T, _ SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY APPROVED FEBRUARY 24, 1876 AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18, SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE 0 H N0' HW QUA': R OF SAID SECTION 18 TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE BEARING WESTERLY AND- BEING PARALLEL WITH AND 125.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID LINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE BEARING NORTHERLY AND BEING PARALLEL WITH AND 170.78 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE. EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING THEREIN 0.49 ACRES JUNE 19, 1986 052-2.24-347 ATTACHMENT 2 AUG5 1986 ItLM 16 4 of 6 City -Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive "1" ---Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 (619) 748-6600, (619) 6954400 CITY OF POWAY HarmAnn xa Project Title NOTICE OF EXEMPTION (15035.5 CEQA Guidelines; 14157 Melodie Lane. Poway. CA Project Location - Specific '.t P•wa Project Location,- City -'4 Project Location County Annexation of existing facilities and'Iots Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project Citv of Powav Name. of. Public Agency Approving Project Citv of Poway Name of > Person or Agency Carrying Out Project Exempt Status: (Check. One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. . 15071 (a)) Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and. (c) X Categorical Exemption. State type and section number; Reasons why_ project is exempt: Class 19A - Annexation of existing facilities and lots for exempt facilities Alan D. Archibald 619 695-1400 Ext. 266 Contact Person Area -Code Telephone. Extension Date Received for Filing 4/23/86 ACHMENT' 3 i Director of Pubic Services \, AUG5 1986 tbtM 16 CARL R. KRUSE,: Mayor MARY SHEPARDSON, Deputy Mayor` BRUCE TARZY, CounciImember LINDA ORAVEC,Counci'Imember BOB EMERY, Counciknember CITY OF POWAY CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Each of the undersigned represents that he (he} is the owner of the property described opposite his (her). name and hereby consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the annexation thereof subject to the following conditions: ADDRESS Current Annexation Fee Current Administrative Deposit - 1' % 7 PROPERTY DESCRIP ON OR COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER (attach. description, if necessary).3 - /RD 0` 8'� Date Signature Date Signature Date ATTACHMENT 4 5 of 6 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ' Mailing. Address: P.O: Box 789, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 Signature AUG 5 1986 l 1. L 16 R1E3SOLUTIMT Na. A RESOLUTION OF TE CITY CCS CF TfiE CITY OF POWAY, CALEFORMA, ANNEXCNG TERRIMEL' TO Tflff SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISIRICT OE CITY OF RIMY HARMON14157 MELODIE LANE TfaMEAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires seumr.' service; and WHEREAS, property must be within. the Sewer Improvement Districtto receive sewer service; and SEAS, the, City Council of the. City of Pay has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to Sewer 3lmprovenent District of the City of Poway... MIEREFCRE, 8E` rr RESOLVED THAT 1. Ste territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A. The conditions: of annexation are: payment of the sum of $ 675.00 to the City of Pommy for the right anduse of allexisting ° property, real and personal of the Sewer. Improvement District. The payment of all costs of said apnexation, including but not limited to advertising, engineering, and attorney's fees. The inclusion of the territory, in. the Sewer laprovarent District is in the best interest of the land owners- and the City of Pcw ay._ The annexation has been. reviewedpursuant to the = provisions of the California Environnental. Quality Pct, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Durations. No City tax: split shall occur, due to this annexation. lbe property is within the corporate boundary of the City' of Panay and the annexation. is to an improvenent district withi'.n. the City.. The annexation of the territory described in. Exhibit A shall became effectiveiiately upon passage of the Resolution. 7. The City Clerk .shall .make the necessary filings requiredby law. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROMD, by the City Council of the City of Poway, Ca:1 ifornia, at a regular meeting thereof this 5th day of August, 1986. AI'• Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 6 of 6 CACHMENT 5 Carl. R. Kruse, Mayor AUG 5 1986 E.1 t, INS` 16