Item 17 - Annexation to Sewer Improvement District - KingAGENDA REPORT ` -' aF G1� W'9p CITY OF -POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will -be no separate discussion of the. report prior to approval by the City Council unless members, of the council, staff or public - ' request it to Ys- removed. from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately.. If you wish to have this -report pulled :for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerkprior to the beginning of the City council meeting. - JO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the _City Council ' FROM::_ James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATER BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services/City Engineer DATE: August 5, 1986 SUBJECT: Annexation to Sewer Improvement District - Kin _ F g 3 BACKGROUND:. The boundariesof the City of Poway's Sewer Improvement District are�not coterminous with the boundaries: of the City of Poway. All properties receiving sewer service must be -included in said District. FINDINGS; 1.: The King p-roperty is not within the boundaries of the Sewer Improvement District (Attachment 1). The legal description of the proposed annexation is as described`in Attachment 2. 3. Project is exempt under CEQA - Attachment 3., 4. The property owners have consented to the annexation (Attachment 4) and have paid the required fees. RECOMMENDATION. It is recommended the City Council adopt the: standard resolution, Attachment 51 f ordering. the King annexation to the Sewer Improvement District and authorize the City Clerk toi make the necessary filingsrequired by law. JLB :'ADA: mh Attachments: Vicinity Map_ 2:. Legal`Description E 3.. CEQA Document 4� Consent to Annexation { 5. Resolution '. AUGdM 1986 ITE M 17 t, PROPOSED AGING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAYSEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SCALE. 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J j�M►1: i • s. 1 r �'tr , �,.� £ .Sp i Y�: w•4'Y < ' �. oe• ® ••• `ve•.�'�_:` 'r t;ti.: :.'�vfit2`I �.r..:• �:\�F•. r"..« orf '..� • --n •p' j� ` � ♦���. .� . • .. saw®�• t PROPOSE- i ANNEXATIC U � 7 1 EXIST DISTRICT BOUNDA "IST DISTR Z. •.. � ' t., a _`tib' �- ; ��eo � � o.� s �.��se�.s..�:��O s. �.� s. s. • � sOst�C 4T •At _ 1 CONSULTANTS,, I Nc.U IC I N ITY MAP C"wwum fr.GammwrmzW 04encim 16890 West Bernardo Dr. • San Diego, CA 52127 AUG 5 16'19) 451-6100 -ATTACHMENT 1 2 of 6 Ism ITEM -1 052-224-520 3 of 6 KING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 275-270-1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING ALL OF PARCEL 3, ACCORDING TO PARCEL MAP NO. 14000, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE. OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBERR. 29, 1985, AS FILE NO. 85-404022 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3,. SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENTALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE: OF SAID PARCEL 3 NORTH 89°21'34" EAST 252.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY` OF POWAY SEVER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND -TEE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL'S SOUTH 0°46'26' EAST 342.05 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 WHICH BEARS RADIALLY SOUTH 88°58'55" VEST 443.36 FEET TO A POINT ON . 35.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY;; THENCE NORTHERLY . ALONG THE. ARC OF SAID CURVE' THROUGH. A CENTRAL ANGLE OR 45°35'05" AN ARC LENGTH OF 27.85 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID ARC THROUGH WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH ;43°23'50" EAST; THENCE LEAVING SAID POINT EASTERLY, NORTH 88°58'55" EAST 201.45 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0040'48" WEST 318.71. FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING THEREIN 2.10 ACRES, JULY 16, 1986 052-224-520 ATTACHMENT 2 AUG 5 1986 ITEM 17 CI i Y OF POWAY nu rHa NOTICE OF EXEMPTION (15035.5 CEQA Guidelines) icing, Annexation Project, Title Parcel 3 of PM 14000. (Highland Terrace) Pro j;ect Location - Specfie. City of Poway County of San Diego Project Location - City Project Location - County Annexation. of existing facilities and lots Description of Nature=. Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project* City of Poway: Name of Public Agency Approving Project - City of Poway Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project Exempt Status: (Check One.) Ministerial (,Sec... 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 (a)} Emergency Project (.Sec. 15071. (b) and {e} 2 Categorical'Exemption. State type and section numbers: Reasons why project is exempt: Class 19A - Annexation.of existing facilities; and lots for exempt facilities Alan D Archibald 619 748®6600 Ext. 266' Contact Person Area Code Telephone Extension Date Received for Filing 6/16/86 Director of Publ-c Services 1 ATTACHMENT 3 i AUG 5 1986 ITEM. 1r { City -Hall Located at 13325 CivicCenterDrive 4 of 6 ng Address:. P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 ' (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 CARL R KRUSE,Mayor MARY SHEPARDSON Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY, Counciimearber LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember BOB EMERY, Councitmember CITY OF POWAY CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (her) name and hereby consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the annexation thereof subject to the following conditions; Current Annexation Fee Current Administrative Deposit ADDRESS /.37So ( kL4b I E2 QA C p' c..� c.,► A Z Oto 5% c PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OR. COUNTY POSSESSOR'S PAR EL NUMBER (attach description., if necessary) 40 ( 3 a -F ' ,1 ) (too® Date Date Date ATTACHMENT 4 Signature Signature Sign.: t 5 of City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748-6600, (619) 6954400 6 AUG 5 1996 ITEM Ir _ESCII� T CN Noe . A QFTHE CITY COUNCIL C THE C= CP PCWY# CALIEv Mr A1^?: TQ TO TFo: ', • Dlsr?T = CF THE CM CP PvMs - KING - 13750 HIGHLANDS TERRACE; WHE=Sr the Property described in Exhibit A requires sem service; and pro Y' must be within the Se4er Mnprovement Districtto receive sewer service; and "MMSF the: City cmwil, of the City of Pomy has,: revisqed, and considered the annexation of thepro aerty to S r .IWroveaent District, of the City of Pa aay. r IM RESM= MRT { i, I. The, territory to he =exed is: as described, 3n- Exhibit. A. 2. tae vonc3tionsL of annexaton are: a. The payment of the sum of $ . 1275 to the City of Poway for the. right, and use of all existing prcpe tyr. real ansa of the Sir m1gravement District. b. The Payment of all., costs of said anne�ration, includ ng but not, • advertising, engineering, and. attorney's fees.' : limited. to 3.. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Mrprovement. Distirct is in the best interest. of: the land awmers and. the City of Pcmy. 40"%be action. has been. reviewedpursuant to the provisions of the California a. Environmental Qual:i:ty Act0 and has. been fdund , to be. exeupt ander Class 19 of Categorical tons. 5 N6 City tax; split shall.; occur cane to this. ton. The. Property, is within the corporate: bo�my of the City of Panay and the ar�neication. ' ' rove neat district. within the City. is to an i mA 6'. The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall-baccme sae of the_ Resolution. effective snu�ately upan passage . 70 The City Clerk shall , maIe the necessary filings required by law; Pyr ADCPTED. AMID. APES r by the City Council of the City of kyr ( l fornia, at a regular meeting thereof this: 5th coy of August, 1986. Carl R. -Kruse:, IAyor Arra : r Marjorie: K. MUsten,; City Clerk AUG 5 1986 I T E M 1 r rTACHMENT 5 6 of 6