Item 20 - Establishing a Temporary "all-Way" Stop at the Intersection of Community Road and Aubrey Street and at Aubrey and York StreetsAGENDA REPORT OF OW CITY OF PO`iiiAY report is included: on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of they reportrior to a p approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public too request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and. discussed separately. If you wish to c'tN THE co have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. � � Vic' � yk �e # * �e SFr stt sir it �t � , # � # * � � ,* �• � * � � * � � * aY 3r � � 9fr # sF 9fe # �: TO: Honorable Mayor and Manbers of the City Council FROM: James L. BcrderSox, City INITIATED BY. Alan D. Archibald,, Director of lic Services/City Enginm(W s DATES August 5 1986 SUBJECT: Establishing a Temporary "All -,Way"' Stop at the Intersection of Ccammun ty Road, and Aubrey Street and at Aubrey and York Streets B At the duly 29, 1986 meeting, Council. directed staff to prepare a resolution authorizing �toporary "four�ay" stop at the intersection of Community Road and. Aubrey Street. upon reviewing the detour for Midland Read, staff also feels that a temporary "four y" stop is needed at the intersection of Aubrey and York Streets. During the relocation of utilities and reconstruction of Midland Road, between Aubrey. Street and Twin Peaks Road, Aubrey Street. and York Street will be used as detour L routes. During the detour period, Aubrey Street and York Street must carry a much greater traffic load: ` than normal. t In order to provide traffic control at the subject intersections, temporary "four-way" stops should be installed. In addition, Sheriff deputies should monitor and control traffic during peak traffic periods at the Ca mom ty Road and Aubrey Street: intersection. 1��C�T+���IDI�1TZfi� It is recamiended that the City Council approve theattachedresolution, Attachment 1, authorizing the installation of temporary "all -u y" stops at the intersections of Canuunity Road and Aubrey Street, and Aubrey Street and York Street, and direct the Sheriff's Department to rentor the :Comuaity Road intersection during peak: traffic periods and direct traffic as necessary to avoid long delays .on amity Rroad. JLB ADA:pg/ - Attachment (1) ACTIO AUG 5 1986 ITEM 20 ,4 RRSOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POMY', CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHiISG "ALT.-WAY" STOPS AT THE INTERSE =ICK OF C=ITY ROAD AND AUBREY STREET AND' AT THE ?.MRSF( `].'ION- OF AM= STREET AM YORK STREET WH R7MS Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establish- ment of an "All--May" stop intersection in the City of Poway and WHEREAS, during the reconstruction of Midland. Road, Aubrey Street and York Street wdn be used as detourroutes. l� NW, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with;. said Section 21351, a temporary "=--Way" stop intersection is 'hereby established at the lnterseC-� tion. of Cccmlunity Road and Aubrey Street during the reconstruction period. of Midland. Road.. ,gni, -nimemum, _ BE IT FuRTR RESOLVED, that In accordancewith said Section k 21354 a temporary 11a11-aay" stop intersection is hereby established at the intersection of Aubrey Street and York Street during the reconstruction- period of Midland 'Road.. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPEtWM y by the City Council of the: City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 5th day of August, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATIESTqev Marjorie K. Nahlsten, City Clerk F C i C F IR/Sl- AUG 5 1986 ITEM 20