Item 4 - CUP 84-19TE and DR 84-30TE - Philip ButzenTO:. FROM: INITIATED BY. DATE. SUBJECT: ABSTRACT MkGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor. and. Members of the City Counci • s �® James L. Rowersox, City Mana Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services. August 12, 1986 Conditional Use Permit 84-19TE and Development Review 84-30TE Philip: Butzen, Applicant: A request for a one-year time extension for a ` conditional use per- mit and a. development review for ,a 70 -bed addition to Green Valley Convalescent Center' in the CO (Commercial Office) and RS -7 (Residential Single Family) zones located at 12695 and 12696 Monte Vista Road. APN: 275-460-12, 13, and 52 PROJECT PLANNER PARCEL SIZE:. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDINGDESIGNATIONS REBATED CASES! :. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Sharon Crockett, Assistant Planned. 42. Gross Acres, 4.26 Net Acres Commercial Office and Residential Single Family 5 (4-7 Du/Net acre) Commercial Office and Residential Single Family 7 (4-7 Du/Net acre? (See Attachment 2.) CUP 84-19 and DR 84-30 None A Negative Declaration was issued on August. 27, 1985 Approve` subject to conditions °F 22 Agenda Report August 12, 1986 Page 2 Adft BACKGROUND A. Project Description On August 27, 1985 the Council approved Conditional Use Permit 84-19 and Development -Review 84-30 These approvals will allow the construction of a 70 -bed addition to the:exsting Green Valley Convalescent Center which is located at.12695 Monte Vista Road.. A parking lost to serve the: existing and the: proposed facilities will ba constructed. on a .7 acre site, across: the street from, the existing center at 12695 Monte Vista Road. Section of Conditional Use Permit and Section 17.52..120, Expiration and Extension of the Municipal Code state a conditional use permit and development review shall become void one year, following the date: on which they were approved, unless prior to the expiration date a building permit is issued and construction of the building has. commenced. Mr. B.utzen is requesting a. one-year time extension for CUP" 84-19 and DR 84-30 to 'allow him to continue.to process his plans through the: State for his building permit. The State has, issued him a Gere tificate of need forthe. 70 -bed expansion to the existing 149 bed convalescent center* Mr.. Butzen is not proposing toadd or to change the approved project. The architectural style of the addi- tion Is s immilar to the: existing center (see Attachments. 7 and. 8), Permitted lot coverage was based upon, combining the. gross acreage of the parcels on. both, sides. of Monte Vista Road (see -Attachment 3) Parcel 1 (3.516). plus Parcel 2: ( .:70) 4,26 acres. x. . 4:0 (allowable cover.,age. a 74,226 square feet.. Existing and proposed lot coverage is 65,,00.6- square feet.: Thereforer the project complies with the lot. coverage. restrictions of the CO' and. RS: -7 zones. The; property on which the existing convalescent center is located is zoned Commercial Office:., Accross the street,, the property on which the parking lot will be constructed is zoned Single Family 7.. Surrounding zoning and land use is as follows: the.property to the north is zoned open Space and: is the siteof Pomerado Hospi'tall-I the property to the west is zoned Commercial Office and is developed with a single family residence and barn; the property to the south is zoned Residential Single Family 7 and is developed with single family dwelling units.; and the property to the east is zoned. Residential Single Family 4 and is currently being developed'as a senior retirement facility. The majority of: surrounding land uses are medical, dental, or related.health services. The properties to the easti, west., and south of the proposed parking lot are zoned RS -7 and are developed with single family dwelling units. B. Develoomen_t Facilities Development facilities pertaining to street improvements, grading, drainage, flooding, public services, and facilities to serve the existing and proposed facilities were required with the approval of previous applications that established the use on the property.. 2 OF Z 2 AUG 121986 1TEM Agenda Report August 12;, 1986 Page 3 The applicant is required, to construct. a safe pedestrian crossing between the parking lot and the convalescent center and to require employees to park in. said lot... The. parking spaces on the center's grounds will be designated for visitors. Additional development facilities. pertaining to the development: of the. parking lot were 4 incorporated: in the resolution of approval,. C Environmental Review. A Negative Declaration was issued on August 27, 1985. Additional 4 environment review is not required. with the granting of a time extension. since there are no proposed additions or changes to the. approved project.. Thus, the existing Negative Declaration satin pP Pies: the. requirement of CEQA.. C D Corres ondence, Notice ofPublic Searing for this project has beensent. to alllpro- pertyowners within SQ0 feet. of the sites boundaries and legs notice: has been published in the Poway News Chieftain . FINDINGS The location,. size:, design, and operating characteristics of the: ro seed. addition tv Green Valley Cohvalescent Center and the adja- cent parking lot with recommeded modifications will be.compatible with and will not. adversely effect or be. materially detrimental to adjacent uses,:resdences., buildings, structuresF or natural resources. Public; facilities, services, and utilities will be pro vided. The site - A'S suitable for the type and intensity of the use that is proposed because the proposed, use- wall be compatible with the Code, the purpose: of, the zones in which the site is located, the Poway General Plan., and the development policies and standards: of the City. RECOMMENDATION e it is recommended that. the City Council approve a. one-year trona extension for Conditional Use Permit 84-19and Development Review 84-30 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB.RWT SEC:pn Attachments:. _1, Proposed Resolution for CUP 84-19TE' and. DR 84-3QTE 2 Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 3 Vicinity Map 4,, Site Plan 5 Proposed Parking Lo 6. Wall Section T. Elevations of Proposed. Addition 8, Elevations of Existing Convalescent Center 9 Resolution No. P-85-5.4 3 of 2 2; AUG 12 1986 ITEM 44 A RESOLUTION NO. P A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 84-19TE AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 8'4-30TE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER -275-4160-12:1 131and 52 WHEREAS`, Conditional Use Permit 8,4-19TE. and Development Review 84-30TE submitted by- Philip B�atzen, applicant, a request for a one-year time extension for a 70 -bed addition to Green Valley Convalescent Center and a parking lot in the CO and -RS -7 zones located at 12695 and 126'96 Monte. Vista Road in the City of Poway.. County of San Diego, State of California,= regularly carne before. the. City Council for public hearing and. action on. August 12:, 1986; and WHEREAS, on August 12., 1986, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the public, both pro andcon,-relative to this application. - NOW.. THEREFORE, the -City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1; Findings: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. That the location,. size, design, and operating charas .,�,. teristics of the proposed use will' be: compatible with and will not. adversely affect or be materially detr- s mental to adjacent uses, residences,, buildings.,' struc� tures.,, or natural resources 2 That the harmony in scale, bulk, coverage:, and, density is consistent with, adjacent uses; 3 That there are available public facilities, services, and utilities; 4.. That there will not be a harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood characteristics, 5. That the' -generation of traffics will not adversely impact the surrounding streets: and/or the City's Circulation Element; 6. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of use.or development which is proposed• 7 That there will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources, :a 4 AUG 121986 ITEM 4 50F22 • -Resolution No. P Page 2 That there areno other relevant negative impactsof the proposed use that cannot be mitigated; and That the impacts, as described above, and the location of the proposed use will not adversely affect the City of Poway General Plan for future as well as present development. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1. That. the Proposed development is in conformance with. the Poway General Plan; 2. That the proposeddevelopmentwill not have anadverse aesthetic, health,safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties; 3. That the proposeddevelopment is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; and 4. That the proposed development encourages theorderly and harmoniousappearance of structures andproperty within. the City. _ Section 2 Environmental Findings: The Negative Declaration issued on. August 27, 1985 satisfies the requirements of CEQA. No further. environmental review is required for the granting of a time extension for thispro- ject. ro-ject. Section 3 Conditional Use Permit 84-19TE and Development Review 84--30TE. are hereby approved subject the thefollowing conditions 1. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2. All conditions. of Conditional Use Permit 84-19 and Development Review 84-30 shall apply. 3. This time extension shall expire on August 12, 1987 and no further extensions: can be granted. AUG 1.2 1986 ITEM Resolution No. Page 3 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 12th day of August, 1986. Marjorie: K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ITEM (AW6j�C P44/j/ TITLE .wva =atist•<; ATTACHMENT 7 OFA AUG 1 2 1986 ITE 4 •-- �, .' aar. �C ref y aaa� i! : ..ash_♦�cr..-.•_ ..:.♦ �._ �: JA Bill 4p u i♦9a�d�•�� a'.— 15�--. .•+� . _ r►_ ...-tilt INS win Iwo] - -• -T-�. .... -. �.�...a..n mmm- '!ter •-.. . >.... ��a i a.—a.. III Sit ���N�- �. �[• a-- �. . 7 ITEM (AW6j�C P44/j/ TITLE .wva =atist•<; ATTACHMENT 7 OFA AUG 1 2 1986 ITE 4 r22 AUG 12 1986 ITEM 4. CONVAtillielar COM* tonal C13•IillItC111316.- Q': $ • - ``•�9. •1 100/1211419 1S atD-aOCtffi! • 6t iSiSA4 • ®.ti x' o t RS 4- ter e •• .s ets. JSO 1: s.. mat Gmr - IANJI OaM • YDNTE ITA ROAD — s��-- s ,a r 1 } I ori,= C . i •ua.0e18. eat . - attic. i s.....• las A►+vs..RS T • •.771: 1 Icor S - ITEM 7, psIrGve.64-301.3 ®264-3 TITLE SITS' .Z74.424/ ATTACHMENT 2 9 OF AUG 121986 ITEM 4 i mG A GIA► 1 'l A=RZD AREAS'. INQICAT> _ t _LANDSCAPING ftIRRIGATtON —,.-s-T ` �- f.! %F rl� . � � `• • . o is _ ==fill r V4 HIGH _M7►KY �V�I {' ,'` l,f�` • .61G' KIWAVERAGE) V CMrC. rMM�AASC'.�t fiY&WE• WA FASr wdlrp yMr, (� p,�t:�,�`�O jals -24 ..,� _ .,� t .. t. I I41 .. ZGTAL. FAK Kit-tG FCR 616 t /! V•kyr �'i , 7.() leed - y• N - EXISTING RESIDENCE o..SCAILF .LrU 40 SJTF PIAN: e= POvOSF FQK1. ADDI1[f _._IES GREN NALLEY CONVA. SCINT CCNTER- _ JAI08, -ITEM I:aM. CIr"Y TITLE : �%�► SCALE _.T ACH ENT r- AUG 12 1986 ITEM M 14-CF22AUG 12 1986 M 4 } Resolution No.. F 85-54 _ Page 2 k r. S That there are no other relevant negative impacts of the proposed use - that cannot be mitigated; and 9. That the impacts, as described above, and the location of the proposed use will not adversely affect. the City, of Poway General Plan for future asp well- as present r development. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW le That -the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan. - 2. lan;2 That the proposed development. will not.have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties; 3. That the proposed development i.s in compliance with the Zoning, ordinance; and: 4. That the -proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious: appearance of structures and property within the City. Section 2; Environmental Findings: The City Council finds that this project -will not haver signi.i- _ cant adverse impacts on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. Section 3s. Conditional Use Permit 84-19 and Development Review 94-30 are hereby approved subject the the following conditions and. the, attached Standard Conditions: la Thedeveloper shall provide a pedestrian crossing from the parking lot to; the convalescentcenter to allow safe access. across Monte Vista Road with the design to the satisfaction -of the Directors of Public Services and. Planning Services prior to occupancy of the addi- tion. 2 A detailed -landscape and irrigation plan shall be sub- mitted and approved prior to building permit issuance by the Directors of Public and Planning Services.. Said plan shall include the following landscape , elements: a. A vine/espalier planting on the concrete block wall fence along the boundaries of the parking lot on Parcel. 2;: 15 of 2 - AUG, 12 1986 ITEM 4 i . Resolution No. P 85 -5 4 Page. 3 tr ` b. A three foot earthen berm or, masonry wall_ between the required parking areas and Monte Vista Road for the, center site (Parcel -1) and the parking lot (Parcel 2). - c. one 15 -gallon tree per. City specifications. for every three parking spaces. Said tree shall be located to provide shade cover for vehiccles. d. A five foot off-site landscape strip along the easterly property line-. e. Landscape the triangular shaped property imme- diately to the west of Parcel 2's northwest. corner, and the area immediately parallel with the. westerly property line. f. One 15 -gallon tree per City specifications along the westerly property line of the existing facil- ity for every 24 foot linear increment as shown on the' site: plan to visually buffer the -loading dock area and to delineate the proposed overflow parking spaces area.: Said area shall be striped to City standards' . 3 A six foot: concrete. block wall fence shall- be constructed along the east, south r and west property lines to the satisfaction of the Director of '.Planning Services. 4. A demolition or relocation permit is required prior to both the removal of the houses on Parcels 1 and 2 and to building permit issuance ` for the addition to the convalescent center.~. S. Parcel 1 (APN; 275-464-12 and 13) and Parcel 2 (APN-. 275-460:-52) shall be merged and a deed restric. tion shall be recorded to prohibit the sale or lease of -the the parking lot separate from the convalescent center prior to occupancy of the addition. 6. Ail. parking, lot. lights shall be shielded in a manner that the Light. is directed away from streets or adjoining properties, and.the hours of operation shall be controlled by a timer to the approval of the Director of. Planning Services. AUG 12 1986 ITEM 4 I b 0Q 2 • Re . -s utien No. P 85-54 Page 4 Section 4: City Council Decision. The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 84-19 and Development. Review -84-30. subject to the following Standard Conditions: I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING.COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1.. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site pians on file in the -Planning Services Department and` the conditions can tained herein.. 2. Revised.site plans and building elevations incorporating all con- ditions of approval shall be submitted to. the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall. not waive compliance with all sec- tions of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed. by' a 6 to City, -� foot high masonry wall with view -obstructing gates pursuant standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 5.. All roof appurtenances, including.air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and `-streets as required by the Planning Services Departments 6,. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being of approval contained herein commenced thereon, all conditions shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 7. The applicant shall comply with the -latest adopted.Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National. Electric>Code, Uniform.Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in'effect at the time of building permit issuance. 8. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible Safety construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of y Services that water supply and facilities for,fire protection is required.byh available. Where additional fire protection Director of Safety' Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction. 270F22 AUG 12 1986. ITEM 4 resolution No- P 55-54 ' page 5 r industrial development, or addition to an 9 For a new commercial °thea applicant shall pay development fees existing development, h fees may include, but not be limited the established rate. Such water and Sewer Service Fees.` to: Permit and Plan Checking Feesr shall be paid prior to building perr�a.t issuance. These:_ .fees - n andJor addresses shall be:placed on all new 10 . Building identificat3.o lainly visible from the street and existing buildings so as to be P or access road, color of identification andJo addresses shall contrast with their background color. B. p ING AND `VEHICULAR ACCESS • landscaping shall. consist of 'a. mnimtun of oneaces 1 All parking lot 1 three t3) parking sP anon size: tree for every °j fifteen (15.) g a minimum 12 inch wide walk- ad:jaceneular For � arising lot islands `_n stalls shall be provided and. he saodraconcrete cement k 'parking 6 inch wide portl areas by a 6 inch highr curbing• pre sodium and have a maximum lot lights shall; be low P asking 2., Parking 1g) feet from the finished grade. of the p height of eighteen t erty linea, adjacent E surface: and, be directed away from all pro P t streets and residences. _ 24 feet. wide and. two-way traffic aisles hall be a minor ed free and clear, a 3 All two Y provided, malnt emergency access` shat be P cons ruction in ti�T minimum of 2.4 feet wide ;at all times during accordance= with Safety Services Department requirements. a minimum of 25 � of the lots with 4, The developer shall provide pursuant to adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle theestorage of j City standards, and the C C. &R"' wired front yard setback recreational vehicles in the. req C. LANDSCAPING tion lan shall be submitted to and 1. A detailed landscapead irria nServices Department and Planning Services f approved by the Pubic Department prior to the issuanee of building permsts. anon size or, larger, shall be ; 2, Street trees a minimum` of 15 gallon Cit of Poway ordinance. and shall installed in accordance wit h the Y be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20 feet on exterior streets hrivnc ed areas. shall be maintained in a healthy and t 3. All landscaped "c tion, free, from weeds, trash, and debris. Gond � 18OF2Z AUG 12 1986 ,ITEM 4 Resolutiva No. P 85-54 Page D SIGNS 4 An sin -proposed for this development shall be designed and Y g r approved in conformance wits the Sign Ordinance. f E . RECREATION 1, Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees at the established . rate shall be made prior to building permit issuance. F. EXISTING STRUCTURES NO CONDITIONS G. ADDITIONALgPRo®ALs REQUIRED No CONDITIONS IZ. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES ;DEPARTMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. � REGARDING COMPLIANCE 1f R. GRADING 1. Grading of the subject. property shall be in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance, approved grading Uniform Building Code, plan and, geotechnical: report, and accepted grading practices. 2. g The rading pian shall contain a certificate signed by ar�g tared has a minimum of 10 civil engineer that.the grading pian preserved feet of solar access for each dwelling unite and. €or each square:.- future building site. within the subdvis on. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed. California to perform such world prior to bui ds.ng by the State of permit issuance. 4. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by and Public Services Department and shall tie 1 the Planning Services completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building .permit, whichever comes first. i I. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1.. Street. .improvements that include, but are not limited to I e. a. Sidewalks Cross gutter X -b. Driveways ®f. Alley gutter Vic. Wheel chair ramps: ®g Street paving Curb and gutter ,__ h • Ailey Paving shall` be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public . Services . f �9 ar 2 12 i9�6 IT EM , AUG Resola "on No. P 85-54 Page 7 • All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. • Prior to any work being performedin the public- right-of-way,- an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid,in, addition: to any other permits required • The developer shallpay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate prior to building permit issuance. T. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD: CONTROL l.: The master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate in..accordance 'with the Drainage Ordinance prior to building Permit issuance,. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be Permitted. . UTILITIES . All proposed utilities within -the project shallbe installed underground including existing- utilities along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5 IV. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall. be: designed. and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the Health. Department of the County of San Diego. GENERAL, REQUIREMENT AND APPROVALS NO CONDITIONS APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 27th day of August, 1985. ATTEST: • /ha/LAI...a_ V, :0 I Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 20OF22 Robert C. Emery M AUG 12 1986 ITEM 4