Item 7 - Munutes of RDA Meeeting July 29, 1986SOT APOVE CITY OF PONE, CALIFCEODX MINIMS OF TEE 16213LAR MEWING JULY 29, 1986 The J1i1:y 29, 1986, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Centex Drive, Poway, rA forn a. DINCIMS AtENERING ROLL CALL Meryltab Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Carl. Kruse DIREIMEOBS-MEM AT ICUs CALL Bice Tarzy James Bowers= Executive Director John Fitch. Assistant Executive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE ' AUDIENCE Director Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. =EX 4 C�'I' A OF PARTICIPATIC Staff report. by Executive Director Bowersax. Ca June 12, the Redevelopment Agency approved. a financing plan which included the issuance of $10 million lion of Certificates of Participat c a._ Ca ally 22, the Agency agreed to finance a c a n munity swimming peal, a performing arts cater and a neighborhood park with these funds. Recommendation is. to adopt a. R lution authorizing the sale and also several. agreatents pertaining to the sale. Motion by Director Oravec, SECOladed by Director Shepardson, to adopt Resolution No. R-86-14 entitled, *A Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, Approving the. Preparation, Sale. and. Delivery of $10,000,000 Principal Amount of Certificates of - Participation and Approving Certain. Documents and Authorizing Certain Actions in. Connection Therewi..thn and authorize the Chairman rm and Secretary to execute the required documents. Motion carried 4-0 with Director. Tarzy absent. AUXURENENT Upoxi motion by Diitor Ekery, seconded by Director Oravec, Chairman Kruse arced. the ting adjourned. The tin of adjoarnment was 7:40 p.m, Marjorie K. W hlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency AUG 12 1986 ITEM 234