Item 10 - Release of Grading Securities for the Improvement of Big Bucks Way as Shown on City Drawing No. L-0052/G 132-83 for TPMs 15179 and 16622® . ` . �. 4 � rr � �i Agenda Report Release of Grading Securities Big Bucks Way (L-0052) August 12., 1986 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION` It is recommended that: the City Council authorize the release of the grading bond #1432228 in the amount. of $179,767.00. JLB: A13A:: SSTB:mh Attachments: 1. Grading Securities . 2. Vicinity Map. 2. of 6 AUG 12 1986 ITEM . 10 PERMIT BOND RADING BOND NO. 1032228 Pi�EN It3M: $3.5 545.0.0 b KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE; PRESENTS THAT WE, Mr. Ron Davis / COACH PROPERTIES, LTD,; A CALIFORNIA LTD _ Permittee: PARTNERSHIP As Pri.ncioal, and _Amwest SuretyInsurance Company organized. and existing under thelaws of the: State of Calforni.a, a are held and firmlY bound unto the, Cite Of Poway, State of Californi a r in the just and full suss. Of One Hundred. Seventy Nine Thousand, Seven. Hundred -Sixty-seven No Cents U..S. Dollars ($179l-167.0-0 law ul money of the United Stater, far the: payment of why. , we and, truly to be made, we Ifind ourselves,- our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly, and severally, firmly and, by these presents. The condition. of the foregoing obligation is. such that whereas . to file. with. the: Cit of Poway said przncs.pal has. filed or is about Y Engineers as City Official, an application for a permi't to perform excavation or fill work,,, or both,, within the city of. Poway.. County of San, Diego, more. specifically described in the application. for the ,grading permit as Bi Buck Road From. Old Coach Road to Asses o ° s o. y} name o pro,ec � s or ,ega escrip ion propel s o Parcel No. 227. in accordance, with the provision of the City of -Poway Regulatory ordinances..� NOW THEREFORE, if the above nested principal. shall well, and truly � comply with all the requirements of the City of Poway Regulatory Ordinagces and if all of the work required to be done complies wt�a. all 5 of the: terms; and. conditions: of the grading permit for excavation: or ; fill or, both to the satisfaction of the City Official, and is re1=3-aced within the time:` limit specified in said. grading permit then: this, obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise it. shall be and remain in fullforce: and. effect. The said Surety r for value received., hereby stipulates and agrees that no change,: extension, of time, alteration or additions to the terms of _ the: permit or to the: work Or improvements to be performed, i thereunder or to the. grading plans attached tosaid permit shall ,in any wise affect the obligations on this bond,. and, it does heresy Waive notice of: any such change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the permit or to: the work or improvements or to the plans , s Grading Permit Bond Page 1. of 3 (City of Poway) (3/82) ATTACHMENT 1 � 3. of 6 AUG 12 1986 ITE M 10 a % .% In the event suit is brought uponthis bond_ by the City and judgment is recovered, the Surety shall pay, all costs incurred by the City in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed. by the Court. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 16th day. of March MR. RON DAVIS / COACH PROPERTIES, LTD,. A CALIFORNIA LTD PARTNERSHIP (Seal if Corporation) By (Authorized. Representative. of Principal) 1983` Title AMWEST SURE CO By /• ' , ' ..sf�r,,, t (Author3.ze. / _ - `'.�.,' ` tative of •P`rZnc3.per} .', An aus'''.-1'`t _ i +tet , Title ''` Attorney -in -Fact._ `. ) 4. F�♦ 1•) i .f (Attach Acknowledgment. of Authorized. Representatives of Prod Hal 1. •'r' ," t.v NV\ r STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF On /it", .dr County and State, ,personally appeared , before me a Notary Public,, or roved to. thin and for the said tome (P'neon basisofsatif actary a deuce) to be thepersonwbose name is subscribed , known as-tkaAttorneginFactor and forthcANt.S'�SLTRE. as th n • -< , TY INS bed. to tl e.wetltin me that he in Fact, t,= ameofthe:A►wESTSURETYIleiSialtAlV SCE CC�MPANy, aad'acknowledgedtc� Ft 10 -'it' rCE' COMP lNYthereto S sA that he :.- '� . -It. _ r► Surety, and bis:awanamea Art rney , arrr vrAL oma: IM SAN °moo mutat' MY commtestan atones may 2Q, 1985. 4 of 6 (City of Poway) r Grading Permit Bond Page 2 of 3 ARV PUBLIC AUG 12 1986 ITEM 10 3. ` `• Any claims under this bond may be Surety's agent for service of process in California: nnrQ _q 1 n Tatra 1 A¢pncv'. Name addressed to: 1400 - 6 h Av #ICI Street Number 'San Diego, CA 92101 City and State (619) 233-5893 Telephone Number STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF )1e /%,..T (check one) AmwFtst Surety Insurance Company Surety Company- 1400 - 6th Ave. #101 Street Number San Diego, CA 92101 By City and. State 619) 233-5893 Tel ( `` t R umber Fact . o :�,� tithe r resentative) Andy Faust; before me a Notary Public, within and for the said :On ,known. County and State, personally appeared 1 tome (or proved to me on thebasis ofsatifactory e ` dance) .tobe the person whose name is subscribedto the within instrument as the Attorney in Fact of for the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged tame'thathe subscribed. name of the AMWEST SURE'T'Y INSURANCE COMPANY thereto as Surety, and his ownnameasAttorney in: Fact. 'i OfR IAt SEAL 11 i JUDITH C. mini= -...-"1---.5,1 !NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA }" "' : RRINCIPA► OffiCII t,4 -. SAN DIEGO COUI+RY My Cbmnissica Expires Mair 20, 1983 •'. fF ci NOTARY -PUBLIC. Furnish the name and address and phone number of the Company Agent as well as the Surety Company. Suretiesmust be: authorized to do business inand have an agent for service of 'process. in California. and be on the accredited list of the United States Treasury Department,,and their bonds will be limited- to such amounts- as would be acceptable to the. Treasury Department. (NOTICE: No substitution or revision to this bond form will be accepted.) (City of Poway) 11,1/2.-2% 5 of 6 AUG 12 1986 1i EM 1.0. Grading Permit Bond Page 3 of 3 I