Item 11 - Award of Bid for Compact Pick-up TruckE 'I?A REPORT CITY OF PQ AY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separatediscussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members: of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the. Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this' report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to. the. City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meting.: TO: FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY. Douglas A. Milton, Purchasing Nanag DATE: August 12, 1986 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Compact Pick-up Truck Honorable Mayor and Members of.the City Council ABSTRACT' 441111.111111 On July 25, 1986, bids were received for the supply of anew compact pick-up truck to replace the vehicle "totalled" in. May. ' It is recommended the bid be awarded to Courtesy Chevrolet Center of San Diego in the amount of $8':,268..00,. BACKGROUND ZEiE Several dealers received bid packages for the pick-up truck. * Three responses were received and they were as follows Center City Ford San Diego Courtesy Chevrolet San Diego -Lou Grubb Chevrolet Poway 1987 Ford 1987 Chevrolet No Rid $8,230.13 $8,268.00 No Bid *Center City Ford stipulated that they have not received 1987 prices yet and anticipate anincrease of at least 2%, which would be added to their quote. FINDINGS Based on the Center. City Ford stipulation, Courtesy Chevrolet becomes the low bidder at $8,268.00.. A. minimum vo increase by Ford would effectively raise the. Center City Ford price toe $8,394.74. ACTe VN: AUG 12 I' .ITEM 1 of 2 2 of 2' Agenda Report Award of Bid for Compact Pick-up Truck The amount budgeted for this vehicle is $9,000.00. RECO? E ATI N It is recommended that, the City Council award the bid for a compact pick-up truck to Courtesy Chevrolet. of San Diego. Amount of Award..$8,268.00. JLB:DAM:Jt AUG 12i 6 ITEM 1