Item 20 - PDC - Philip Butzen* *. * * * * "* * * * * * # *- * * * * *- * * * * * * *_ * * * * fit° * *° * * *- * * Attached is a request fraan Phi.lip� Butzen for a pre -c velowent conference If you concur., itwill be scheduled. for the est 21st wcrksh cap AGENDA REPORT-)1� .. CITY OF POWAY . TO honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James. L.'Bowersox, City .Manager j INITIATED BY Reba W. Touw Director of Plannin Servicer Sharon:E. Crockett, Assistant Planner DATE August 21. 1986 SUBJECT: Pre -Dever opment� Conference Analysis (PDC 86-313 for' a Senior Residential FacilitZ - Philip Butren, Applicant ABSTRACT: Consideration of a. request for a proposed condit'Ion use permit and development review t6l'al ow the construction of a. group residential facility for non , ambulatory seniors. L®CATIONS 126.74 Monte VistaRoad GROSS ACREAGE: 2 Acres CURRENT LAND USE , AND ZONING:. The property is zoned Commercial Office. A single.- familyres idence and a. barn are located on the �s ite . SURROUNDING ZO1�iING AND _ LAND USE;: Pomerado Hospital, under: the Open Space zone,. is located north of the site-. The. properties to :the west, `south, and east are under the same zoning designation, as the subject- site. (CO4 and are developed as follows: Green Valley Convalescent Hospital is east of the site, a medical office building is west of: the site, and,. a private school is south. of. the site. ACTION: 2 of 6 AUG ? 2 1986 tTEM, 20 Agenda Report - .' August 5, 1986 Page 2 HISTORY: On March 4, 1986 Council considered a request for a pre -development conference for this facility on a. 22 -acre parcel. east of Pomarado Hospital and north of the senior housing project which is currently under construction: 'on Monte 'lista Road. Mr. Butzen.. was proposing a -75 -unit housing project on threes or the 22 acres That site is now under , cons ideration for an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center. Mr. Butzen is requesting the Councilconsider a. requestfor. a conditional use-permit.and development review to -allow said housing project to be constructed. an another site.. He ` is now proposing a. 50 -unit housing, ' project. for a two -acre t S3..te which is located on Monte -Vista Vista R -goad.. in addtiow, the facility Would also pravide a day -Care center for ., approximately twenty-five seniors VLA;iRWT-,SEC:pn Attachments::._ f-< L.. Applicant ' s Letter 2. Agreement of U'nderstanding 3. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses X 3 of 6 AUG 12 1986 ITEM 2.0 I VNCERSTANDI City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and URBAN ECONOMICS ASSOCIATES, INC. , herp'nafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest is land described by taxi assessor's parcel rnm berE s } 275-460-O61 Proponent desires to- develop this property in accordance , with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted- development. City is concernei that Proponent will create develop i nt plans unsatzsfac tory to City and COILS= tine and effort of Ci: evuoloYees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon: the above -scent oned facts, City will. grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understan • Dated: 5 of 6 City will. render no decision with regards to any development proposal. or part thereof. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a« particular development ent plan. City will Make nor epresentatzons that will obligate the City to render a. decision in favor of or against any, develop z nt proposal or part thereof Proponentnay subsequently suanit If any developmentproposal is subsequently ' submitted, , Proponentwill. prcceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon whi-. - oponent ma rely. Proponent: ,iii►® ��1 P i!i Signature P x-31 -f CrC AUG 12 1986 ITEM 20