1986 08-19 Agenda= TBB' IBMIAR NEM= G OF A -P 26, 1986, WILL BE CANZEEED ***********-*,*:**tom CITYO PAY an alma. AGSM 19, 1986 7:00 P.M. =MEWS - 13325 CIVIC CMS= DRIVE 1TY caarairmatann comasstal/Rammumaa caP L1 Y` CAVEC, SHEPARDSCIET, TARZY, MUSE 2. PIE=` CJS` AIZEG fANcE DEPUTY MAYOR SHE PARDSO PUBLIC ?AL; CONJNICATICNS CCINSENTCAIEIENDAR axial TO ITEMS NUMBERED 8 THRCUGE 19 MAY BE ENACTED IN CNE MOTION' AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THEM WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCITSSICH OF THESE I PRIOR ID TBR TIME CCIINCIL VOTES CN TBS MYTICN UNEESS THE MEMBERS0 ` CC JN'CILSTAB', {fit. °T PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITE4S TO BE MEWED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. . ITEMS WHICH ARE REWORD MIL BE CI TSIDE _ IN THE C M IN Vanca THEY APPEAR CN: THE '. IF MU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE Fi]GL CIT A SLIP' AND GIVE TO TRF; CITY Cid., *variance 86-02, Arthur Handley, applicant:; a request. to reduce the front and rear yard setbacks to 25 feet and the side yard setback to 10 feet to accomodate the relocationof an existing single-family dwe..3ling canto the property located at 13115 Vista View Drive.: CIT! MALS GER' S R 3CCy!T!+E IDATI N: Close public hearing; Resolution approving ng with _conditions. 5. #Setting tax rates far bonded indebtedness for fiscal year 1986-87. CITY MANAGER'S REC ICN:- Close public hearing; adopt Resolution. *Deve/opsent Review 86-13 and. Temporary TJse Permit 86-58„ Piedmont Caistructicn, applicant: a request for approval to allow the construction of 78 single family units and an associated model haw amplex for the Irby located approximately 1,300 feet west of Espola lead, and north and south of Titan: Way. CITY MANAGER' S' R 4 1DATIt : co time to September 2, 1986. *ENCTCSED #EXBIBITmPOZAPATICNNErr RESQII'IC I NO. IS 86-093 °EDT- Th? NO. IS 191 NEC` PLANNING RES NO. IS P-86-58 NET REDEVELOPMENT r RES. NO. IS R-86-18 "etf- -'• • Ne, a s1 _ s, • • • - - Well 16 O's if ._•-t R .. ... .... A • r� i 14 7, Fn Era -112 • o o ' = ' 1 •ts a 1 t �- _ nl �• ♦ovAw dt--Or-k• ION Oka _tire. its C_- .^•11i-_ 0 111 *�-_rat•to.e♦ a. � • -.ill .: r -- _. • _ _ t. _ ,� .-.�. E _ ��- ,• ' � 0 • � _.r. + •',o s - v t l ' - aH a >< • 678 .0 61 o ' � - '.• �.• - ) ::1 •+o • • :� era -Ira _u • .e r- =1a, l.1 aro - t• • sa,�• - it a • , ttr•t: s � - -tit • s;a • - - s w• o • • _.:, • 4 f , s:•" - • • t s 11 tt{ s s V1 fi , s ..._.._ � !'� •. •.. y� a f •' • f -4 tl.•: 11-' J ;.:o f..,. .. oil Ac journals& to. Thursday, : August 21, 1986, 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 1.3325 Civic Center Drive. =Ma= isiEnZt B3R AUGEST 21, 1986 For calfirnstion of iceon the Viorkshop , please call; the City Clerk's Office, 748-6600., Z Pre-Develcsment. Conference Philip. Butzen - senior residential facility.. City reservoir landscaping 3. Review of revised fee; schertile for Caammity Services 4 Review of proposed. cluster overlay zone.