Item 4 - VAR 86-02 - Arthur HandleyHonorable Mayor and Members of the City Council '1,5S1 *cy INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Servicesn�` DATE: August 19, 1986 SUBJECT: Variance 86-02, Arthur Handley, Applicant: A request to reduce the front and rear yard setbacks to 25 feet and the side yard setback to 10 feet to accommodate the relocation. of an existing single-family dwelling onto the property located at 13115 Vista view Drive in the RR -C (Rural Residential C) zone. SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: James H. Lyon,: ` Assistant Planner .36 acres Rural Residential. C` -oi Rural Residential C (See -Attachment: 2) None None Categorically Exempt from CEQA, Class 5 Approve subject to conditions Agenda Report August l9r 1986 Page. 2 BACKGROUND A. Project. Desc'ript.'i On o. The property development standards of the: Zoning; Development Code. require. a 40-foot front yard setback.,: a 20-foot side. yard setback., and a 50-foot rear yard: setback. for build ings. -in the RR-C (Rural Residential C) zone. This:application is. a request to reduce the required. front and rear yard. setbacks: to 25: f:eet..and the side yard setback. to 10feet.: This variance would allow, theapplicants?.-, Mr and Mrs.. Arthur Handley, to relocate their existing s ngle- family- residence° from, an adjacent, lot: to the north. The Handleya m, who own the Franciscan: Inn, are proposing to- expand their motel. Their existing residence, located behind the motel, mustbe. relo- Gated to accommodate: the motel expansion. The minimum lot size in the RR--C zone is, one: acne.. Rowever, the subject parcel and. a majority of the surrounding lots to the. south. and east was: previously subdivided, under the County of San Diego, into 15,350-square-foot, or0'.36:-acre:,. lots;._ - The. property measures 82 feet. by 187 feet and. slopesi app.roximatesy four percent to the south.. A. small stream. traverses the south property line.. Because. of potential, flooding of the lot. from. this stream,, specific: drainage improvements:, including the: channelization. of the: stream and the creation of a, one--foot high, swale- around the, perimeter of 1 the: property, area required. These improvements: will reduce the buildable area of the: lot to approximately- 12.,:0`40 square :'feet, whish is. a. typical lot size ° for an RS-4 zone. The proposed set backs-: are those, required in. they. RS-4 lone.. The imposition of the. setback requirements for a standard one-acre RR-C lot on a. subs.tan- reate a hardsh � that would deprive, the: property of dard lot: would c p P privileges enjoyed by, otherl properties; under the identical zoning .. classification. A review, of the, setbacks; for the single-fame y re idences located south of: the parcel. indicate a majority of the residences were constructed: with; setbacks less than those required in the RR-C zone, with, several comparable to the setbacks of the: proposed variance.; B. Environmental Review This application: is exempt from environmental.review- under the pro visions of the California Environmental Quality Act and. the: City of Poway Procedures to Implement CEQA., A •Categorical Exemption,,- Class. - 5,: has been issued. ? OF AUG 19' 1966- ff h Ott, 4. Agenda Report - August 19, 1986 Page: 3 C. Correspondence Notice: of this project has: been sent to all property owners within a. saw foot radius of the subject lot and has been. published in the Poway News Chieftain. FINDINGS: The findings necessary for granting the required: variance can be made for this project. There are special circumstances relating to the property inthat the: lot is substantially smaller than current development standards require in this zone. The imposition of the RR -C zone building setbacks on a substandardlot, with, the topographic constraints that occur as a result of the stream, restrict the relocation or construction of a single-family resi- dence. Granting the, variance will -notbe detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, nor will the variance be injurious to other properties in the area. RECOMMENDATION it ' is recommended that the City Council. approve Variance 86-02 sub ject, to conditions: steted. in the attached resolution. Approval of this variance will grant the property owners relief from the deve- lopment standards- of the RR -C. zone and allow the relocation of a single -fancily residence onto the property. JLB:RWT:JHL: am Attachments: 1. Proposed, Resolution 2. Surrounding General Plan and, Zoning 3. Site plan. VAR 86-02 4. Supporti.ng Documentation from Applicant. 3 QF8 • AUG 19 156 ITE f 1 3 RESOLUTION NO.. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE: CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING VARIANCE 86-02. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 323-261-0.7f _ a WH 5-, Variance 86-02, submitted by Arthus Handley,: ` appli- cant,- 'requests a reduction in the: required front and, rear, yar& I set- backs to 25 feet and the required side yard setbacks to ten. feet to accommodate the relocation.of an existing: single. -family residence - esidencefar for, the property located at 13115:. Vista View Drive, 'in the RR -=C t (Rural Residential). zone:; and WHEREAS•, on. August 1.9-,- 1986, the City Council held a. duly advertised: public: hearing to solicit comments fromthe public:, both pro- and con:,: relative: to this ' application N.OWi THEREFORE',,the-City Council does: hereby_ resolve as follows-.: a SECTION l:: Findings: i 10. That there; , are special. circumstances applicable to the. property, (s'ize., shape, topography,, location:, or surroundings: l , or the: intended use of the: property,, and because of this:, the strict app�licatioin o the zoning.* Ordinance deprives: the property of ` privileges. enjoyed by other properties,in. the vicinity under identical., zoning *-f cations in that. the reduced lot size: and the: area class 3. required for on-site: drainage improvements-, limit they , s ite r s buildable. ar.ea.; . 2. That: granting the: variance,, or its modification,., will not. z be materially detr. imental to: tha .putblic health., safety or, welfare , or injurious: to the property or improvements:. in such, vicinity.- and zone in which the property` ,s located: in that. other residences in the same: vicinity, have been constructed using similar setback areas; 3. The granting o;f this variance; does, not constitute a: mitations on special, privilege: inconsistent with; the liup other properties in the: vicinity and. zone: in which, such. property, is .situated in. that other residences: in. the same vicinity have been: constructed, using similar setback areas _ i t ,.a AUG 1986 1T . 4 0F8- Resp. _ration No. Page 2 The granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which is not _otherwise expressly authorized by the zoning regulation governing the parcel of property; and That the granting the variance or its modification will not •be incompatible with the Poway City General Plan. SECTION 2: City Council. Decision: The City Council hereby finds that Variance 86-02 is approved subject to the following conditions. Within 30 days of approval,: the applicant shall _ submit in writing that allconditions of approval have been, react and understood. Prior to relocationof the house the applicant must apply for and receive approval of a minor development review., All -City required development fees shall be paid prior to the ,issuance of a building permit for the building foun— dation. All grading anddrainage: improvements shall be completed onor before October 15, 1986. APPROVED and' ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this ` 19th day of August, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor AUG 19 ' 1;T E 4 5 0F. g R e .,.... v...w. ........�..+....... .. ot RS -7" ai . .. < Rs - - 2. 4 • RC' Pf POWA* • mg ;� • $, •09 0 �„ x 1-4 ig ell SEMEN l., « s=�0'�'s.'ayfi.isij:4 , •. . a ... o tf!• ! i �`� 0♦ 6Kw�A•�1A�.s- t • •. • MPj .a.Y yMNM • • •: •• s a i. •. �.. a i . ," • ♦ �• r !� },� iiia - � • • �� epi ♦,s" 1�` �` i' ��. < � • �•'i •3 •ay d*., ¢mss • ; waft - «�'t;rf fi i.s • �t?� �y s • w4f �� � f tC •.. •..w ITEM CITN' tPOWAY F � ter.: vosvG zo+•Ct TITLE SCALE ATTACHMENT' AUG 1986 4 6 of e -- t x: Y ® ✓CC �a a- 44 Q' LETTFiar T AE"Fffiii/S3lON ld G2AtiE' a urrurlEs •• - .� , {\.'fi:•`�.',•f r: a'g's^. Vkhrti`.t^,•;;°'.`�`;s}�:'`\'•�y.;''•;c�`�:'. ;. .w��fct t' • ERIYArdf .4040. };�}}`}�•ti3'�F+. {,..,�h lye`Z,v.�+ti•���?}'�.�::;e;•..:: �::\�.• � � �. �1 4 ND LIT/CITIE:f:.0 ....��•�•��s: •� Slew. +•�:•�yS�� k.}� •:� ,,is {: ti{:. };::; ::t}\t{: 4'A. .{}}•': tint / - ZAsE.rrpNr angw /KO rB3;{;s`a a inti' °' s . t FZ► ,QF/JIR/ ` i ~ �p; a ( T� BE=G!&? � (� �rMgo �oi� �� .. '1 •vtX +t� � •x t� � ' t `r fTT AeN �` � i• �:• ' � ' � --` / /�fi: ,U/1Y tF!'P) ,tee` , �►j P rt09e, 241CA1P RlAES �� AIV 3 ,� S :,v ESr? D 22 s,� F�%riaG \ 6orr s�G�S FrTvO 3"111,111 _. f ra�n€��!ersr..rlG �•��cr�crt:�.ccc.�� of-�r� �A10 4;0aE dirtu,r• • P � t g t r � !dImY OF P(j ITELbJ Y s 'TITLE :cx4u srt SCALE ATTACHMENT 3 E i AUG 19 1986 ITE 70F3' _ r� STATE ALL RELEVraT FACTS WHICH WILL SATISFY THE MOVE -LISTED FINDINGS (A, B, C, D, E, FlFOR THE GING. OF` A VARIANCE.. Because of the locationand size of the ditch running alongside the south side of the property, and the grading required, the locationof the house which we want to move onto the lot is restricted. B. We feel the granting of the Variance does not in any way detract from other houses in the area.. In fact, itwould fit right in. c. In no way will the requests on the Variance be detrimental to thepublic healthy safety, or welfare, or be injurious to the property. D. The granting of the Variance wouldnot constitute a special Privilege inconsistentwith other property in the area. E. The property is being used in conformance with the zoning for whichit was intended. Granting of the Variance will, not be incompatible with the Poway City General Plan. August 12` 1986 Marjorie K.Wahlsten-, City Clerk City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway,California 92064 RECEIVED . AUG 13 1996 CflY OF POWAY CITY CLERICS OFFICE This letter is in response to your notice regarding the application of Arthur Handley for a variance for yard setbacks so he can relocate his home to the property at 13115 Vista View Drive, known as Variance #86-02. This is to inform you that it meets with our approval, and: would be an improvement to the neighborhood. Sincerely, ' John. Hamiter mohd . Russ AUG 19 1926 ITEM