Item 5 - Tax Rates for Bond Interest and Redemption for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 Tax RollsAGEANTDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FRQM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag- INITIATED By: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Man-• DATE: August 19, 1986 SUBJECT: Tax Rates for Bond Interest and Redemption For Fiscal Year 1986-1987 Tax Rolls ABsIRAC In order to have the bond principal and interest for fiscal year 1986-1987 collected on the tax roll, it is necessary for the City Council to approve of the rates for the bond issues and to notify the County of San Diego of the amount to be levied. BACEGROUNID The City of Poway has three. (3) existing General Obligation Bond issues: the Poway Sewer Improvement District; Poway Municipal Water District; and Poway Municipal Water Dmprovanent District No. 4. In order to collect the amount necessary to pay the principaland interest on these bonds, the city is required to annually set a property tax rate for these. issues. Staff has calculated the rates necessary to collect the proper amounts on the 1986-1987 tax roll as noted on the attached schedule. As indicated on the schedule, it will not be necessary to establish a rate for the Poway Municipal. Water Improvement District No. 4 for fiscal year 1986-1987. This is because the water district collected more money than was necessary and the overage is being returned by lowering the amount collected over the remaining life of the bond, and the Poway Municipal Water Improvement District No. 1 General Obligation Bond was paid off in 1985-1986. ACTION: 1of 4 AUG 19 1986 ITEM i - Wr,♦Y Q moi/ CD 1 F oa• 0 }� 4J f 0 Q a 0to 0 4J CO. - Q• - • ro rq -... - - p , r • iJ1 4J' t Cp r --t CD N, '. M I C ' /W Ln tLiA/ Ln- H co (� La O' om % w. a ab CO d1 ,3* e-{" ih to X12• tp' fA- i rT t'-47- co tT I= jor ..� to 4, f-4 co O C CM Q W � 41co C co to cv C Co- rl- p r-- M- C? .� U R3 .r1 -;.t ss 43 qw .� WOt *r4 43 Cqr a. tri tn: to ;n tn. 3 of 4 � -• � o tit ® �%0 to ra to o AUG' 19` 198E iTENI Cl RESOLUTION NO. 86-^". A RESOLUTIONOF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAYs CALIFORNIA, ESTIMATING THE AMUNT NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1986-1987 FOR. JMPROVEHENT'DISTRICTS OF THE CITY FORMERLY KNOWN AS POWAY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND POMERADO COUNTY WATER DISTRICT W EREAS,. the terms and conditions of the Poway Reorganization provided for the City Council to "determine each year the amount of money needed to male annual payments of the principal and interest of the outstanding voter approved bonded indebtedness of the improvement. districts" and provide the information: to the Board of Supervisors`. NOW, ARE', THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES HERERBY` RESOLVE, ORDER AND, D KW= AS FOLLOWS Section l: Fund 6075-52 - Poway Sewer Improvement District, and stint: $165,000, a rate: of 0..01664, is required for principal and interest; Fund 6075-55 Poway City, Poway Municipal, Water Improvement District 2, the sum: of $0`.,00, a rate of a percent is required to be raised by taxation for the purpose of the; payment for payment of principal; and. interest on outstanding bonds ; Fund 6075-56 Poway City, Poway Municipal, Water Tirprovm t District 4, the sum of $0.00,r a rate of 0 percent is required to be raised by taxation for the purpose of the payment of principal andinterest on outstanding bonds'. Sufficient monies are available: in appropriated funds for the purpose of Debt Service for this fiscal year. Section.2 Fund 6075-53 and :Fund 6660-50` - Poway City, Poway Municipal Water District the. combined, sum of $1,068,892, a rate of 0..09022 each is ;required to be raised by taxation for thepurpose of` payment of principal and interest on said bonds at maturity for this fiscal year. Section.3: Fund 6075-54, Poway City, Poway MunicipalWater Improvement District 1, the sum. of $0.00, a rate of 0 percent is required to be raisedby taxation for.: the purpose of payment of principal and interest on said bonds at maturity for this fiscal year. Section 4: The City Cleric is instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Clerk: of the Board of Supervisors of. the County of San Diego and,toi the. Auditor of the County of San Diego, :San Diego,. California. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVEDr by the City Council. of the City of Poway,: California, at a regular meeting thereof this 19 day of August, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Cleric 4 of 4 AUG 19; 1986 tTEN0 5 _r