Item 7 - Pomerado Road Wall Phasing Plan and Authorization to Bid Phase IIAGENDA REPORT, CITY OF POWAY F ern;"",,,„,` nv THE TO. honorable Mayor and. Members of the City Council Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FRO James L. Bowersox, City, Manager/Executive Director INITIATED BY Patrick R. Foley, Assistant to the City'Manag DATE': August 19, 1986 r. SUBJECT. Pamerado Road Wall Project Phasing Plan and Authorization to Bid Phase II ABSTRACT At their July 22, 1986 meeting, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency ten tatively approved the use of Redevelopment Bond proceeds for the continuation. of the Pcnerado Road wall.. It is recommended that. the Redevelopment Agency, authorize. the expenditure of redevelopment. bond proceeds for the design and construction: of the remaining portions of the wall,. approx7e the phasing plan for the construction of the wall., and authorize the advertisement for bids for Phase: BACKGMUND - _ - Phase I and II of the: Pomerado Road wall project has been approved by the U.S Department of housing and: Urban Development (HUD) for funding under the:Fedderal Community Development Block. Grant (CDBG} Program. Phase of this project from McFeron Road to Tassel. Road is under construction. The cmpletion elate for Phase I is. September 24 1986., The project includes a. six-foot. slurp -block wall, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, landscaping andstreet lights'., Phase II of the Pomerado Road wall project is from Tassel Road to Meadowbrook Lane. This phase of the project, will be ready to advertise for bids ' on August 22, 19860 z FINDINGS To guarantee the completion of the.Pomerado Road project, the City Council on F July 22, 1986 tentatively authorized the expenditure: of $1,000,000 in redevelop- ment funds The Redevelopment Agency will complete the Pomerado, Road wall pro- ject`frcm Robison: Boulevard to Glenoak Road.- The attached map designates: the areas for construction as follows: i l ACTION: f AUG 1,9 1986 ITEM t Staff Report F August. 19 r 1986 Page 2 Phase I McFeron: Road. to Tassel Road - Phase II Tassel Road to Meadowbrook Lane Phase III Meadowbrook. Lane: to Vaughn Road y; Phase IV` Vaughn. Road`to holland Road Phase V B�lland. Road toer_oak Road; Phase VI Tassel Road to Robison. Boulevard -4 Phase. I. of this.- project is nearing completion, Phase II Gill be under vonst uc- tion. by October: of 1986.`'Phase III is in: the design stage. and will be out to had in. early 1987,: Phases Zt , V and VI will be included in one package. and: 4 will be- read" to bid: by mid. -1987.: Attached for your review are renderings of the street-scape along the east_ side. of Panerado, Road, and a cross-section: of the design. for the wall, curbs, gut- terse sidewalks, and landscaping., It is recamiended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency. I Authorize the expenditure of up to .-$l,Q®Q,OOG , of the Ptedeveloprient bond through h V�- o f the: proceeds: for the: design. ,and. construction of Phases�� III_, tx3.. _ ...: Fr� . Pan erado Road wall. 2.1 Approve the phasing ing plana for the Pamerado Road wall project. r AUG. 191986 ITEM 7 ' { �. of 7 2 of 7 Staff Report August 19, 3.986 Page 2 Phase 1 McFeron to Tassel. Road Phase 11 Tassel Road to Meatbwbroom Lane Phase III Meadatibrook Lana to Vaughn Road Phase Iii Vaughn Road to !Tolland Road Phase tT Roland: Road: to Glenoalc Road Phase Vt Tassel Road. to.. Robson; Boulevard. Phase 1 of this :project is nearing ampletion.. Phase. I1 will be under c tip: by October of 1986. Phase 111 is inthe designstage and will: be out to bid: in, early 1987.. Phases IV,. V, and Vt will be included in one package and. will be ready to bid. by mid -1987 review are renderings of the street along the east. side Attached, for= of Pamerardo. Road, anda cross. -section: of the sign for the wall, curbs,- gut— ters, sidewalks, a[ landscaping. ter. it is recarmended that. the City-' Council/Redevelopment Agency: 1. Authorize: the expenditure of up to $10`,000,000 of the Redevelopment bond. proceeds for the design andconstructiat of Phases 11 through VE of the Parerado Road Stall. 2 kaprove the phasing plan for the Panerado Road wall. project. AUG 19 1 ITEM Authorize the Mayor to execute. the. Cannunity Development, Block Grant keit for Phase LE of the, project when . itis received frim the County.. Authorize the staff to solicit bids for Phase 11 of the project when' the contract executed by the; Mayor. illa 4II1?#1 _OAK 4UI1iiiiViIiiflffh1ih1F-u� ��Iti1ii/ini/i/■■1ii■1�■■i��■al■■1■Nf■■l■■li■Mfiii it/M■■ifinimmiuni r■rrimmii■urmiii I''► `� 11111111#116 F1MN11111ru�L�►�tI111111.111111#1111111111IIIILIINI ■11u��11 'y4 11 1MI2227CIII14 a1MMM1n11M1111111111111111111I111L11 :11M111111111 va111111111111#i11 gii 44.71411111in1191111MIMIIIMErmoAn.H. 1i jjEs.mm 1IIIA G,�♦ VIII#�� 111#rl# r r 11111111111111" II..' Lig :��� ��,♦ X111 11#1#1##111111 _ � �� Eby ��,� .. I 111 MilipAremmy.44 VOA y .,,,-,-fxdi.4.4 I II Irldiliiii eatigi 'WHO LIS 111)y itiai4871411firt fiiitt, m Hainan ' . Illidtrezipkjoi WIEIMI 11 poupottleif" 4 AVY riPtiak-..... 4 midi. mummil;,� �� !!!IllIPH$hM ■ 11�� ri4p �, ..CT �► r y.MO EN vt—vr-TE1141- +....a � -. �-� „�/I ,%►..1j. PERSPECTIVE ELEVATION 'IYncAt- WITH 6P4 --11'P. Vipre-;/Hgtilaw 014 -.1e4.4-pie V,55 AtiltfiJATvo, of L/\vrrrtp aIP izpocwpii%p !(ot GlIalismolukt cm4PHogaleAfilnw 115 6 'y rein? ems./ Nal-1�'� scat ertmeimoviki-res.I I44,1446. 014111g4/1-44614. "fpL sol r' / 1-"pu Ivy o1 Ip. A•I/I 1104 a-pelptsrini/e4110Vr m PLA 4d PAINT 6"SOLID WHITE PIKE 5' 3.5' %MIN, • Gw to 24ii Box Tree Curb & Gutter CITY OF POWAY CA e 15 Gal. 's • s ,2% s • a • a • • 6 • ITEM ..e.... TIT. s ,......- ATTAC EN Rear` Wa11 Existing Fence Existing Ground