Item 8 - Amended Minutes - RDA - June 10, 17, 19864GENDA REPORT CITY OF ?OWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. Thera will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless imagers of the Council, staff or public • request it to be removed from the Consent. Calendar and. discussed. separately. 2f you wish to have thisreport-pulled for discussion,please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'*nitsicfie•*ate* *.* - M: licearable Chairman rn . Directors of the Thideveloprent Agency =Mt Janes ., •� � t- JAS L. Bo Executive tive Dir.- , main en By Marjorie K. W3hLste't, Secretary--)1'14- DAM: ecretary 114- August 19, 1986 Mended Minutes. ®. Eedevelormnt Air June. 10, 17, 1986 BACKOLICOND The minutesof the Eedeuelorment Agency for June 101 and. 17, 1986, emitted the'` first two hearings for the prol:nsed budget for..' fiscal.. year 1986-8 . Reccomeseatica is for the City to approve the attache& ameirileimotes.. It is recxumaxled that the Agency approve the wended minutes:; for. June 10, asci. June: 33, 1986, as follows:. a< June 10 , 1986, Item 4, continued to June 17, 1986. 2.axle 17, 1986•, Item; 5=timed. to June24., 1986. ' B:M'f =1 Attacts redevelownt minutes for. axle 10, and, 17, 1986 ACTION. AUG i9 1926 tTEM 1 of 5 CV MAY, CZLIPCSINIA MOMS OF ME POW EEDEVEIXEMEM PM= =OUR MEM= JUNE 10, 1986 The ane; 10, 1986, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopient, Agency vas to at 7:00 p.m. by r ai an: Kruse at the. City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center= Drive, Ply, California. IS ANSWERING NEL CALL, Bob Emmy, Linda Craves`Mary Shepardscm,Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse STAN?;. MEM PRESEN'r James: 13awersox Executive. Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PIE= OF IMIEGIATCE Director T Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mils 10, 14- AND 18 a. Notion by Director misty, seconded, by Director Shepard, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: 10. Approval of Minutes - RedevelopTent May 27, 1986, Regular* MMetinag 14. Adaption of Resolution No. R-86--11 entitled, "A. Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment, Agency Accepting the Street Light Agreement with Imperial. Savings Association for Installation of Street. Lights on Espola Roadin the Paguay Redevelopment. Project Area." 18 Autharizaticnfor a change order in the amount of $5 ,773.61 for the instal- lation of left -turn arrows at the Twin - Peaks and. Midland Road traff sib.. Motion ; carried. unanimously. DIM 4. PRCPCSED 19866-87`B Kruse opened :he gu%Ii c hearing., Staff report by dation. is; to continue this Executive Director Bow�ersax. public hearing to June 17, 1986, when the Budget Cuun ttee willpresent their report., 2 of 5. AUG 1.9 1986 ITEM 8 There vas no one present wishing to Agency r a discussion of theme of capital improvement projects proposed in the beget at the next 'waling. Motion by Director Meryl, seconded by Director Oravec, to continue this public hearing to 'Rine 17 r 1986.'pian. carried ,n axthi us1--:y; The ane 17, 1986, regular meeting of the. Play Redeveloment Agency vas called. to order at. 7:00 p.m.._ by Chai=an Kruse at the Community Canter, 13094 Bow= Road, Poway, California Bob Emery, Linda OraVeer Mary Shepardscar. Bruce Tarzy,Carl.. Kruse MEP bliMERS PRESENT James Bc rs= John Fitch: Marjorie Waahlssten. PLEDGE CrALLICIANCK Execut.ive Director - Assistant motive- Director. Sezretary Director Shepardson: led the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM A 1.3 CCNSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director eravec, s by 'Director Shepardsou and 13 of the Consent Calendar as follows: 10. Approval of Minutes — RedevelopmentAgency: June 3, 1986, Regular Meeting 13. Approval. of Progress Pay Estimates and authorize paymentto the respective contractors- 1) estimate No 1, Enterprise Corporation, Garden Mad sideselk,:in the amount of $16,398.34; 2) estimate No. 1, 3-1 Enterprise Corporation, Metate lane sem, in the amount of $37,972.03; and 3) estimate No. 3, Wi.1].iam. J. Kit'cha3avy, Tin Peaks and Midland traffic signal, inthe: amount of $16,929.00 Motiondied unanimously.. I35: 1986-87 BUDGET - chairman Kruse stated that this ming vas a continued public hearing. Staff report by Executive Director Bcwersox. Bob. Brooks, 13610 Acorn Patch Lane, Chairman of the .Budget Review Committee, presented the Committee's report. Agency expressed their appreciation for the time given by the Co nmittee members to reviee the budget in detail. AUG- 19 1986 ITEM. 224 There was no one present washing to speak on this item. Palming Agency discussion„ motion by Director Tarzy, seconded by • DirectorNotice" carried Craweo?�. to aontirnle this public heating to June- 24,1986.c uas1.