Item 14B - Claim for Damages - Elinor KjeldsenGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is i ( C32Y CIF F(IWAY �a� JUN 24 1986 wAT TES crrY � pamy - is }F` . R E. Received � � y C� C OF POWgY via F D ERK'S OF �ICL tT S. mail Clerk' Time Inter -office Mail UUN 2 41986 Over the counter _a MIN SERV DEPS` _"o A Claim must be filed With the. City Clerk of the Cit�r of win .',,v^^u as Wh3.C.1 the: 1nCtdedit Or event Occurred days after BeB e your claim, is against the City of r` ra7r notanother • he entity. Where, space is w�sufficient, pease use additional; PeP identify information keg►aracZA Ah number. tpleted elate.* must aae: nailed • or cieliv+ered to the City CJ.erk® qty of Y 15325 Cigic Center 13rve Poway, G 92064 Q'00. Bow 785) ' y TO TEE excRABrz nym AND cmy cm7N=,, THE CITY `C p Paw CALMRNTA The undersigned respectfully mgnits the following china and information relative to damage to persons and/or personal property k 1. NAME OF CWLuvM Elinor Rjeldsen a. ADDRESS OF CLAIMADM • b. pBoDm No. c.. DAZE OF B3RM d. SOCM 'X NO. EPITMIISLXC. ice. Z- 14airep, telephone and pont office address to which claimant desires roticcs to be sane if other than above:- 3. 0=urrence or event frame which the c131tR arises: a. DA'L'E= May 16s, 19 TIME aPpx . 6 PMC, PLACE (exact and specific iocat on) Sidewalk on Poway Road, right in front of Home Federal Bank near corner of Pomerac` d. Eaw and under what a ==tances did damage or injury occur? SPwify the. Particular` Occurrence, event, act, or cmission claim caused • damage fuse a�ddit gnat the in.Jury Or _. pap4er if necessary), T 31•6.s wa 1. 1�.!...e r, !tea' Aides M1k Qn- A..- i al& gd i33 -M- 1 the d = of - :1 f: The metal door:: a ed Federal is not. flush with sidewalk on, one end and have sid _ Rome ' flush with walk. and I tr% ed n e bolts bolts. which are not e. What particular action by the City, or .its emg�®yeas, caused the alleged dMge or. a.nlury? Numerous metal bolts which are:not,flush with the sidewalk, and metal encasement embedded in sidewalk. f 2 of 3 AUG 19 3986 -ITEM; 1413 Give a descriptiop of the injury, propertydamagepr- loss, so far as is known at the time of this Lim. a wi were no njurie. state "n94njuries. "' brokera bane in my ankle (fibula) and am now wearing a cast. Give (s) of the City esployee(s) causing the damage or injury Unknown Name and address of any other person injured: None Z. Name and address of the owner of any damaged propertys tv of Poway or Home Federal Savings & Loan and/or company who put metal door in sidewalk, "owner" unknown. Damagesclaimed: a. Amount caiimed as of this date: $ unknown as vet b.. timated amountof future casts: $ unknown as yet c. Total amount claimed: $' unknown as of this date d. Basis for computation of anrunts claimer (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.): N/A Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. • pnmorPelo ; r L,ital Emergency Room - Poway CA Orthopedic Doctor for Smith Did not get name of witness who helped me .up from sidewalk. d. ,Askedto use phone in emergency at Pizza Hut. 10. Any additional, information that might be helpful in caonsidering this claim: m WARNING: ir IS A CRIKINAL SSE TO FILE A FALSES CUM! (Penal Code §72; Insurance §556.1) I have read the natters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those natters stated -upon information or belief as to such natters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is. 'TRUE and . Signed this , day of Office of the City Clerk, Poway, California CCCUMENr NO. FILID AUG 19 1986 ITEM 14$