Item 14D - Claim for Damages - Pacific Bell1 of 4 e. W at past] damage. or. 2 of 4 ajjLzj:j� 9 v AUG 19 1986 ITEM 14D Give a description 'f tine injury, property damage( ' loss, so far as is known at the timeof this cint. : If users were no injuries, mate "no fn jUrfes,1° Gi nameis) of the City employee(s) sousing the damage or injury.. Name and address of any other person injured: Nam and address of the minis of any danageol property: ges a. Aaaount claimed as of this date: b. P timatred anoint of future -a --- j c. Total. amount clamed: $ r- . S' d.- Basis for vac utation of amiunts clatred (incl. copies of all. bills, invoices, test etc. addresses of all witnesses, hosprta ,` doctors, etc. b. d. 10. fay additional information that might be S helpful. in: considering this claim: IT IS A CRIKENAL OFFENSE TO PILE A FALSE CIA1141 (Penal Oide 572; Insurance 5556.1) have read the: natters and statements made in the above claim and 1 lasca# the sane. to . be true of my own knowledge, edge, , except as to those matters stated' upon intonation or belief as to such mattes. 1 believe the sane to be. true. " I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRIM and . Signed this E3 day of , 1914, at Office of the City Cie -3:k, Poway, California DOCUMENT i1io. 3 of 4 AUG 19 1986 ITEM 14 d, 04/24/M REPORT JCWO14 PAGE, 20:15 ARC. --RPT; SOCAL PROGRAM JOF71 .._. WORK DETAIL FOR CWBO, 46006021.5 w CITY OF POWAY P 01 sox, 755 POWAY,; CA 9206 FOR THE COST. -OF REPAIR TO PACIFIC,BELL PLANT FACILITIES DAMAGED AT LO.CATrON : a RANCH HOLLOW RD / ORCHARD GATE POWY DATEOF DAMAGE: 04/09/86 LABOVENGIN:EER:ING w D°A:TE.. RC FC REGULAR AND EXTRA: HRS HOURLY RATE SUB -TOTAL 04009/86 4230 2.00 548.00 $96.00 0406%86 423a 4.00 548.0'® LABOR/ENGINEERING, TOTAL $2$8.00: :MATERIAL DATE RC/'FC ` QUANT:ITY COST P/U' SUPPLY EXP SUB--TOTALe--,.l 04/0s/86` -450 25 .22 1.20000�.s CA T 25x26 04/09/-86 45 $2x.64 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL 04009!86- 450 $3.92 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL 04f Q9�86 450 $30.28 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL MATERIAL TOTAL $:62.53 ADDITIONAL EXPENSES 04/09/86 41T TROUBLE REPORT HANDLING $4.28 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE- $354.91 AUG 19 1986: ITEM 14 4 of 4