Item 15 - Authorization to Advertise for Bids on the Construction of Water Mains and Fire Hydrants at Various LocationsAGENDA REPORT1 a 7 CITY OF-POWA.Y - W& report is included on the Consent Calendar. There win -be no separate discussion: of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of -the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the. Consent. Calendar anddiscussed separately. if you. wish to havethisreport pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number, and give. it to the City Clerkk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting'. TOO Mesar and: Members of the City ovmcil Chairman and Marbers of the Red0781CPrMt. Ag.n AA Y • Ja=s L. , City Manama/Execut v+� ITIA BY: Alan D. Ar iii bald, Director of Public Service s/City E gi t ees David shmu ou, Assistant civil. Engineer I-S.`� - s August: 19, 1986 w Authorization: AdVCi. t..L+ a for Bids for the Construction: of C3Da7.LdSi 76r1• . it is 1-ec en led that the City Council and Redevelopment Agency authorize staff to advertise this project for bids. RFlCKG�C� lacna. ma, 1 lntaln. Tseproject provi&s. for the installation of fire hydrants at ne - Road, and Roca. Gkande -installation of an eight -inch water main: and, tv� nch. pave-- ment overlay for Leona Lane and Mountain Road. - FIl�IDIrIGS : _ a A11 arWr ate Water have been acquired and filed, W]fi.11, the Comity rder. Mie plans and specs' hwe been aplproveCi by the. City Mijinew and are ready to advertisie for basis. The. orifi pari. budget of $64,019 was appropriated in P71.985-6. Due to the a of the originalscope of work incl udia additional fire. hydrants, j Limits of, water m3dn service, and additional. paving). an addital fimxiing of $77,,635 is . to ccuplete, the, project. 7his will, be a l shed by a transfer f=m the texed balaiZce of the � Road imp�ts project. ACTION: . i AM, 1, 9 1986t.T E M 15 1 of 6 s: =1 �'; s a RESOLUTION NO. f • k RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL: OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DETERMININGTHAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS F ARE OF BENEFIT TO THE PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD IN WHICH TEM PROJECT IS LOCATED AND DETERMINING THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER. REASONABLE MEANS' OF, FINANCING_ SAID PUBLIC: IMPROVEMENTS. f 'WHEREAS, The Poway Redevelopment Agency is authorized to carry out: the: redevelopment of the Poway Redevelopment Project.. Area; and WHEREAS.,, the Redevelopment. Plan for the Project. Area authorizes and: directs the Agency to- pay all or part. of the: value of the con- struction of public improvements, which are enumerated in materials referenced in the Redevelopment Plan and WiEREAS,, the Poway Redevelopment.Agency will undertake: the construction of water mains and fire hydrants at 'Leona Lane, Mountain Road.,. and. Roca. Grande;. and WHEREAS,. these areas; are within the Paguay Redevelopment Project i and the- installation. of the. aforesaid, improvements, is necessary for ' the execution of the.Project under the provisions of the California . Community Redevelopment Law (Health. and -safety Code,- Section 3300.1 _ et seq,)and pursuant to the- Redevelopment Plan for the Project, which Redevelopment Plan was adopted on December 13, 1983, by Ordinance No.. 117 of the: City Council; and ` WHEREAS, Section 33445 of the California. Realth and: Safety Code. requires the. Agency to determine. the issue. of benefit • to the Paguay Redevelopment Project prior to construction of the public Improve- ments and that no other reasonable means: of financing are available.: NOTA; THEREFORE #, BE. IT RESOLVED that. the City Council of the City of Poway .does hereby resolve -as follows.- Section ollows:Section 1. The City Council hereby determines that the-installa- tion and construction of water mains and fire hydrants at Leona Lane, Mountain Road. and Roca Grande: are of benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project by providing permanent water service and increased fire protection t® said three areas. Section 2. The City Council further determines that no other reasonable means of financing the. improvements are -available to the community. ' Section 3. -The Secretary shall certify to the -adoption of this resolution. 3 of 6 AUG 19 IN6 ITEM 15 ATTAC�3t+?ELVT A . t - Resolution No. Page 2 i PASSED t APPR D. ANII ADOPTED by the City Councilo� the City of Poway this day. of August 1986. Carl: R► Kruse:,?.. Mayor - ATTEST: r,. E 3or- e% 1 Waihlstenl. City Clerk % 3 s AUG 19 ,06 -ITEM 1.5 ` 4 of -.. ____.._...�a.,e®..._,._....>.-..-}.....-..:®.n..e-•..-.'.""'_. -._.s.:."".'^"�r.:•':. dm'=s . '- - - - -".- .�n.c°.�cFFW.' .. lik t IPW 'RESOLUTION NO •R A RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS .ARE OF BENEFIT TO THE PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE, IMMEDIATE; NEIGHBORHOOD IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AND DETERMINING THERE. ARE NO OTHER REASONABLE MEANS OF FINANCING SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency"') is authorized to carry out the redevelopment of the Paguay Re— development Project area; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the project, area authorises and directs the Agency to pay all or pant of the value of the construction of public ,:improvements which are enumerated in materials referenced in the Redevelopment Plan and which include the improvements of water mains and fire.hydrants and - WHEREAS, THE Poway Redevelopment Agency will undertake the construction of water mains and fire: hydrants at Leona Lane, Mountain.Road, and Roca Grande, and WHEREAS these areas are vithirr' :the. Paguay Redevelopment Project and the. installation. of the aforesaid improveffients is: i necessary for the execution of the Project: under the. provisions. of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health. anti: Safety Code, Section 330®0 et seq.) and pursuant to the Redevelopment Flan for the Project.,, which Redevelopment Plan was adopted on December 13 1983, by Ordinance No. 117 of. the City Council; and WHEREAS', Section 33445" of the California Health and Safety Code requires. the Agency 'to determine the issue of; benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment.Project prior -to constructionof the public improvements and.that no other reasonable means of financing are available.. NOW. THEREFORE', the Poway Redevelopment Agency does hereby resolve as: follows: Section 1 The Redevelopment Agency hereby determines --that, the; installation and construction .of water mains and fire hydrants at Leona Lane, Mountain Road., and Roca Grande are of benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project by providing permanent water service and increased fire protection to said three areas in which the project. is located. Section 2 The Redevelopment Agency further determines { that no: other reasonable means of financing the improvements are available to the community without having the Agency pay all or part of the value of such improvements Section 3 The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of F this resolution... aUG 19 X586 ITEM' 15 A�r.r -bs 5 of 6 ,x RESOLUTION NO.. R � Page.2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ` thereof by the Redevelopment Agency of_ the City of Poway, California at a, regular meeting this , day ©f. 'A, IguSt 1986. . ;.- . rman Carl RRruset Chai ATTEST Mar Wahlsten,, Secretary k - _ i zl s AUG 19 06- ITEM 15 6. of 6