Item 16 - Approval of Final Map for the City of Poway Tract 84-01RGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will • be no separate discussion of the reportprior to approvalby the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removedfrom the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number aridgiveit to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council, meeting. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. Bowersox, City Manage . J, D. Archibald, Director of Public Services Walters, Project Engineer August 19, 1986 Approval of Final Map for City of Poway Tract 84-04R, Acceptance of Dedications, and Approval of Standard Agreement :,for Public: Improvements The Final Map for TM 84-04R, a 12-acreparcel: at the southwesterly corner of Twin Peaks Road. and Tierra Bonita Road (Attachment: 1) , is ready for, approval. All dedications have been made; fees, - charges and deposits paid (Attachment. 2) ,. agreement executed, bonds posted, and all required easements havebeen secured. This projectwas originally approved on October 23, 1984, by City' Council Resolution P-84-61.. A revised tentative map (Attachment 3), whichreduced the number of lots from. 52 to 51, was approved on April 29, 1986 by City Council. Resolution P-86-24 (Attachment 4) .. The final map incorporates all of the conditions of approval outlined in Resolution P-86-24. The final map has been examined and found to be technically correct,. in compliance with State law, City ordinances: and in substantial compliance with the approved tentative map andconditions of approval. AGENDA REPORT - August 5, 1986 ARProval of Final Map TM 84-04R, Acceptance of Dedications, and Approval of Standard Agreement for Public Improvements page, 2 The owner has executed the Standard. Agreement for _Construction of Public Improvements,, posted improvement securities° to guarantee performances payment. for labor and materials, and setting of monuments, and paid all applicable fees and deposits. RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve the Final Map for City of Poway Tract No. 84-04R and direct its recordation. 4 2.. Accept on. behalf of the public, subject to improvement, a. portion of ;Twin Peaks Road,. a, portion of Tierra Bonita Road, Poway Valley Road, Surrey Drive,' and County Creek Road as described on said map,. 3.. Accepton behalf of the City of Poway, subject to improvements the,s:torm.:drain, sewer, water, equestrian trail and pedestrian easements.,._ and the abutter`s: rights of vehicular access appurtenant to Lots 2 through 18; inclusive in and to Twin. Peaks. Road and the abutter's rights of vehicular access. appurtenant to Lots: 18 Z9-, 36, and 37 in, and. to Tilerra Bonita Road -as dedicated on said map. 4.. Approve the Standard. Agreement and authorize its execution. on behalf of the City by signature of the City Clerk.. JDB ADA :DW`--mh . Attachments: 1. Vacinity Map 2. Recap:, of Fees 3'. Tentative Map: 4 ., Resolution, P-86-24 AUG 19 fi ITEM l b 2 of 20 CARL R. KRUSE, Mayor MARY SHEPARDSON, Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY,; Counciltnember LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember BOB EMERY, Councilmember AUG, 19`: ITEM 16 City Hall. Located. at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing: Address P..O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748-6500,. (619) 6954400 . 3of20. Final Map fcfwfpm Date: July 28, 1986 TTM, 84-04R Recap of fees paid, deferred to building permit., not: applieabte.. - Paid Euildg- - not appy: Maio- Permit -' Traffic Mitigation yee. $33,660 Drama a Fee - Waived* Park Fee $40,698 Median. lm rovement RIA, Sewait Im r :. Dish.: Annex.._ 4 695 Sewer Connection Fee Per LOA 84-1332C $38 , 250 Water- Fxnansion. Fee $16,065 l S`ignaa Contribution, odification of Signal at Twin Peaky & Ti arra on.ta Rds.. bon ed with Standard ;_ re ent 2.4cka re F county!Lighting District Annexation. Fee _ 4 i Advance: EnergyCharge Other 51 -3/4" - mdters Water ° Meters- 5 L00: Sewer i Sewer DEPOSITS: improvement, Plan. Check $2140:0 _ Grading Plan;Check 900 Landscape Inspection 3, 600 Water Analysis L, fi00: Final. Map Check 10,200 t *See Resolution leo.. P-86-24 S Section: 2-G "mTACHMENT AUG 19 19 ITEM 16 Z 4 of 20 ._ _. __ _._�•--_. __..-_--� , mom' S11t�TnIHJ�iiS��I `� OZ go 5 josa Tcj 311 9861 sT ON gY pp t• �� !* i`,� -.1 Z off! .-.;Iwo �' Z� •T s s: w � g gg OWL r a } a } �Jb6i� /iii_ o AVON& l ALvQd&wJV i' tat o' �rttttttts - ILIt q. tti kr iQ' i q� f1► t. Q. M�.s . 40 46 •ods , !jj` �- � - � "�� . .� ds �� � i:. L. �� 46fl L 44 4 ss, a i - at Pei: 14Xt {{ vji .rr c=z 4 r soft 1; Q i ni�tN 1. a 040. R• W •�i ` • w [ �: to}-• � �t � j� �� mow: + � t .�►�"� twit Cri�o'� � ., . ij .. airflli� rEs � RESOLUTION NO.- P-86! A RESOLUTION'OF THE CITY COUNNCIA ' OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORN h APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 84-04R 24 ASSESSOWS PARCEL NUMBER 321-190®23 AND WHEREAS Tentative Tract Map No. 84-04R, hereinafter Map subs sub® mi ted. by Poway Malley Homes, applicant, forthe purpose of the situated in the City of Poway, County of dividing real, property div g San Diegor State`of California, described as Parcels 1 and 2 of California, e e of Parcel Map 6480 in the County of San. Diego r Stat he Offa.ce of the County Recorder of said Ma 'being filed in cords 77421.449 of of f icaal re County, October. 13, 197? as Fleo. . for. public into 81 lots, regularly came before the City Council hearing and action on April 29# 1986; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommended the set forth. in approval. of the Map subject to all conditions Planning Services Department report; and + WHEREASv the. City Council has read and considered said report presented at the public hearing. and has considered other evidence NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does } resolve as follows: •; C• Section 1-. Findings: d The City Council. makes-the following findings_ in regard to Tentative: Tract No. 8.4-0.4R and the Map thereof . : a.. The tentative tract is consistent with ail applicable general, and specific plans.a ba The design or' improvement, of the: tentative tract is i= consistent with'- all. applicable: general and specific plans; c. The site is . physically suitable for the: type of the development opment proposed, d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the, development: proposed; e,. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause damage and avoidable injury substantial environmental to `humans and: wildlife or their habitat; f The tentative tract is :not likely to cause serious public health. problems., k: { - AUG 19 1986 ITEM 16 6 of 20,ATTACHMENT 4 i L Resolution No. P-86..24 v Page 2+ g• The design of the tentative tract. will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the pros ,I perty within the proposed subdivision, - h. That this project will not create adverse impacts on: the -environment and a Negative Declarationis issued, i. The offect of subdivision on the housing needs of the r San: Diego region has been considered and: balanced against the public service needs of Poway residents and available: fiscal and environmental resources; and j. The design of the subdivision has provided, to the extent feasible® for future -passive or natural, heating or coolie • g opportunities in.the subdivision.: Section 2: Tentative: Tract Map ` No.. 84-04Rg, a copy of which is on. file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to all the following conditions I. Within 30 days of approval., the applicantshall submit in writing that all conditions of approval havebeen read and .:+ understood.,_ . t 20 The following road i_ mprovements shall be. constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or guaranteed by the execution of a•performance agreement secured with sufficient securities in a form, approved by - the City Attorney.; All necessary deposits and, charges shall be paid. prior to final, map approval,.. A. Twin Peaks shall be dedicated. to 51 feet south of street centerline. Tierra Bonta.shall be dedicated. 30 feet west. of street centerline,: and all interior streets shall be dedicated 54 feet wide* - B. The curb lines- on: Twin Peaks and on,Tierra Bonita shall be 41 feet south_ of and 20 feet west of the respective centerlines` The interior streets shall. be constructed with 36 feet, between curbs. Concrete: f sidewalks shall be constructed ort all streets; with pedestrian ramps at the intersections AUG 191986 IT E M 16 of 20 v_ � Resolution No. P-86-24 • Page 3 P' Co A bicycle lane stall be'striped.along the south side ' of Twin Peaks in accordancee with. the, Bikeways Element*. A 15 footwide maintenance: road and the channel. -:area be offered for dedica- along Rattlesnake. Creek shall. tion for storm drain purposes s, from the existing fence southerly to theouth tract boundary.: be provided at Tierra Bonita where :F A driveway shall the maintenance road.sntersects� the street. E. The~ existing undersized, boxy culvert where Rattlesnake: Greek crosses Tierra.Bonita shall be removed, arged as requred,by the pity replaced, or enl Engineer toaprovide 100 -year storm capac y C F. The- drainage facilities draining the west end. of be dedicated 20 feet wide.. Joint• Street A, shall sewer and drainage:easements. steal]: be dedicated at least, 35 feet wide.. G. The proposed drain extension along the: east side ann as Rattlesnake, Cre west side. of the tract, as well. and the culvert under Tek ierra Bonita, are all. Drainage: .As Master Plan Facilities- such the developer is ' fee. drainage. entitled to.credit against the requiredar Prior. to final: map- appro for. their construction. the: developer's engineer shall prepare an estimate of which shall the. cost of improving these f acil.ties, ` royal of the: City Engineer. I f to the. app be subject the construction cost exceeds.the drainage fee in map approva effect at the. time of final l . the fee will be waived. • H� The -developer shall be responsiblefor relocating the: 'at intersection of. Twin Peaks_ and. traffic signal. the: Bona.ta. ' This works shall also include the Zerra installation of traffic sensors, restrtptng the roads -and any alteration or reloca- intersection and tion. of the: signal controller r sagnal headsm, poles#. w3.dentngs or masterms required. because of the street . K ;o Lf re iced by the ; City Engineer r the south side of Bonita. shall improved. iaion traf- Twin Peaks, east of. Tierra with- a paved taper lane. to, properly trans fic from the widened street. 3.; Vehicular access rights shall be- dedicated from all lots. Road, abutting Twin Peaks. Road and Tierra Bonita - - AUG 18 1986 ITEM, lb of. 20 a T s , _ — Resolution No. P-86-24 Page 4 4. The pedestrian/equestrian trails shall be dedicated and imoroved to the -satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Community services prior to recordation of the map. 5. The developer shall include within the conditions, cove® pants, and restrictions the.following statement: In purchasing the home, I have read the CC&R's and understand that the Poway Valley Riders. Association (PVRA) is adjacent to and south of Lots 37 through 47 of the Poway Valley Homes 4or otherwis e named) property and that PVRA activities include equestrian and other domestic - animal related events. 6. There shall be no language in the covenants, conditonln ., and restrictions that precludes the keeping o horses .. this subdivision. . Prior to final.ing any building permit 8 the developer must provide horse trail identifcation.signs at the rear of each lot that abutts Rattlesnake Creek.. _ $.. Provide an equestrian/pedestrian trail -on the sewer ease - agent from the north west corner of Lot 47 to: Sheet ` "BO and. along the: westerly property line of Lo 47. 9: Prior to final map approval, the applicant shall provide for the construction of a. -six foot high wood fence along the north side of the maintenance road.along Rattlesnake Lot- 37 to Lot 4:7. Said fence Creek from proposed proposed shall include an access gate for each proposed lot. The design of this fence, and the location of the gates shall be approved by the Director of Planning Services* 10. The developer shall provide a five foot landscape buffet irrigation along the.fence.parallel to Rattlesnake and Creek.. This buffer shall include a minimum of one 15 - gallon tree planted 2.0 foot on center. 11. A.tem ovary trail from Budwin Lane to the PVRA 'site shall be installed.pror to construction of road improvements of Twin Peaks Roadto the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services., T AUG 19.1996 ITEM ib 9 of 20 .0 •d Resolution No. P-86-24 Page 5 12. The exit velocity at the rebuilt culvert shall be less than ten feet per second under the. existing 100 year storm conditions -The northerly side of the proposed channel shall be constructed in such a manner as to softly convey the -present full 100 year storm without erosive damage to the channel lining or adjacent fills. The southerly side of Rattlesnake -Creek may, remain in an. unimproved state provided the developer.s secure and execute an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication over the flowage easement sufficient to control the 100 year event along the southerly side of the proposed channel. Water surface elevations for Rattlesnake Creek shall.be_tied,to the 1985 F.E.M.S. stucy for the City- of Poway. 13. The sewer mains in "A", "Bp, and. "C" Street, shall be extended easterly to the east side of Tierra Bonita._ Pursuant to Sec. 16®18.030(12) of the Poway Municipal 2 Code, the city will enter into a reimbursement agreement primarily for the reimbursement to the subdivider for the cost of this extension at such time as the extensions are ever used by other properties f •.^f 14.. The Joint sewer and storm drain easement shown along the i� west side of Lot 47 shall be dedicated .35 feet wide All the on-site sewer easements shall be dedicated 20 feet. .-: wide 15. The -developer shall pay for a water system analysisto establish the proper size and location for the public water system.: The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and will be a. full. cost. recovery deposit. 16. Prior to final mapapproval, the; developer" s engineer shall prepare and submi.t.a detailed hydrology and hydraulic report -on the project and the proposed storm drains, to verify thein sizing and to show that all building pads will be at least one foot above the 100 -year stoma level. This. study shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer, and its results shall beimplemented in the tract grading and drainage improvements 17. The developer shall require the. property owners to par- ticipate in a landscaping maintenance district. Said district shall include the -maintenance of all landscaping associated with the dedicated open planted areas and. the noise attenuation walls. The costs involved in district formation and or expansion shall be borne by the deve- Toper. Said Landscape Maintenance District shall be responsible for the maintenance of all equestrian/pedestrian trails adjacent to and within the project and of -the pedestrian access between Lots 2 and 3:. Resolution No. P-86-24 Page 6 ' royal the developer shall furnish a 18 .Prior to f approval map PP at, the corner of Twin covered bus stop to city,Standards Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita Road. The design and Zoca- tion of said.stop shall be approved by the. Director of Planning Services. 19 Prior to the final -Ing of building permits, the applicant shall provide landscaping_ within the front setback area of each parcel to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services 20. Prior to final snap approval , a plan shall be sub- mitted to the Director of Planning Services delineating pedestrian access between Lots 2 and 3. Said access shall. be fenced- lighted by street lights at each end, and landscaped. 21. A landscape plan illustrating street trees and slope planting shall be. approved prior to building permit nuance and installed prior to finaling of: building permit. 22.. Wood or decorative block fencing shall be installed in the front yard extending from house to house, between proper ties® and along the near lot. lines of, those properties -,. under the RS -4. zone designatioa prior to finalization Of building permit 230 Prior to final map approval, the developer shall provide a noise: attenuation wall along. Twin Peaks: Road and. Tierra Bonita Road. The wall must, be masonry along Twin -Peaks; Road, along Tierra Bonita Road.from Twin Peaks Road to NA" Street: and at the -corners of OA ' A. Street and Tierra Bonita and *c" Street and Tierra Bonita. The remaining boundary • along Tierra Bonita shall require the construction of'The wood fence. Said masonry wall shall be landscaped. cation of the. walls, fencing, and landscaping desire and lo shall be in accordance with the Zoning Development Code and to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services The improvements may be:guaranteed by the execution of a performance agreement secured with sufficient securities prior to finalL map approval. • 24. Lot 47 shall. maintain a 20 foot set back along Street i" unless a variance is granted prior to final map approy • 25 In accordance w h city Ordinance No. 83, the: developer shall, within 30 days of the approval of this tentative t make a icats.on fora Letter of map and/or use permit, pp Availability and pay the: non-refundable reservation fee equal to 20 percent of the appropriate sewage connection fee then in effect. 1986 6TaM 6 1,1• of 20' . Aub I9 1 Resolution No P-86-24 - Page"? , riot e 184, school fees shall be paid p 26•. Pursuant to ordinance Pe unless a previous L to the issuance of building p Unified School agreement has been arranged with the Poway District. s shall be subject to he review of I7. Fire hydrant location Services. The developer shall pay the Director of. Safety ro er sire ter s tem. analysis to establish sery ngp it. The for a water y 3 and.location for the pubs Wthe costteoff analysis and will amount will be deteriaa.ne Y be a full cost- recovery deposit. n Lots 2 through. i8 shall -be single story r or if 28. Some o Tws.n P shall. have no window openings facing the two story . is subjectto , modif icat Road. This Condition services if noise attenuation Director of Planning design. measures are incorporated into the building 29. Resolution No P -84-6'i is hereby res cinded. Section 3= is on file i -04Re a copy ®f which the Tentative Tract Map No. 84 a roved sub,ect to Services office, is hereby PP the Planning • following Standard Conditions= BUILDING AND:.: NT SHALL+ CONTACT TEE DEPARTMENT of®L&®t L APPLICANT NG, CONDITIONS • . I SERVICEs REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH A. SIT DEVEL4iPMEHT a roved site plans developed, in accordance with the PP 1.. Site, shall be P Department and the conditions cos- on file. in. the Planning Services P tained,herein 11, _ t shall not waive compliance. with ab1esCity . Approval of this•reques ent Cade and all other applic tions of the Zoning Developm ermit-issuance. . es in effect at the time of building .P . ordinanc • a minimum of 25% of the lots with t to 3. The developer shall provide ursuan developer shall lrea.for,recreation vehicle storage p adeq h CC• &R ° s shall. prohibit the stcarage of City standards, andthe front yard °setback. recreattional 'vehicles in the required �,II areas • n lots 10000 'square feet or less is sire and 4, lull boxes,; oall be installed and located by the where sidewalks are tequzred. sh he PlanningServices Departmen to . approval by developer subject AUG 19 1886 ITEM 1 t 12 of 20 13 of 20 Resolution No: P-86-24' Page -8 _ �+ 5. The developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of approved roof materials and colors into the design of the residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complementary among each of the residential units. . 6.. Al.l roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services: Department . 7. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein, shall be completed to thesatisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. S_. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National l Electric Code, Uniform Fire Coder and allother applicable codes- odesand andordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 9. Prior to the issuance of'building permits for combustible = construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is' available. Where additional fire protection is required by the Director of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the { time of construction. 10 . 'For a new residential. dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay ft development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit'and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees Un accordance with City-adopted policy and/or. ordinance), Water 3 and Sewer'Service Fees. These fees shall be paid prior to final map approval. 11. Street names Shall be approved-by the Planning.Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses, shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. Building-identification "and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings: so as to be plainly visible from the street or access road; colon of identification and/or addresses shall- hallcontrast contrastwith their background color. B. PARKING AND VESICULAR ACCESS NO CONDITIONS C. LANDSCAPING 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Services. Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits, 13 of 20 y , Resolution No. P -86x24 Page 9 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning Services Department pr�.or netwhich strees shall be 9 permits and pri®r to gradings to:determi retained. on -Site trees shall be retained wherever possible and 3., . Fxista.nq on. -- s ed. Dead, decaying or potentially shall be ta�mmed and/or Copp dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the,discretion of inter Services Department. during` the review of the rived for the. Plann g Those trees which, . are- app Plan of existing -on -Site trees.. 11` be replaced on a tree -for -tree:. basis as required by removal sha P the Planning'Services DepartmentV 4> �. .Street.. trees, a minimum of 15 gallon. size or larger, shall and shall installed in accordance. with the City of Poway ordinance be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior, streets and 20 feet on exterior streets D. SIGNS ' ns proposed for this development shall be desgned.and 1.. Any.. sig P P ; approved in conformance with the: Sign Ordinance RECREATION lots -having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail ahave n 1. On lot g or adjacent to their property, the developer is require to have within the C.0 a &R Is the following statement : in the; home., I have read: the C.C.&R• d s and understand In purchasing that said lot is Subject to , an easement for the purpose . of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffico hall iffiprove-the equestrian/Pedestrian trail system 2. The developer s• in accordance: with the ad 'opted standards and to the ' sfaction of the Directors of Public and. Planning Services sate prior to final map approval. open ace easement shall be: grunted to final the City ascan upon, 3. An p P across and under the area define structureso other things shall equestrian trail and no building, • be con structed, erected, placed. or ma ed onsubject. nts except for the construction. and maintenance of said easements appurtenant to the trail.. trail and structures; app - • he master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails ,to the.. 4. Dedicate t satisfaction of the Directors of the t eat�asterPlanpoflTrails -' Planning -Services in. accordance with - " Element. Dedication or payment the established t of Park Pees a •� _ 5. Parkland . rate shall be made prior to final map a PProyal 14; of 20 AUG 19 1986 1T E M 16 rL �_ • Resolution No P-8'6-24 • Page 10 _ F.. EXISTING STRUCTURES 1. Provide compliance with the. Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering use, area and fire -resistiveness of existing. buildings. 2.. Existing building(s) shall.be made to comply with current.building and zoning regulations fortheintended use or the building shall be demolished 3. Existing 'sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped: to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. G. ADDITIONAL, APPROVALS REQUIRED 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit.. 2. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all trees, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of. the Director of Planning Services 3 When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trans are required as -: apart of the subdivision, the developer shall display a. map in th sales officer of said subdivision, indicating the trails. • "-' 4 All sales maps that are distributed -or -made available to the public shall include but not be: limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. S. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the $ales office to the satisfcation of the planning Services Director. The display shall include the site: plan and noise study. 6. working drawings shall include a certification by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the. City of'Poway°s noise ordinance.will be met 7. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL shall be -determined by field testing at developer's expense. Tests to•be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits shall be granted until - Condition G-7 is met to the satisfaction of the 'Building Code: (latest ad opted edition) "Sound Transmission Control." I E t Resolution No. P-86-24 Page 11 II. APPLICANTSHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS H. GRADIN - 1. Grading of the. subject propertyshall be- in accordance with the Uniform Building Code,, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices 2 The grading plan shallcontain a certificate: signed byaregistered civil.engineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum of red square feet..of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future -building site within the subdivision. 3 A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed I by the State: of California. to perform. such work prior to building permit issuance. 4. A. geological report shall be. prepared, by' a qualified engineer or• geologist and submitted at the time of -application, for grading plan check. 5. The. final grading plain shall be subject to review ,and approval by thePlanning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed prior to recordation, of the final subdivision mag or l_ issuancof building permit, whichever comes first.. e: I STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1 All Circulation Element roads 'shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and to -the specifications of the Director,of Public Services.. 20 The developer shall pay for the modification of the traffic signals at Twin Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita. Road prior to final map appro- val. F 3. Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated to the: City of. Poway and labeled on the final map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. 4 All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards 5. Sidewalks t4.5?' feet in width shall be required on both sides of interior streets. 6. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director` of Public ' Services . s Resolution No. P-86-24 _ Page 12 -' 7. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved `.. by the Director of Public Services. S. Street improvement plans prepared: on standard size sheets by a • Registered Civil Entjineer-shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses ' shall be_paid by the developer. 9 All exterior street improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of building permits., to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 10. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to . - X a. Sidewalks X e. Cross gutter X b. Driveways ®f Alley gutter X c. Wheel chair ramps _X ,g• Street paving XX d. Curb and gutter h. Alley paving shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of: the Director of Public Services 11. All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway CJ trees, shall: be repaired.or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements , to the satisfaction .of the Department of Public • Services 12. Priorto any work being performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be.obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid,. in addition to any other permits required 13. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made in accordance with City Ordinance standards for: a. Major streets: 100/80 Twin Peaks Road: b. Collector 60/40 Tierra Bonita Road. Co Local 54/36 Streets "Awl WBw s NCO 14. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate. `prior -to final.map approval. J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL i 1. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the j Director. of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices 17 of '2® AUG 19 S ITEM 1 b P, Resolution. No P-86-24. Page. 13 2. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance.. 3. K drainage system capable of handling and` disposing of all. surface water :originating within the subdivision., and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision fromadjacent land's, shall be _ required. Said: drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to pro perly handle- the drainage.. 4« Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed .where, water crosses the roadways. 5. Me Master Plan of Drainage Fee shallbe paid at the established rate in accordance with the Drainage ordinance prior to final: map approval 6. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or, sidewalks shall. notbe t permitted. K. UTILITIES` 1. All. proposed utilities within the proj;ect.shall be installed underground including existing utilities along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5T..w t~ 2. Utility easements shall be provided. "to the specification of the serving utility companies and the Director of Public Seryices. 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding- of existing public utilities' as required. 4. Water, sewer, and fre'protectos systems: plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego S. Prior to acceptance of property foi sewer service, annexation to $ the sewer improvement area shall occur. 6. The applicant shall.. pay for a water system analysis: to' establish the proper size and, location for the, public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost. of the analysis and shall be. paid prior to final map., 70. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval. of the tentative tract map, tentative -parcel map, use permit, ok develop- ment review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection i fee in effect at the time the LCA is issued.._ AUG 1.9 1986 ITEM l b 18 of 20 'Re SOgo. p-86-24 page 14 tem canf`oing to City -of -- fight SYs 'ect to the ! shall construct a l ublicr sub, g Develops= Poway ` Standards at no cost t® the P p y rovide• true following: l be it which willabovethe F cut-off f tuminarli a shall. ro ' ecta.an of light,fight emitting a. gee cutoffs and prevent p Point of the- lamp. 9a deg the lowest P E - hori.zontaI r a ice • refractor-orvapor E lea= r low pressure sodium. b . ail. fixtures shall use a c light ,source. engineering charges shall c:, Advance. energy charges es and Dstrs.ct g the developer be paid by accomplished and tin district shall. 'be ac fe s shall b� I d` Annexation to the li.gh g a ent of lighting f annexation and p � final approval or building evidence o prior to f i Presented to the City P permit issuance ,. .whichever occurs firs . be provided and installed when the Cable comp. Y Cable television serve3.oses shall notify , ed• 9 underground. The developer lisp trenching for utilities is to be accomp ApPRC US GL G ERAt+ OIP AND - apt Restrict ons tCC' s; . Conditions and Res ®f he Covenants: gomeowne=s' Ass®catan A COPY rati®n of the with c®editions review for compliance: and Director of and f ®s Articles of: Inco • ect to the, Attorney of Stater shall be sub 7 satisf action ®f the. City rein r tQ` the. all be f .led with the Secretary of nal. 'gyp' he and sh Ciera at the time planning Services r ,the City the County Recorder and consideration. Landscal@st. r a Notice of Intention to filed w -v -h eC city Council• 2. pr to •'ret rad Districts shall bedist t formation shall be and/or Legh g costs involved in The engineering . borne by the_developer r.ocedur�s. 3. Final tract maps. shall.. conform to City standards and P rthe divided r each. final Map this subdivison,be fu b the Director of Public 4. Should roval Y shall be submitted, for app - Services-, the Poway e Subdiv son Ordinance Of the a division S. All provisions of met as they relate Municipal Code shall. be sf` land AUG19 3986 !TEM 16 19' of 2 " Resolution No.. P-86-b24 Page 15 . � f }� �Tp�, �: � all. 0'.6. the Above G� improvements 6. Pr�.ar to finale approval / _ „aQ�' ., or, deferred installed and LoY ided and requirements shall be ' shaI anon Within two years from map recon . by. guaranteels�g permit i-ssuance/ whichever ,occurs dation or prior to building P agreeffient/ secured execution of a performance, first by the. toed by- the city in a foriaeesp With sufficient secuates. / All necessary, processing depossta� . and AttorneY • ., r a rovaL.; charges shall be paid prinr to final map PP 'final map approva3 all,dedications shall. be made7. Prior to s and easements granted as required above. 19 86 r The. to ntatl't�e map approval shall expire oa.October 23,o.rga days time extension. is..receiv unless an applicant on _for accordance With the vity's Subdivision p riOr to,expration,in . Ordinance.. ,. AND' ADOPTED . by the City Council of the City Of Poway. f APPROlED A rsl/ 19`86. day State of California, this 9th P C Z R., Kruse. Mayor A`�TEST : _ Marjori K. Wah steas,c ty Clerk AUG 19 06 ITEM 16 Y 1n of 20 _