Item 17 - Acceptance of Public Improvements and Releases of Securities- TPM Nos. 17006 and 82-01, James and Mary McAffee and John and Kathryn Voris} GENDA REPORT "'t CITY CF'.POWAY ` This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the �y i report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or publicE �op� x request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. if you wish to IN have this report pulled for discussion, please fill: out a slip indicating the report number' and give it to the. City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. s Mf Honorable> Mayor and MMd=s of the tY council FRS: Jam L. Bocaersox, City Manager ' TED BY Alan. D-0, Archibald, Director of c Services/City En Nnoy T. Basu11, Assistant Civil Engineer C' DAME: August 19-, 1986; SXT': AcceEance of Public Impravemeats and Release of Securities: i TPM Nos.- 17006 and 82-01, James and Mazy McAffee, and John and Kathryn Voris � ` BACOt7ND . r_ Tie developers of the: above: subject subdivisions have notified the City, of the completion of public that were covenants to said subdivisions, and thereby have requested the acceptance of such improvements and the release of appurtenant securities or bonds. Tie subdivisions, are located in Garden Road, as shooai in the attached vicinity map (Attachment A). Tentative Parcel, Map Nos. 1-7006 and 82-01 are both four -parcel Subdivisions that were recorded respectively as Parcel Map Nos. 13362 and. 13536 The public me is that were- c.:ompleted are' i rovernts to .Road, and ri- -� �' tions of meter and sewer "mains, as shown in City of Porgy drawings dated. SeP 24, 1982 ` and September 28 1984. Allfees and/or. cizarges have been. paid, as plans have been suhmitted, and; warranty bonds have been posted (Attachment B) . Rn���vDA�rlc�t it is rec mmax ed that the City Council accept as carplete the public int proand authorize release of the following securities 1. Irrevocable hotter of Credit -No. 09460 (Attachment C) 843,140.00 2. Irrevocable Letter of Credit. No 09-430 {Attar jment D) $25,800.00 Attacmp..nts (4) ACTION:; AUG 19 1986 ITEM 17 1. of 19 2 of 19 t (gid No. 1094416. _ WARRANTY BOND Premium $200.00 GARDEN ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR t -TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-01- WHEREAS, - 1WiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, hereinafter 'referred to as "city", and James L. and Mary S. Mc Afee ,. hereinafter designated as "principal", have entered into an a • ' greemeiat whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public Ir ts, which said agreement, dated , i9®, and identified as Garden Road Street Improvements for Tentative Parcel Map 82=01. is hereby referred to and made a parthereofr and ' WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement. to furnish a bond which will guarantee and warrant the work performed under said agreement. _ NOW, THEREFORE, we, the principal, and AMWESTSURETY INSURANCE COMPANY 1400 6th Ave. #209 San Die o CA 92101 , surety, are held, and, firmly bound unto City in the penal sum ofOne thousand seven hundred twenty and no/100------------------ �_------------- dollars (S 1, 720.00 ) , lawful money of tine United States, for the payment of this bond obligation, - we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators# jointly and severally. The condition of this obligation is such that, if the abav&*bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things agree to and.abide by �--.. •and well, and truly keep and perform the: covenants, conditions and provisions in the said. agreement ``- and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and p performed at the time and in the manner therein ;specified, _ and in all respects according to their- tru=intent.and. meaning, and shwa ... c; Ind y and save harmless the City, of'Poway, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise, it shall be -and remain'in full -force and. effect. The: surety hereby stipulates and agrees to! guarantee: the warranty of the work performed under the terms of theagreement as hereinafter provided for a period of one (1) year following the completion and .express accep- tance by City, against any defective work or labor done, or, defective materials furnished in performance of the agreement with the City all as more Particularly set forth in paragraph 9 of said agreement. Surety agrees that it will pay the amounts due City and diligently perform the agreement upon principal°s default after notice and within the tip specified in the agreement. If principal :fails to P perform within the times specified in the; agreement, surety will promptly on demand deposit with City such amount as City may reasonably, estimate as the cost of completing all of Principal's obligations. Surety's obligationfor payment herein shall extend notwithstanding any controversy between principal and City regarding principal's (4/84) 'Warranty Bond - l 'of 3 AUG -19 1986 ITEM 17 3 of 19 ATTACHMENT B 4 .. - , ,. _ .. ... _.. � _....-, _ ....-..,t ..,...... .. -, ._.;. a SQA RBANTY" BOND Page 3 Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (check one) Surety's agent for .`service of Process in California: )AMWEST SURETYINSURANCE COMPANY' Surety Company P.O. Box 4500 Name Street Number: Woodland Rills, Ca 91365 Street Number_ City and State 619-233-5893 City and. State Telephone Number By Telephone Number A torney s Pact or resent ive) • San Diego STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ss. 5/30/86 On , before me a Notary Public, within and for the said County and State, personally appeared Joanne Burdette known • to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person. whose name is subscribed to the within instruments- as the Attorney in Fact of and for the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the AMWEST '. SURETY INS RAN 0 • a_ -i= to as Surety, ac .hid own name as Attorney in. F J +��. u /t f' /1 moi. 5of19 officukt.stm.. BONNIE K. McGUIREMart Pubic-Oblifungs. Principal afiiato Sae Dim County My Comm. Ems. *ane 15„ 1987 NOTARY PUBLIC dua near oonas w3.1.ne Limited to such amounts as ' would be -acceptable: to the Treasury Department.: (NOTICE: No substitution or revision to this bond form will be accepted.) 2/83 Warranty Bond - 3 of 3 AUG 1.9 1986 ITEM 17 . C-b-MRAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT seeew.-I Beep 7 -, State of Californi On this the 3 0 bay.of ,ay 19 , befo.S San Diego` 1 _ county of the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared i= 20 personally known tome ® proved tome on the basis of satisfactory evidence to ho tha narenntcl whnca nnmobtl �etihnnrihed to the i t Ahllli m SURETY WSURANCE CO. P.O. Box 4500'` Woodland Hills, CA 9136IRL •• 1 (� t `' KNOW ALL MEN 8Y' THESE PRESENTS! fiat_Ai�tW SttRIRY INStJAAN , �l�P &A * - UFOAf1tA; .OR RATION - does: hereby makes constitute: and appoint. ?.' �„i ,r w•� � �,. .t iTt7tl 8ut�dstia. �:_'�`�'�•��ti'�•. . ��n;,,:� •,i:r+ its true; and lawful Attomay(SN't-Fact with full pawet: and authority ta�and:ac tsihslt: cfQ3M contpanY gs auMys, to execute and deliver AM affix the seal of the compatiyt2MtetOil:" s.af is other wtittettGbllga•timets In the nature therust c as toilowt aft } �j �.,.-t;*,;•T • T:`tet wT q+a�a y''' L• •a� ^J ,a'fr-:. ry 4 t and to hind Ali1V M SURETY INWRANCECOMPANY ttt�. artd alt otthp advat l" pureusett'to these p1rMNtla. ars hereby faUtfed snidmtlfttjadd�?hlaappointttlstt rtdt tedw r sforttta£ttta Laws of the CA11 penyt ��.tTrs.,•• ! Article tf.Sean70 1 fotCi. .Rif1d^eif"l•0 y �:.A`}•�-fA.H=�•'� ��}���J !Sri. i� y. . This Pass of Acteinw r:dp aha. aw Cy bcsitnilsuttda ar tn. wtttoiit�t;of tnstttlicwi neowtians_adapead i . ? A[IAYItE3TR!}Y`f a mNliltQ nsatot� the board of � w �t. may. �ttf� t y' �iY+ . 2w • .ttF.i � Dt •:ss;'1 tm eeua' hEaat 092 ;MqeotiQ NtedtoteImeaYa ortMf•ra�. at mentin forp,ndanWtte to' teanfdefmandaNxt1wsesof '�'• E. `.; 4+ 4„t. •: - usndartsithtps,, and att�lYsttit9eDUQatt4!p4*Ahfnds;•a:ldst+idoff(wes r�rttorsattlisu�h'titfatttr4xa�"„e.w.„"'��. tttfasetCl� qk-atlanw :r ft�adid., .•..,, esar . 4 Fitt E th !bonaaking• r _ }ilel! _ :1Fitid• �' K ' u t a u y `ca•president and attaated and ssaMd (lf a seal be i"byark see, t=-fetafyoP stant.sectet or ..r '+' .'Jta12 '"L �- "1 ►. i.}a �iE'=ii+r iCtini (Iij>whan signed Dyyttte pres(dertt o►at1y vice president or set�aafatant satretan, and csiunterafgnid'r W tested (it a seat twjegtriroM bya dWy authorized attemeyin•facti ri ag�;Qf 'tom s1c (Ilo wftett duly and s"W(If asaal be required), by one s .. ��=1 , that Nf pf autfiortt�l by the power of attorney issued by Me company to austt person or persons. ...R FUMER.thU s stgnsuue of ariy, authorized attizsr and'tjNt,>l o spotty may tit a hrsknItsta poMrertst' -yorcertification thereof authorizing the bard; �a1,;t%; 1SpYsg; :ast!(irs p obligations of the company; and such s • as though manually affixed. iN WITNESS WMEREOF. ANVIEST SURSTY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these prey ntato be signed by Its proms of flew. and its, corporatesaei to be hereunto affixed this ist, day of Amt AMWEST SUREYY INSURANCE COMPANY - �� •v tN` am R. PO W=% Preudant ttann Ci. Coi'wr►, +aetetary' STATE OR CALIFORNIA, COUNiY OF LOS ANGELES — as Omnis t_�dal►of April A.M.lg 85 Faaorullygamebetwenue Garry FL Paterson and Kates C. Cohen to me known to be the Individuals and officers: of A1i1WEST SURETY INSURANCE COM- PANY. CALIFORNIA.who executed the above instrument. and they eachaged the elution of the same. and being by me duty sworn, didsarafefly d"Ose andsay: that ttteyare thteaaidolfkwn of the t:orpoMdM aforesaid= and that the seat afRxedto the r .. ab Madnstrumsn4 is the sextet the corporatiom and that said corporate seal and their Ognaturse as such officers were duly affixed and sub crf9t d to the said instrument by the authority of the board. of directore of said earporatbn., ewras eW - (SEAL) awraes veeut�casMaear reran rna 40"M re f.OS ANls�t'iSiCOtfR M1 Prswis Easiras fdt 2L int STATEOF'CAUFORNiA.. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES — es CWIF'ICA'[E 1. the undersigned, ® secretary of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCI :COMPANY.. a California corperatlen., 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing; and attathsd Power of Attorney remains in full: force and has not been fmked, and further MOM ; thatthe'pfor aft of the Bylaws of the txxrrpany and, the Resoiytidns of the board of dkWofs set. forth In the Power of Attorney, am now in farce: Signed and sealed at San Diego, CA this ®� h day of tg 86 Kash{ Conw+. Savary AUG 19 1986 1 _-1EA& 17 7 of 19 � ,`• Bow No 1094417 WARRANIT BOND Premium $200.00 r' ° SEWER & WATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR TPM 17006 MMM, The City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, hereinaft,�; referred to as "City" and James L. Mc Af ee and Mary S. Mc Afee dipal. dSSlg---ted as "prinClpal", have entered. into an, agreement whereby grin Co- pal, agrees to instal cad- certain designated. public. inprovemoltS, which said Cued . ®r and ivied a3 * IDARD FOR STRUCPION OF PUBLIC 1261PIRIOUTIEMEIMw s hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, said principal is. required under- the textus of said agreement to furnish a band which will. guarantee and warrant, the work performed under saidAXWEagree.. we the, the principal , and sT SURETY - INSURANcE corp surety, are held and firmly bound unto City in the penal _sum of Two thousand eight hundred seventy six and 00/100' c7olla�cs 16,00 l , lawful. money of the United States, for the payment, this bond, obl gat ,n0n0 bend Ourselves, o= he rsi successors, eXQCLitQtS. and adItii.n3L5tra.torSr jointly and severally.. The condi of, this obligation is such that; if the -abovi bounded P PS-, his or its. heirs, administrators, successors-, or assigns? shall in all,.," things agree to: and. •abide by, and well. and truly keep and perfoaa the oovenants�q aonsiitons and provisions in the said agreement and. any alteration thereof made as:' therein provided, on his or their part, two be kept and performed at the time and is i the manner therein :ip@Clfled, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall Indamify and save harmless the City of Poway,: its Off2 Mrs, agents and employees, as therein. Stipulated, then this obligation shall. become nul.L and void- otherise it shal L be and remain in fv11 force: and effect. _ , The surety hereby_stpulateri. and agrees to gr guarantee the warranty of the work performed under the terms of the agreement as hereinafter, provided for a of one t 1 year-, followingthe letion and express Fins o�p � acceptance. by Cary. against any defective work or. labor done, or defective furnished in perfo of the. ag=eent with the City, all as more, particularly set forth in. paragraph 9 of said . agreement. Surety, agrees that it will pay the amounts due City -and diligently perfom they agreement upon principal's default after notice and within the time specified. in the agreement.. If principal • fails to perform, within the times; specified in the: agreement, surety will pramptly on demand deposit with City such amount as City may reasonable estimate as the oast of completing all of principal's obligations. Surety's obligation for payment herein shallextend notwithstanding any controversy between principal and City regarding principal's failure under the agreement, t8j85� warranty Bond - 1 of 3 AUG 19 INS IT ATTACHMENT B 8 of 19 Principal and surety agree that any payment by surety pursuant to this paragraph should be conclusively presumed between the parties herein to' relieve, as demanded, surety's obligation herein and shy be deemedproper payment as between principal and surety. Tis bond shall inure to thebenefit of any and all of the persons named in Title 15 of the 'rata Civil Code, so as to give a right of action; to these, or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Surety agrees thatno change, extension of tire, alteration, or addition to the terms of the agreement,: or the work to be performed thereunder., or the plans and specifications, or any••matters unknown to surety which might went sweaty's risk shall. in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby wive notice thereof. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to theface amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, obligation, attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully -enforcing such gatio , al.l. to be taxed ascosts and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no maintenance work perform. on said improvements by City or its agents shall in any way affect its: obligations on this bond, and itdies hereby waivenotaca of any such maintenance: work. 311 WITNESS `, this instrunent hasbeen Executed above named, on� Q , r\'`i,p o at • (Attach acknowledgement of principal) (8/85) 9 of 19 AUG 19 1986 ITEM 17 - +iP. AN1'S'. BOIL Page 3 Any claims a this bondnay be addressed to: (check heck one ) Surety's agent for service of process in California: 1MWESTSURETY INSURANCE COMPANY P.O. BOX 4500 AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY Surety many 1400 6th Ave., #209, Nene Street Number San Diego, CA 92101 Street Number City and State loodland Rills, Ca 91365 city and State ;1.9-233-5893 Telephone Number 619-233 5893 Telephone Number. 111)1.1/.1 s me in ct or Q STITE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Diego 5/30/86 n , before me a_ Notary Public, within and fora the said,: County and State, personally appeared :sane Notary a known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instruments as the Attorney in Fact of and for the AMWESTSURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, and: acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the REST` SURETY INSURAN • " to as Surety, and rg; own name as Attorney in '1 PUBIPC Sureties must be authorizedto do business in andhave an agent for service of process in California and be on the accredited list of the United States Treasury Department in addition to requirements contained within the Agreement, and their bonds will be limited to such aunts as would be. acceptable to the Treasury Department. (NOTICE: No substitution or revision to this bond form willbe accepted.) (8/85) 10 of 19 Warranty Bond - 3 of 3 • . AUG 19 1986 ITEM 17 • 1Unrr►�a _ State of1sa._' _. On this 3®day the of 8 6 b --�� 190efore me,; f t San Diego •� County of James L. ' McAfee and Mary S. McAfee ' the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared , V personally known to me p iCtat. SEAL,®: , proved to meon the basis of Satisfactory evidence ' LUCY HOWARD to be the person(g)whose name(s), subscribed to the '$ NOiAgt, pU13LIc--CAUFORNtA m Plttac,Pa1 oFFtcs iH within instrument, and acknowledged that �xecutediL :. SAN' CIEGO, COMM ` ,4 Q WiTN�MS hand and offict seal. ., Ww V• _ t� Comm+ lib.ber . Notary's ignatur �,. PARTNERSHIP ACiCNOli1PLG14diENT 11: PEE State of op On this the, . .day of lS, before me, County-of the undersigned Notary Public, personalty appeared 13 personally known to me Q proved°to me on the bads-of satisfactory evidence to be the person(b) who executed the within instrument, on behalf of the. . partnership, and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. WITNESS-my hand and official seal. _ a Notary's Signature CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ` State of On this the ....day of �, 1w_._ before me,. County at .. . the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared; • ' •.' Q personally known to me- . 93 proved tome on the basis of satisfactory evidence � to be the person(;' who:exeeuted the within instrumentas. cron,behaltaf thecorporation therein • named, and acknowledged to; me that the corporation executed it . 1NITNESS myhand.and official; seal. Notary` Signature `�,._,.. Pa.;o,.•dvl,�s�de:��orrrdie��ir�Il/bio/i��i�i�►a►d.�v�rfi'alt�oesTeIaewssy!/j/IY✓i1►/,ii f II of 19 AUG: 1.9 1986 t i E M 17 `.- F %MWEST SURETY INSURANCE, CO.. ` P.O. Bou 4500 C . Woodland Hills, CA 91365: 1` 818) 7444.1111. ' `K . '�' �'; � �� ?'rte t 'i3,•ks-"it POWER OF ATt KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That AMIWW SUR6n IHSU€t,A�Naaa COMRANY, A I.IFORNIA CORPOiRATtON doas. hereby, make, constitute and appoint„ •,� s •�` j~ .-.yw�.}+i its true and lawful Attomey(sHm-Fact, with full power:-and. authority for and on�blhalf oil ttta company ascaurety. to eacecute: and depvlr, and affix the mal, of the company tlterlto If. seat is regal bond; tu1dartaking a otbeE.wfttttrZobitga- tlons. in the nature thereof. as follows "" � `""sun � y �+ . . y {"t,.►'� as � .t and to bind AMWEsr, SURETY INSURA14CE;COMPANY' tM � ' . and.aI1.Q1 tris icts:ol tatd At�act. putwartttntt�oe+ pressrtt% we hlrWl!`ratified and iortt7hls.8ppohttmaris made ut+e�W, t $ if8y; Laws of tlsecompany,whl ttoutIrt,ttl: fctere and a '+` .r?', �Pt atm .� r ^.r;•, +r t" Article 11t. Section T.otthR(;y t4 ot;AMWE B iRET j­V.1tISURAt EGOtiA ;.�� This Power atAttomi gli lg'n dandsgladbylaesimitwundecar by theaWh�rfiyc#thrtc(fowin ,teactutk>ns 01[ the board of dites tot>L-9i AVW RL�Tr INfiEI c>i QQMPAN� a meatind duly .i.'L4 tr• kyj" 3:-t taY`t--•3t(• � r,,-� A,►�t.. •..�a: _ 44 RESGLVED.'thatthi�aldlP'ttcraty,Z�pi !asllt njuac6mwith the, aacnit t4+°setXt sistnttal ntsh , . ,: , Incl or limitedan the nstrth atitds( tq i�si appoi ►� may apG�olntutatt IF act o agMstakith autffodlY! if on brihaitafiftecom�panyytoezecuM:anddeliver and .affixttse.ssa8'oi#f�ld�oinpa:+Ytobond�L« � � .; ment U aactt.ciss; ttNptd •'; t,� • . undartakMgs.ta� 14!#YahipcbtlQatlaa�gtaEkinris.andaaidaffiasA tst•tactoragenbr revokaatty; ttxnejt w� O# it u ti fvZ - .x'tr .rt i..`.�.` 2 ,,�.t`•d �t.4+ `�¢xj'ia.+1'^�� 7�•.h.; +' ` Pu`5�,1�f ='���• RESOLv D: FURl?iF,I; itt any bon4 'uediitakinQ. rtaggafzanet dt: iotyalta6l. ina ( g� b enlorany cimp uiradt by any sec ,president andattested.and sealed(if &seal be reqr , aL.'r•-+"+*,may retary or gastiatsntaeerlt . or' `(flywMn.signed"try;{ha president ot;.any,vice•presidentorsacretary,•aeasa#afarttalCfffitarY,arl 'cQuatersigned r" `t „3an4 IadQfa:sekkbe�taqufred)bya.duryauthorized.attomeydn-factvttQ,lnt: :..•.} , (ill? wW drily a ted Md sealed'(if a seal be required) by' ons or n tff�lif4itCf aufhotty : _ by the power at attorney, iswed Gy tree company to:sucft person or plrsnns. -" RE80t,V t=UfiTi#�A that• •signature of any authorized officer and trl.>Wl Qf ttrf cantpalry may 0a atti byfusosieMtet9 yaio�o#alt�tneyofcertificationthereofauthaftng:tfieexe;uti0hi> 1!l{it l>pOfart baerd; �` - s/tyship obligations of the company, andeuch s -' • ' �asahough manually atttxad. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE. COMPANY hasE caused thous preaenis to be COMIC[ by its properof floor, and eta corporate seal tali be her untaaffixed this t day of April. 12®: AMWWr SUREW INSURANCES COMPANY • `+ •f. �. �,L' Gem, FL aeteraon, irreederrc . 16aren Q Cd+ln. S/cntteY STATE OFCALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES —,%a anthis�.dayof April- A.Q..14t 8rso penaitycamab/torems Y FL Petafson . KaMn_M Cohen, to me known, to be the, ndividuals and. Officers of AMWEST SURt:7Y INSURANCE: Cow x PANY, CALIFORNIA who executed the above instrument. and.they each acknowledged UM execution of the same=, and bung; ttyr tree _ duty sworn did severalty depose andsay: that they are the said officers of the carporatimt atoranK ard;thatthe seal affixed; to ths: above instrument., s the seal of ttw:corporation, and that said corporate. seal and their signstums sa: such ;i ticers,wlre duly affixed: ar sub mwo3ed to the said: fnatfuttttnt by' the: authority of the hoard of; directors of sem corporation. Mccraall"n (SEAL) erlraes sueus—ertanetea: ' i nrntinrrrt, eNrda ta; Now Public K LOS ARGELES.COLM flytMsaisSwitFettll:1SM . STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS' ANGELES ss • CERTIFICATE I. the unders[WH . ® searatary, of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporetlan, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego and: attached: Power of Attorney remains in fugr sacs and, has not: been revoked. and: further- mathat the provislons. of the By-Laws of: the company and the Raaaluttona of; the board of direcim3 set forth in the Power of rt:. Attorney.. are now In fore!. 86. San Diego,; CA. this_ 30 _,day of May, rtd tE Signed astaledat Kenn G QhW Se MWV .7 - AUG 19' 1986 ITE 12 of 19 - 6 A - ys OWNER Janes zt Mc Afr M S. Mc Afee ;greL.ent -Date CERTIETCZTE *OP CCMPLEXION CSP =WARD AGMEMENT EOR CONSTRUCZION CV PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TOTERSEDER & ?MPROVEMENTS FOR. TPM 17006 To induce the CITY OF IOW ( "C ' )- to accept all the work under the dated Standard. Agreements for Construction of Public ImproVenents between CITY and DINER for the above referenced property, OW= as to all., the work, and CONTRA= as to the - phase of the work referenced below, each represent andcertify to CITY as follows: I. All the woark described in said Agreeuent has been fully and completely performed in strict conformity with the t; and 2. Wit- for final payments dui R or subs n s which are contingent upon CITY'S acceptance, all transportation,: equipamt, labor, service, permits utilities, and all other iters used in completing the work, have been fully paid: for. CD R Brunda _ e Ex:cavat in _ Sewer .& Water (Name (Phase of Work) 5-29-8E = e.►.:�-�.: =' _ Owner. (Date) (Authorszed Repr CONTRACTOR: (Date) five? (Title) (Phase of Work) (Authorized Representative) (Title) (Name) (Phase. of Work) .. (Date) CONTRAC : (Authorized Representative) (Title). (Name) (Prase of Work) (Date) (8/85) 13 of 19 (Authorized Representative) (Title) (Date) Certificate of Completion. - 1 of 1 AUG 19 1886 ITEM 17 ATTACHMENT B OWNER James LR and Mary S. Mc Afee Agreement, Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS GARDEN ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 82-01 To induce the CITY OF. POWAY ("'CITY") to accept . ali the work under the above dated Standard Agreement for Construction. of Public Improvements; between. CITY and. OWNER for the above referenced. property, OWNER as to al the work, and CONTRACTOR: as to the phase of the work referenced below, each represent and certify to CITY as, follows: : 1. All the work described in said. Agreement has been fully and completely performed in strict. conformity with the Agreement; and Z. Except for final, payments due CONTRACTOR. or subcontractors: which are contingent. upon CI,TY'S acceptance, ali transportation, equipment, labor,. service;, permits, utilities, and all other items used in conpleting the work, have been fully paid for.. CONTRACTOR:. 5:-28-86.: K.J.Hogue Ent.. Inc Paring (Date-) CONTRACTOR: (Phase of Work) President Muthofized Repr sentative) (Title) (Name) (Phase of Work) (Date): (Authorized Representative) (Title) CONTRACTOR: (Name) (Phase of Work) . (Date.) (Authorized Representative) (Title) CONTRACTOR: (Date) OWNER: By (6-82) (2/83) 14• of 19 (Name) (Phase of Work) (Authorized. Representative) (Title) (Authorized Representative) • (Title) Certificate of Completion -- 1 of 1 AUG 1 9 i : '' ITEM 17 'SOS Poway Road Poway. Califomia 92064 (629) 748- , _t fR EC ff fled 4c Poway Office LETTER OF CREDIT' E Cite of Poway P.O. Box 755 _ 13325 Civic Center Drive I Powayo, California _92064 Attention: Director of Public Services Reference.. Irrevocable. Letter- of Credit No. 09460 Gentlemen: - This Letter of Credit is given to fulfill the requreanents of that certain agreement entered into between the Cit of Powa Y Y, a poi i— tical subdivision of. the State of California, hereinafter referred: e to as "City* s, and Fames L. and Mary S. McAfee hereinafter referred 0 to- as. "Principal" covering certain improvements to be installed i.n that certain , subdivision known: and designated as TPS 17096; by Principal.and in -accordance, with said agreement.. As required: by said agreemen.t.p and for that purpose- only,. we hereby establish in favor of City and for the account, of Principal our. Irrevocable- . Letter of Credit. No. in the amount of Fort ... Three: Thousand One Hundred Forty and: no/100 u.. S. Dollars (443r140.001 ,- to be paid- by drafts, at sight on. us if accompanied by the following documents: City) s. written. statement ('signed by the Director. of Public Services, City Manager# or City . Attorney) certifying that there has been failure of the Principal to perform the above agreement:.. Said statement shall declare the: amount of the sight draft on us and that the amount of this draft is., therefore, now due and payable. IT %S AGREED that the: above: funds are guaranteed for payment and said funds shall become trust funds for the purposes set forth. herein as requi.red- by- Sectioc 66499.6 of the Government Code of the State of California, ... r._ AUG 19 ,1986 ITEM 17 15 of 19 ATTACHMENT C it is a condition of this Letter of Credit that from time to time the amount thereof may be reduced as the required work progresses and is performed in accordance with the Improvement: Standards of the City of Poway, as authorized by Section 66499..7 of the Govern- ment Code. All drafts under this letter of credit shall be marked:' La .Jolla Bank & P. 0. Box 705 Poway, CA 92064 IRREVOCABLE. LETTER OF CREDIT NO. We expressly agree withyou that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit shall meet with due honor upon presentation. Further, that all drafts shall be delivered to City in accordance with Cal. Comm. Code SS 5112.' This Letter of Credit shall be deemed automatically extended with— out amendment one (1) year from the present and annually thereafter` unless sixty (60) daysprior to any such date Bank shall, notify City Clerk, by registered letter, that Bank elects not to renew for suchadditional one year. In any event, this guarantee Letter of Credit shall expire forty-five (45) days: after City's approval of the foregoing' improvements and the recordation of the Notice of Acceptance. '-/A;igr/ B s A THORI ZING: AGENT OR. REPRESENTATIVE Carrs. 'F Moon. Manager, Poway Branch APPRO • S TO FORM: 16 of 19 AUG i 9 1985' ITEM- 17-- State of sf? On this the day of .�- - 19 before me, * County of ; ;o * the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared rt Q personally known to me O r" - proved to me on the: basis of satisfactory- evil to be the person ( s) whose name(s) subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that * execrated ito * - S any hand and official. seal. Notary s Signature # State of SS0 on this- the day of 19, before mei County of ) r the undersigned Notary Public, personall a * Y Ppeared $ personally known to me roved: to me on the basin of satisfactory �P tory, evidersce to be the peeson(ss) who executed -the within rastrument ort behalf of the partnershipp and acknowledged. to me. that the partnership: p executed i t. _* Wi'NF.SS my hand and official. seal. - f * Notarys Signature: 0ACRMWEECMMM,_ State of California®March On_ this the may of 19 i before me SS. r * County of San. Diego Barbara. Jacobs the undersigned. notary Public, personally appeared Carl F Moon r personally known to; nee; � BARBARA JAC®BS proved to me on the basis, of satisfadtory, evidence=s> rotARv resw. ctaRNu the person(s) who executed the wZthin instt as PRINOPat of W * Sm c:_ca caumv or on behalf of the corporation. therein named, and acknowledged to me - lay Coirm��an; �a Otn�: tQ. t913 ththat the. corporation executed it. W=,%WS my hand and official seal. ,. rota signature t • c10A I 17 of 19 AUG19,1986 IT EW 17. .y . .. - '05 Poway Rood Poway: WfomiQ 9206417141748- .}J ;r! X11 � ffl�l, i Poway -Office° , LETTER OF CREDIT Cite of: Poway P. 0. Sox 765 Poway, California 92064 Attention: Director of Public Services .= Reference:: Irrevocable Letter of` Credit No. 09--43:0 (Performance $17#,200 - Payment $88,600.) Gentlemen: I This Letter of Credit is given to fulfill, the requirements, of that. certain agreement entered into between the City of Powayo, a poli- tical_ subdivision of the State of Californ ar •hereinafter re.f`erred to as "City"'r. and James Lw and Mary S. Mc Afee, hereinafter referred to as *Principal"'. covering certain. improvements to -be - installedr warranteed amd secured in that . certain. subdivision. known and designated as. Garden; Road Street Improvements for Tentative r Parcel Map. 82-01 by Principal in accordance with said agreement. As required by said 'agreement,, and fort that. purpose only, 'we hereby establish in. favor of City and for the account. of Principal. our Srrevocable Letter of Credit. No., 00: 430 in the amount of . Twenty five- Thousand Eight Hundred and Sao/1,00 U.= S.- Dollars C$25r800:.001 r to be paid by drafts at sight on us if accompanied by the: +following., doc.umentsm. - City' writ=ten statement t s igned by the. Director of Public Services, City Manager, or City Attorney) certi- fyingthat there -has been failure: of' the' Principal to perform, the above agreement. Said, statement shall _ declare the amount of the sight draft on us and that the amount of this draft is, therefore, now due. and payable. IT' YS AGREED that the: above funds are guaranteed for payment and said -funds shall become trust funds for the purposes set., forth herein as requited_ by Section 66499.6 of the Government Code of. the. State of California. f f AUG I' E 1.7,. f Of, '19 ATTACHMENT' D _....v....._.-w—_...-+.-.,.:..---.*v+zrPti.e.-u—.u.;_-_u .. -..e+-.-mr: :.+ _ _.... _.•_... . .. ...__,X`^' .-•.....nr—_ .. ,-.,,--..'-_`FIi�. _. ..-. ... _ ..,. -. _ -. ., _... y..a.,'—=-.s . .R 19 of 19