Item 18 - Approval of Contract for Design of a Multi-Purpose Room/Gymnasium at Twin Peaks Middle SchoolL GENDA REPORT CITY OF PO AY This report is included on the consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City council unless members of the Council, staff or public. request it to be removed from: the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this reportpulled for discussion, please fill. out a slip indicating the report number and'give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the, City Council meeting. Chairman and Mentimrs of the Redevelopment Agency James L. Bowersox,: Executive Director DIMMED BY: Lee Lewis Director of Ca®muzity Servi August 19, 1986 Approval of Contract for Design of a Multi -Purpose Roan/Gymnasium at. Twin PeaksMiddle School The: Poway Redevelt Agency agreed to finance wnstructionof a multi-purpose rcamjglymunasiu t at Twin Peaks Middle School. The project is located. on Poway Unified School District property. PUSD has recanrended the architecturalfirm of Safbauer, Humphrey & Worthington - Architects, Inc. to design the facility.: The City Council ccmni ttee and the School District cxuanittee have reviewedthe preliminary plans for this facility and have approved of the ;roan floor plan. In order to have Ham, Htm hrey & Worthington Architects, Inc. provide the designservices, a contract mustbee entered into between the Poway Redevelcsment. Agency- and the architectural firm. Hafbauer, Hunphrey & Worthington - Architects , Inc.: are fully qualif ied' and have provided: services to Poway Unified School District inthe past. Attached is a copy of the cost estimates for the projectthat was prepared by the architects, and a copy of the proposed contract. RECOMENDATION It is reocmnended that the Redevelopment Agency approve a . contract between the Paley Redeveloparent. Agency and! fbauer, mphrey & Worthington - Architects, Inc., for design of a nmiti rpose rocaq grtmasian at Twin Peaks Middle School. JLB:DLLlc Attachments: Cost ■ st rates Proposed Oontract 1 of 8 HUFBAUER, HUMPHREY & WORTHINGTON - ARCHITECTS, INC. " 2149 AVENIDA OF LA MAYA: LA. JOUA, CAUK 920V o PHONE 276.1530 Name & Location of MULTI -USE BUILDING AT Construction Project: TWIN. PEAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL SITE 1464E Tierra Bonita,Road Powa CA. Prepared for: The.City-of Poway August 59 1986 Prepared by Hufbauer', Humphrey & Worthington. s Architects. Inc. COST ESTIMATE based on Schematic Plan dated 7/1/86, Revised.8/5%86.: A. Construction . 1. Utility Services (does School District or City pay monthly bill's^?'); Discuss .area charge. for water and sewer and the following: ; (a) dater to serve fire hose cabinets, plumbing fixtures and sprinkler irrigation system approx. 500_ LF' of 3"; line if connected to existing line _or new, water service. with: meter. (b) Sewer. - new, connection in: street.. t Electric new service- with. transformer. _ (d) Gas - approz.: 5001 of 2" high pressure or new 'service. Total. Utilities: Allowance $ 209000; 2. ` Site Improvements (a)' Rough. Grading:- . Excavation and removals from site of 3,000- CY $5'.00 15,000 Excavation and.recompaction. of subgrade - 49 00:0 _CY $2.00 89000 (b} Drain lines. thru curb 1,000 (c ): Sidewalks - 4, 000• SP @ $2.50 10 , 000 5 d) Concrete steps - 200 LP'@ $7.00 19400 Page l of 2` i 2 Of 8 - AUG: ITEM:1.8 y� A. Z. Site Improvements - continued (e) Concrete block. walls: 3' high - 80 LF @ $'26.00 $ 29080 $ 4' high - 200 LF @' 30.:00 69000 (f) Landscaping, and irrigation: system 14,000 SF @ $2.50 35,.000 Total..:Site Improvements 78,480 `- 12 495 SF 62 PSF` . Building Construction , @ $ 3. 7749,690- (Note that this is'approx. 89% of State allowance for Gymnasium/Multi-Use construction. { 4. Furniture &: Equipment in.Contract: (a) Folding. bleachers - (5) 16' sections of 9 -row folding bleachers - 48'0 seats: @ $42 20,160 . (b) Gym equipment - 10 standards for volleyball Total.Furniture Equipment. in Contract0 20,66., Total: Construction Costs (Item. A) 893,:830, B. Fees, Tests &. Inspections L. Architect''s Pee for. Plans: based on Total Construe tion Costs::. 8% x $893.1830 71.,506 Z. OSA Plans C�eck Fee (.based on Total. Construction Costs: .:007 x $8939880 56,:257 Plus fee for 8andfcapped. check:: .002. x. $500,000= . 0.01. x 393,830 394 1., 394 , 7 , fi51 3., School Planning, Plans:Check Fee based on Total Construction Costs a ..0.005 x $893,>830 - 447 4.- Preliminary Tests; - Soils- Report : 19500 - 5`. Addrl.• sets of plans and•-speci ications 40 sets @ $38 19,520°, 6. Tests' (construction), 52000 . 7. Inspection. (part time) for 6 months @ $1,500 %3,000, Total Fees., Tests & Inspections (item: B) 96,624 Total. Items A and B 990,:454 G. Contingencies: $Z9000 + 1 z% of Items A and B 16 85 T Total Project Cost - - $1,00793.11 Page 2: of Z 3 Q. 8 - AUG 101986 ITEM 18 . s • ARCHITECT°S' CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT entered into this- day of between the CITY OF P6uAY- , - Or SAN DIEGO`COUNTY,. CALIFORNIA, hereinafter called the City, and - HUFBAUER, HUMPHREY &:WORTHINGTON —ARCHITECTS, INC. , hereinafter called the Architect, witnesseth,that the parties hereto do t mutually agree: as follows;. Article: 1. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECT': The. 'City hereby employs the. Archi- feet to perform. the_' necessary professional services, including but not limited to those: hereinafter. set forth in connection. with. the. construction of: { Gymnasium/Multi-Use Building located on the following, described real property: Site. to be determined Article Z. THE`ARCHITECT'S SERVICES: Tha Architeet.hereby accepts said employment and agrees to perform: all the necessary professionalservices to } the satisfaction. of .the City, including but. not limited to the following: (a) Participation in: all conferences -with the representatives of • the City and. other local, or'S'tate agencies necessary for the development of the drawings, specifications and: documents' in accordance with the -applicable standards and requirements of -law. . (b Z. The preparation of preliminary plans and studies. -satisfactory to the. _ City. (c)' The preparation - of such complete working: drawings and specifications satisfactory to the- City as are necessary for obtaining bids and for efficient execution of work. Forms: of all Contract Documents, including but not limited, to Advertisement for Bids,. Information for Bidders,; Bid Forms, Bonds, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Agreement, as published- by San. Diego � County Counsel, or substitute documents,: will. be furnished by the: City and will be prepared. by. the Architect subject to the .approval: of the City.. (d) The: drafting: and/'or preparation that may berequired by the City or the. Office of State Architect of the California State Department of Public " Works', of forms, proposals, certificates of compliance and: construction progress schedules. i AUG 19-1986 ME M 18 4 of 8 ; " i (e) Supervision of the work executed from the drawings and specifica- tions.. Such supervision shall, be in person by the Architect provided that k the City may, in its discretion, consent to such supervision by a competent F representative of the Architect Such supervision shall include the prepara- tion repara tion of a11documents andfor drawings made necessary by errors in. the orig finally approved drawings or specifications and such modifications therein as may be necessary to meet unanticipated conditions encountered during construction. Article: °2A. EXTRA SERVICES: The following services,, if performed due; to unusual circumstances and through no fault. or neglect on: the parr of the Architect, cause theArchitect extra expense and shall be paid for by the City as provided in.Article 3(b): (a)' Plan preparation and or• construction contract administration work on that portion of a project let on a segregated bid basis. (b) Contract administration of the repair of damage to the project:. (c) The.selection by the Architect,, at the City''s request, of moveable furniture, equipment of articles which are not included inthe construction contract. f. (d) The additional services caused by the delinquency or insolvency of', the Contractor., £I (e) Revising previously approved documents to<accomplish changes re- quested by the.City. (f) Providing contract: administration. services after the construction contract: time. has been. exceeded through no fault of the Architect, where it: is determined that the fault is that of ' the: -Contractorand liquidated damages are: collected 'therefor.. Article 3. THE: ARCHITECT'S FEE (a) In.. addition, to costa fore extra services of Architect performed: in accordance with Article 2A and. paid for in accordance with Article 3(b),. the City shall pay ton the Architect for the performance of all services: rendered, herein eight; percent (S%) of the final cost of the work as shown by a. final. audit, which constitutes: complete payment for the Architect.'s services under this single construction. contract.. The term, "'cost of the work" is hereby defined. -to mean, the. cost to the. City, but such cost shall, not include any Architect's,: Structu=al Engineer's, Clerk of -the -Work's., or Inspector's fees. (b)` The Gity further. agrees to pay the Architect compensation for extra services due to unusual circumstances provided. by Article 2A, only when authorized by the City, as followsz (1) 2-1/2` times the direct personnel expense incurred by the Archi- tect in.rendering extra services. (Direct personnel expense is defined as the direct salaries of the Architect's personnel engaged on the. pro- ject, and the portion of the: cost of their mandatory and, customary.con tribution.and benefits related thereto, such as employment taxes and -2- -AUG 19 1986ITEM. 1 AQUI other statutory employee benefits, insurance, sick.leave, holidays, vacations, pensions and similar contributions and benefits.) (2) 110%: of the direct billings of consul ants. Article 4. PAYMENTS: Architect's billings shall be monthly or lump sum, in arrears up to percentage of the estimated cost or cost of the work: as stated in the Contract in, Items 4(a), (b) and (d) based uponworkcompleted. (a) Upon.completion of the preliminary studies for the construction of the work and,the approvah of .the same:. by the City,, there shall be due and • payable -to the Architect a sum equal to two percent M) of the estimated cost of the work. (b) Upon completion of working drawings, specifications and contract documents for the construction of the work and the approval'of the same by {' the City, there shall. be due the Architect a sum equal to four q percent (4%) 3i of thee estimated cost df the work.. (c) Payments specified under (a) and (b) of this article shall cor!ptitute full payment for preparation of working drawings,specifications and contract documents in -event the work: is not. constructed by the City. (d) Inspection._by Architect of Project Construction. As the•project. work of the Architect :progresses, City shall. pay Architect: an amount which is• in: direct. arithmetic proportion to the project work of the: Architect certifiedas completed by Architect as of billing date;,: provided however., that the portion of the Architect's fee paid hereunder for inspection. of prof ect Work shall: not. exceed a sum sufficient to increase the fee actually paid, to the Architect under this contract: to. not over ninety-five percent (95%) of the- total Archi teat's fee. (e) Completion of Project Work. The finala p yzaent shall be the sum specified in Article 3 of this contract less the amount received in subpara- graphs (b) and, (d) , and shall be due and payable -thirty-five days after acceptance of the: work. by the: City, upon. the satisfactory performanceby the; Architect of all. services rendered` under this contract,, and upon the filing by said -Architect with the. City of a release -of any and all claims arising: under this contract. Artiele:5. BUILDING PERMITS The Architect shall be. responsible for giving notice of the need of securing zoning and other permits made- necessary by the. contemplated placement of said work on the site,and shall provide such drawings: and specifications as may -be required to secure said:permts. Article 6.. CONFORMITT TO LEGAL RE UIREMENTS The Architect shall' cause all. drawings; and specifications to conform: to all applicable requirements of law,: local and State, and to all requirements of all bodies formed under. local or State law whose approval of the: drawings and specifications must be obtained, and shall cause the necessary copies of such drawings and specifications to be filed with these bodies for approval,., -3- 6, of 8 AUG g 1986 ITEM 18 - j Article 11. SURVEYS BORINGS AND TESTS: The City,, upon request and with-. out cost to the. Architect,: shall furnish such surveys, borings,, test pits and tests as may be necessary to reveal conditions of the -site which must•be known, for the. proper development of the required drawings and specifications. -4- of 8 AU 19 1986 ITEM 1.8 f Article, 7. COSTOF THE. WORK: It is 'understood by the Architect that: should working drawings and specifications be ordered by the City, the City shall specify the sum of money set aside to cover the total cost of the eon- struction of the work exclusive of' Architect's fees, and the Architect agrees to develop the plans so that the total construction cost to the City will not 3 exceed..the specified sum, endeavoring in so doing-, to keep the actual cost of the work as low as maybe consistent with the purpose of the buildings. and with proper workmanship and material. Should it become evident during the planning of the work thatthe total construction cost will exceed the. specified sum, the Architect shall at once present a statement in writing. to the City -setting forth this fact and giving a full statement of the cost. esti- •mates on which the conclusion: is based. In the event that such statement is not filed and bids received by -the City from contractors for the construction of thework indicate that they cannot; be constructed in accordance witli the plans and specifications' furnished by the_ Architect. for the specified sum, the Architect shall, -if requested by the. City, and without extra compensa- tion therefor, so revise the plans and specifications for the work that -the, { construction may be completed for the total cost which doesnot exceed the specified sum.. Article 8. ASSOCIATES: The Architect shall have the option to associate with him and at his expense architects, engineers,, or other qualified persons to render services in connection with the: planning_ of the, work,, and to delegate to them such duties as he may delegate without relieving himself from .adminis- trative or other responsibility under this contract., Article 9. SUSPENSION, ABANDONMENT, TERI+IINATIOM The: City, hereby reserves the right: tosuspend or abandon. at. any time alL or any of the construction work designated in Artice 1 of this contract or to terminate this contract at any time.t In the event of such -suspension, abandonment or termination,. the Archi- tect shall be paid pursuant to the schedule of payments set forth in.Article_- 4 of this contract for services rendered up ' to the date -of such-suspensiorr,� abandonment or termination. If the date of suspension, abandonment or terming- tion.occurs prior to the date of approval,of preliminary studies -or prior to the date of approval of the working drawings, such payments shall be the reason- .. able value of the services rendered up to the; date of such.suspension,. abandon.- ment or termination less any payments theretofore made,; as determinedby the City, and the Architect hereby expressly waives any and all claimss for damages or compensation arising; under this contract, --except: as set forth herein, in the: event. of such.suspension, abandonment or termination. Article 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: Drawings and specifications: supplied as herein required are. the property of the City whether the work for which they are made be:executed.or not. The Architect shall furnish to the City- itysuch suchcopies of all drawings. and specifications' as a_re necessary for study by the -City and its representatives, shall supply the copies of said drawings and - specifications required under Article6 hereof:, and shall supply eight (8) additional copies, to the City. Such other copies of the drawings and speci- fications as may be necessary for ,obtaining bids and for the.proper conduct of: the work.shall be supplied to the City by the Architect at the:cost of reproduction. Article 11. SURVEYS BORINGS AND TESTS: The City,, upon request and with-. out cost to the. Architect,: shall furnish such surveys, borings,, test pits and tests as may be necessary to reveal conditions of the -site which must•be known, for the. proper development of the required drawings and specifications. -4- of 8 AU 19 1986 ITEM 1.8 Article INSPECTION. The City shall ap'cut and pay an, Inspector as provided by State law. Said Inspector shall repc,..c. to the Architect and the City. Article 13. CHANGE. ORDERS;. After award of constructionn contract,: the Architect shall advise the City of any material change,. or changes, necessary inthe plans and- ;specifications of said building, or buildings.,: and shall, not order the contractors to make any, changes affecting. the contract price without approval of the City first having been secured,, pursuant to the terms of the contract documents. - Article 14. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Ali: terms,conditions and provisions. hereof shall inc .re to- and shall bind the parties hereto., their, and each of their respective heirs, .executors, administrators, successors: and assigns. Except as provided above, the Architect 'shall not sublet, assign: or trans— fer his interest in: this contract without the written consent of the City. Article 15. INSTRUCTION TO PROCEED.. The Architect is not to proceed with performance: of any services under:' this contract without first securing authorization from, the City to do. so. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands, and seals the day and year first above written. HUPBAUER, HREY- &: WORTHINGTON CITY OF` POWAY ARCiiITECTS°,INC. OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY;.: CALIFORNIA: By. Clyde Hofbauer,; ; Architect By: By 8 of AUG 19 1'° 6 ITEM: 18