Item 19 - TTM 84-02 Time Extension - Nicholas KrikoriantzY �. ENDA REPORT �� w CITY OF NOWAY This, report is included', an the Conant Ca%a3ar., T fere will he no, separate diacnssion of the ; report. Arias ta' aPpzoval by the City' Caysteii unless members of the Couacil,. staff or public f request it tobe resovad frow the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. rf you wish to ' have this, report gulled for discussion, please: fill, out a- slip indicating the report number and give it to the:City'Clerk prior to- the.beginning af the City Cauacl meeting. �-�Ie die die #sr ife * it Tr # sr sic sept �k• #sr �r k � fir ire fr �r ie ik ��te *'�fe Mfr �fe #��1e k iF ire �e 3r se s=ue * �t se �ir�t�►e 3r �r aE iE lfe �r 9k dt #fair � sir * # � �e TO:: Honorable Mayor and. Members of the City Council. FROM: James L. Bowersox., City. Manager . .nein Services _ INITIATED BY.: Reba W. 'i'ouw, Director of Planning Sharon Ea Crockett, Assistant Planner-, DATE. August 19F1986 - SUBJECT, Tentative Tract Map 84-02 Time: Extension Nicholas Krkoriantz, Applican ; 275-240-0 8`,. 0 9 APN ABSTRACT On August 12, 1986, Council considered a request for a one-year time extens ion: for Tentative Tract Map 8 4-0 2. Staff had recom— mended denial df-the extension because, at the time the Staff report was, written.,: the applicant had._ made noprogress toward- _ finaing the zap according to Section. 16..10.080. of the-Poway Municzpal; Code.. During° they hearing, the applicant provided. receipts -indicating, ng that the traffic mitigation, drainage, and sewer SOA. filen had been, paid.. The Council then. directed Staff to. bring forward a .resolution approving a six-month time exteneicn. for TTS 84-02. RECOMWATION, It is. recommended: that the Council approve a. s.ix-month time eaten _ s"ion for TTM 84-02, subject to conditions contained in the proposed resolution. JLiB:Rit is a SEC: nm - - - - ACTION: AUG. 19 M6 tT t ivt. 19 1 of t. RESOLUTION NO. P-' A. RESOLUTION OF" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY,, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE:TRACT NEAP 84-02TE. - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-240-08,= 09 WHEREAS, Tentative, Tract: Map No..84-02TZ, hereinafter 'Mapl submitted. by Nicholas Rrikoriantz;•,� applicant., for the purpose of subdividing the: real. property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diecgo, State of Californ%a, describes as all of Pa ce 6:1 and a portion of Parcel 60 of Record. of Survey Nap: No... 3842: into six lots, regularly, came before the City Council for public hearing° and action on August. 19 r. 1986; and.. WHEREAS', the Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the map subject to all conditions set forth in the. Planning Services Department reports and WHEREAS,: the: City, Council. has: read and considered said report and has cons�i:dered. other evidence presented: at. the public: hearing. NOW,- THEREFORE,: the: City Council: of the City of Poway does. resolver as follows: Section Lz Findings:: 0 The City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative. Tract No... 84-02TZ and. the Map. thereof 1 a. The tentative tract is consistent with. all applicable general and specific plana becausethe residential. land use proposed coincides with`the General Plan land use. designation..: b.; The design or improvement, of the -tentative, tract is, coni si:stent with all, applicable: general. and. specific plains because all: necessary facilities- and services; can be pro- vided' fare the: 'proposed residential. development. c, The site is physically suitable. for the type of develop - meat proposed because adverse geology/soil conditions and drainagelhydrology'j traffic, and biological hazards can be mitigated.. - AUG 19 19861 t T EM 1 2 OF _ Resolution No P e Page 2 d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed because geology/soil conditions, drainage/hydrology, traffic, and biological hazards can be mitigated and the density conforms to the City°s General Plan land use,designat on e. Thetentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems because public water and sewer facilities will be provided.: f. The- design of the tentative: tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the: public at large, now of record, for accessi through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. g . The: Negative Declaration issued on July TO' , 1924, addresses impacts associated with the development of the- map:. hemap.. There are.no proposed: changes to the project, therefore the existing Negative Declaration satisfies the requirements of CEQA. Section. 2 A six-month extension for Tentat ye Tract Map No.. 8`4-OZ.TE, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services, office, is hereby � 2.. y approved subject to all the following conditions: _ I. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that.all conditions of approval have been read and understood.. - 2r All conditions of Resolution No. P-86-49 shall. be fulfilled. as required, except thatthe tentative map time extension shall expire on February 19r 1987, unless an application for an extension is received 90 days prior to the expra tion of the map (November 19 1986 ) and the City Council approves the. extension prior to February 19', 1987. APPROVEDand ADOPTED by the City Council of the City, of. Poway,- State of California, this 19th day of August, 1985. Carl. R.. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk. 3 OF 3 -AUG 1 i9gfi IT.