Item 26 - PDC - Charles E. Herold (PDC 86-33)kIVIORANDUM CITY OF POWAY OF THE - T0: Manbers of the City Council FROM: Carl R. Kruse, Mayor DATE: August 19, 1986 SUBJECP Pre -Development Conference Charles. E. Herold (PDC 86-33) ****.**:**.**************.****.************* Attached isa request from. Charles E. Herold for a pre development conference.; if you. concur, it will be scheduled for the September 4th workshop. CREIMEW:ml Attachment AUG 19 1986 ITEM 26 X _. AGENDA REPO'. of Po�� CITY OF PO AY x. A TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. James L. Bowersox, City -Manager { INITIATED BY': Reba W.. Touw, Director- of Plannin Services d- Kris A. Hughst Assistant Planner :{ DATE. August 19, 1986 SUBJECT: Predevelopment Conference Analysis {PDC 86-33} for Charles E. Herold, Applicant ABSTRACT REQUEST:. - Consideration of a request for a proposed Conditional Use Permit to allow the use.of an existing structure located in the MS zone as,a. contractor's office and storage yard. LOCATION: 14.037 Poway Road GROSS ACREAGE: 13,680 square feet (.3 acre) SURROUNDING F. ZONING, AND LAND USES: Properties to the east and west of the site are } zoned MS and are developed. with commercial uses.. The lot which is.adJacent to the south is zoned. RS -7 and developed with a one-story single- family dwelling. f HISTORY: The; subject structure is a historic building which is currently occupied by a real estate: office and an antique furniture buesiness- The. applicant proposes to utilize the existing building as a general contractor's office and to _ use the unpaved rear yard as a storage area for lumber and parking area for one truck used, in the business.. He plans, to use the building for a period of three to four years* ACTION { t - AUG 19 1986 ITEM 26 Agenda Report August 19r 1986 Page 2 The only site improvement proposed is the construction of a six foot. high, solid wood fence- along the. southern property line. The: remainder of the rear, yard Is, -already- fenced.. The property development. standards, of the MS zone would require the following site improve- ments: 1. Construction of an eight foot high.mason.ry, wall enclosing the outdoor storage area.. A five foot wide raised landscape planter would be required adjacent to the wall, along the southern property line, where the. site adjoinsresidential zoning.. 2. installation of landscaping in the required 20 foot setback area along Poway Road:, and. Welton Lane.. . F 3ive off. -street parking spaces. JL'B.: R .L : KAH i 1..aS Attachments:. 1.. ` Zoning Map 2 . to elan 3 Agreement. of understanding AUG 19 1986 1.T E M 26 RENO` RDKA z 2 v' t AVEN I DA C I!I0A, m s m s t � i. i PO AY ROAD 1 SITE R. s F z cfl"Y OF: PO-wAY IT E' PQC_ 8L-33 F , - TLTE O'NANG fi CAI SCALE ATT�.�'�IMN`T i AUG 10 1986 ITT r Ae arm To` 'S F 6 -r '; e� 0WM7 WAY '. S;e a� 0_ e l 3 :ICl.G`s -Pea'?2 c KTSA j -D ''- �. f �-• tic . � 2f Pte: . A)VDSCA ITS Jf 5- E100 A Kt TITLE h . T si G ITTA;CH,, M �N T: acct: 14 VAR tTr-. �.� City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and J,ee zo cais . tt t' . , hereinafter. referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent awns or has aneauitabie interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel numbers) 3 z...3 Lfe,, Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and withoutthe expense of a protracted devel.opnent.. City is concerned. that Proponent will create development plans =satisfac- tory,- to City and: consume tithe and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant. Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for deve%gnrnt upon the following understand- ing: City will render no decision with regards to any develot proposal or part thereof s• City willreceive no evidence, specific in nature, in particular deve opeent plan. City will make no representations that will: obligate the City to render a decision: infavor of or againstany development proposal or part thereof Proponent nay subsequently submit. D. If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will - proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent nay rely. Prcnonent: Signature A IT6t41 FDC 86,-33 TLS. 5jTE PLAN ATTACHMENT: 3 /Ma 1 q NAR ITEM : ' 3 Carl R. Kruse, Mayor August 19, 1986 Pre -De relopnent. Conference Zanderson, Inc (PDC 86-35) ************* * ****:*************' a request. from. Zanderson, Inc., for a pre-deve10 went. conference. If it will be scheduled for the Septenber 4th workshop. " AGENDA REP09i� o CITY OF POWAY F tea. too c IN THE TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM. James L. Bowers.ox., City Manager INITIATED BY* Reba.W. Touw, Director of Planning Services & John E. Bridges, Assistant Director of Planning Services,. DATE August 19, 1986 SUBJECT:: Pre -Development. Conference Analysis (PDC 86-35) for ' Z'anderson, Inc, A22licant ABSTRACT' Request« Consideration of a request to construct a 72 -unit condominium project or a 120--unt. apartment project. Location: Northeast corner of the, intersection of Poway and Carriage Roads , Gross. Acreage:. 11.9 acres Surrounding Land Use: The property to the north: is zoned. for single family residential uses. A 7 -Eleven convenience store is a located to.the west,, an ARCO AM --PM minimart to the south, and Wendt/ srestaurant islocated adjacent to the eas.t.boundar.y. Slopea Previous grading has established cut. banks. Theree is a 25` foot elevational change from Poway Road to the plateau equal. to 57% .slope. From the: plateau, to the top of an adjoining hill there is a 10-7 foot ele- vational difference equal to a 36% slope General Plan and Zoning:: The subjectsite is zoned Residential Condominium. Properties to the north are zoned RS -7 with those on the east, west, and south zoned.for General Commercial uses. There is- also a small section of RA zoned property to the northwest. ACTION An 19 1%6 l..TE:M 26 rx-.-y.,-•--•;.�+..-r....'.-+,.. . ._ ,..a-..�«..,. _..-t ,.. -.- _.zt.. .-,..:.,.w .g. vsr.-'..+-a J7jjI Agenda Report f August 19, 1986 i` Page 2: History.: Tentative Map 4180 was approved ,by the County of. San. 'October Diego in 1980.and revised in 1982.. As part of the. adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1983 the; zoning was changed from RV -3 and RV -10 (Residential Variable) to RC (Residential Condominium),., The approved tentative map included a conditional use permit for a 71 -unit condominium project for the site. A third time extension for the tentative map was denied in December 1984. With the denial of the map, the Conditional Use Permit 82-02 for the project also expired. Thersite has been: previously graded: creating an elogated plateau parallel. to Poway Road and Carriage Road which is suitable for development. A large hillside extends to the east from this pla- teau area and was designated as open space under the- henow nowexpired tentative map and conditional use permit. Zoning: l The Code provides for a maximum of 7-12 units per net acne.. The gross acreage of the site is 11.9 acres.. The. net acreage# including slopes, is 10*63; acres, This acreage would conceptually support up to 1.27 condominium or apartment units at a maximum density 3a, of 12 units per acre. If the slopes were removed- °'' from.the net acreage, there are approximately, 4.5 acres of flat developable area. A 50 -foot setback is required from any single family zone when the pro.- posed building exceeds 15 feet in height. An eight - foot -high block wall is. required on the boundary line between the two zones.. Building heights are limited - to -two stories or 35 feet whichever is. less. On-site. parking is based on: the number. of bedrooms with a ; minimum one -garage space per bedroom. On-site improvements such as a swimming pool.childrents play= -' areas, and park -like quiet areas are also required. All existing slopes must -be landscaped with trees,; shrubs, and groundcover. Genera Plan: Due to the high visability of the project site, future structures should be constructed in a non:- obstrusive manner and painted in earthtone colors to: minimize the visual impact. I 4 i f of 7` AUG 191986 ITEM 26 1 Agenda Report: August 191 1986 Page 3. Summary:.. The project site was originally divided into three lots with Lost 3 consisting of 3,.5 acres, placed in open space to protect the hillside.. Sierra Pacifics, the previous owner of the property had intended to build the approved 71 -unit condominium projec't but never, moved forward with the project.. The map is no longer, active and any new development would require the approval of a tentative map for condominiums, and. a development review. JLBad�i Ri JEB 's I s $ i Attachments . - I Appl i cant ° s Letter 2.. Agreement of Understanding - } 3. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan s g t j - Q �- auG 1 s 1986 ITEM: 26 PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE REQUEST BY ZANDERSON, INC'.. LOCATION: 11.9Acres, Zoned RC, Northeast corner of' Intersection Poway a Road and Carriage Road. REQUEST: 120'units as allowed by the general plan and zoning. HISTORY: Subject property was graded in the early 1970`s and a tenta- tive map. for 71 units was approved in the 1980`s;, since then the map has expired.. . Approximately a dozen developers have Looked at the property with no success at arriving at a feasible development over the last ten (10) years. The main factors limiting the development potential are as follows: - A. GRADING: The site as graded does not have proper compac- tion and will require to be recompacted. This will -entail taking out approximately 6 to 10' fee of dirt and recompactng the site.. An existing: slip -plan exists at the easterly end of the site and will require extensive regrading toapproximately 4 feet below. Poway Road to stabilize the slip -plan.. In summary, the required grading_ could run between $150,:000 to $200,;000 for this site. Due to the. substandard grading, thin site presents. a major risk, to any developer. B. MARKETING SURVEY - CONDOMINIUMS: An extensive 'study, shows that medium. priced condominiums would not be well accepted due to the commercial location and the abundant availability of this 'type of product in: the North County �- with much more appealing locations.. The family buying: an $80,000 and higher `condominium prefers a residential setting versus a downtown commercial location. For condominiums to succeed, the market. condition would have to dramatically, change which would be at least two to three years away, at best. C. MARKET SURVEY - APARTMENTS: The City of Poway has the lowest. apartment vacancy of' any City in San Diego County where the average vacancy is 5-I0% Poway has about 2% with waiting lists at the newer apartment projects-.. The need for new rental housing; to support the needs of the average working person and/or family is greatly needed as exhibited by the low, vacancy. The majority of the existing rentals are old and to the best of our knowledge, no major new com- Pl.exes are planned to meet the low income family needs. The location of this project will not only help meet the housing needs, but also add a financial stimulus to the 4 of AUG_ 191986 ITE M 26 Attat 1 to the commercial sector in both buying volume and residential needs of low, income employees. D. SERVICES AND INFILL:: Due to the location, all the ex- isting services in the downtown area will be: better amortized since everything:from fire protection, police,bus: service and utilities are already in place with little or no addi- tional burden placed on them. The alternative of ',supplying thismuch moderate cost housing in some outlying area would not only affect 'the rural residential area selected, but also greatly, increase required expansion. of all the r City support €acilities. The infill of existing land in the downtown area is the most efficient useof existing City services and is the single most effective method to minimize urban sprawl while still providing the needed housing in the most beneficial. location with regards to the renters, the commercial community and existing City.services. j CONDOMINIUMS VERSUS RENTALS The lot 'coverage to build approximately 72 to 80 condominiums averaging: 1, 100 to 1, 200 sq. ft.. with two car garages, would be about 160,000. to. 1803000 sq. -ft. The lot coverage to build approximately 120 apartments aver:- � aging: 800 sq.ft. in two story. flats, would be about 120,000 f sq. ft . a The above lot coverage includes both the. building footprints and required paving for roads and parking. Our preliminary. Architectural review brings out the fact that with good design, _we willbe able to: build. 120 apartments versus 72 condominiums with Less lot coverage. We feel the 120 unit apartment design would also allow us to better protect the view corridor from Poway Road by clus- tering the larger but, fewer buildings to a. less visually noticable location on the site. CONCLUSION_: We respectfully request -that this project alternative be considered based on the potential. benefits to the City of Poway and meeting the needed rental housing goals of the community. As. part. of this consideration,: we are also open to possible concepts regarding limiting: the proj;ect`s profits and./or setting aside certain units for either the elderly and/or reduced rental costs. 5 OF 6 l i EM .: �` AUG 19 198. 26 ` AGRoaviENT OF UNDERSTANDIM City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as nCity" and. Zanderson Inc : , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the followi.ng facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number (s); 317-090-39, 4o Proponent desires to . develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create developaent plans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume time and effort. of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon theabove-mentioned facts, City will grant. Proponent a hearing prior to filing: any application for development upon the following understand- ing: City will render no decisionwithregards to any development proposal_ or part thereof. 3. Gay will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular development plan. City will make:no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in- favor of or againstany development proposal or part thereof Proponentmay subsequently submit.: ). If. any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceedat its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Zanderson, Inc. J. John Zanderson, President Dated: 6 OF Ca - X77 Proponent: - Sig, AUG 19 1985 ITEM 2 Attachment 2 r Y Rff t a7� p .•j ,y.b " `Z " i¢ elv aT`E `w • - '��AK•. Sh ' t ij! / N 1 i+44,� ? t 4M. 6• _ ,r . Y ,x ..e u �va n } r s 1, C � � v} J. - v3• - }°. p\ t � l � tom.. k t S�+M4CY> '�. Ye ¢O t .. v.r x.2•v*btnleh e v .�. rb't � . a .. r .. R C�, ccs iO •�Rs" t% tic•C-'t .. rI r7. } M' -JS_y. $•�r+A... co co ERC x is }�}. Z-�.. � t•'�s J. Sties �,f�/�iO`�� r = � .Y.•] �. •: 3 t.•c , t !as •.w,i�,�t•s}. 1/ � r. � i /eY�l •moi is f r .! . J...� �»� •l are•ksx s. • ti • e s •s sf i'- �••44* Y f t•� •]• i!o R•• �yalsIf3i� r s •a.•? as t i'a. •= �.'='rr` : •:• xJ^ p�»a r�_•t•X Iwo 4 ewe Iij ss � .. .• � �. • fit. F� v r • • • • • • • ; f M.S. ID 40 C ► '� ITEM : e—!:6 - 1 'l Qj n k TITLE el k t i. } SCALE AMA ATTACHMENT k 7 oF: F AI lf: 1 0 14RR IT E M � r CITY OF CNAQ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR' 1825 STRAND WAY CORONADO, CA 92118 August 12, 1986 The Honorable Carl Kruse Mayor, ;City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 ECEI‘rEE) AUG 131986 Cat ,,,n,teteca .a vf:'vE Wee "R" "H" DORMAN MAYOR (619) 522-7322 Dear Mayor Kruse: At the Executive Committee Luncheon Meeting of the San Diego Division of the League of Cities on. August 11, : 1986, the Mayors present, or their representatives, agreed to support Coronado in urging the California Transportation Commission to continue the existing toll structure for the San Diego -Coronado Bay Bridge. As agreed at that meeting, I am enclosing a `` sample proposed resolution for your consideration as soon as possible. The California Transportation Commission will conduct a public hearing on August 27th. Please forward the original of your resolutionto me for delivery by me to the Commission. If you think that U.S. Mail will not get your resolution to me by August 25th, please advise and I will pick it up at your office. I very much appreciate your supportin this matter. Sincerely, "R" "Hg Dorman Mayor, City of Coronado Enclosure Cottcaa RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY URGING THE CAL I FORN IA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TO SUPPORT THE CONTINUATION OF THE PRESENT TOLL STRUCTURE FOR VEHICLES CROSSING THE SAN DIEGO - CORONADO BAY BRIDGE WHEREAS,. the San Diego - Coronado Bay Bridge carries Interstate 5 commuter traffic, to Coronado, discharging it on to unimproved city streets; and WHEREAS,, the traffic volume greatly exceeded traffic forecasts enabling the bridge bonds to be paid off 17 years early, and. WHEREAS, the extremely heavy East-West commuter traffic has dissected the City of Coronado creating unforeseen health and safety problems for that City; and: WHEREAS, we support the foundamental right of a small city to retain its residential character. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Counc i l of the City of , does hereby request that the California Transportation `Commiss ion recommend and support the retention of the presently existing toll structure for the San Diego - Coronado- Bay Bridge;. that fundsin excess of the cost of maintaining the bridge be placed into an interest bearing trust account to finance improvements acceptable to the City of Coronado which may bebuilt to alleviate the bridge created traffic problems. PASSED'ANL) ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of California, this - day of , 1986, by the following vote, to wits AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Attest: City Clerk Mayor of the City