1986 09-23 AgendaCITY'OF PailitY TMON=:PZENDA ISR M M% - aEREMBER 23, 1986 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL =WEBS - 13325 CIVIC:=TER DRIVE MEWING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY cann:L/PLANNING amissiasT/REDEVELOEMENT AGENCY CasISEIR R: - NarICE: TO SIC ITEMS NUJ +IDS 9 _TERCUGEI` 19 NAY EE ENACTED m Cts m'ICN AT L ES POINT` ItT TEE MEWING. .. MERE E WILL' BE NO. SEPARATE DISCUSSION OP TSE rims PRIOR TO 'ISE TIME caJNcIL ValES CST: THE MUTIcN UNLESS' TSE MIMS ME COUNCIL, STAFF, OR TBE. PEJBILIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REVEVED AND DISC JSSE3 SEPARATELY. '. E ITEMS WHIG ARE QED' WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ' ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR ON 'ice' Ate. IF YOU WISH:` TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL an A. SLIP AND ME TO ' THE 4. *Eavi..ronmental Asst and Tentative Tract Map. 86-03, Frank Pierson, Sr. applicant: a request to subdivide. 18.5 acres into seven (7) parcels, located at the southerly tersinus of Welton Lane. (Continued frac September 2, 1986, Iter 5). CITY MANN 'S RECCE iDATICN; Continue to October 21 1986 5' . *Conditional.. 'Use Permit 83--01A and Deve10 t Review' 83-06A, Church of Christ, applicants a request to wend Resolution No. P-83-36 to allag `specific improvements to the site (the development of a park) to be deferred; located at 12730 Elm Park Lane.. (Continued frau September 2, 1986, Iten 7). CITY mamma's REC ATICN Continue to October 7, 1986 6. *Ordinance No. 196 - Second. Reading "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California Adding Chapter' 8.10` to Title 8 of the Poway Municipal. Code Prohibiting Possession of Open Containers of Alcoholic Beverages onor. near Premises Where Retail Package Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Occurs" If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive further tunaai: ras vote). Close public hearing and adopt. (Roll.. call vote.) N RFSCICE'T NO. IS 86-100 CRDINANCE NO. IS 198 NEXT: PLANNING E. NO. IS P-86--66 NEXT' REDEVELOPMENT ' RES. NO. IS R-86-19 LTOFP�YY CITY COUNCIL AGEMA Stenber 23, 1986 Page 2 7`., *Ordinance No. 197 - Second Reading -- "An Ordinance: of the City of Poway, California, Adopting Certain Sections of the San Diego Cainty code Relating toAnimal Control, by Reference and. Rescinding Certain Sections of the. Poway Municipal. Cade Relating to Animal, Control" If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waivefurther reading (unanimous- vote) .. Close public hearing and adopt. (Roll call. vote.)` NEW PCEIEMBINGS - . *E vi rom ental Assessment and Ccaditional Use Permit 86-07 - Pay TW es eyan Church Applicant: a request to use an existing single family residence: as a church withsupportive service uses. The property is located: at 15244 Espola Road aT+ 1 A `S PECalMTDATICNz Close public ? ing; adopt Planni.w Resolution .approving with conditions; issue Negative Declaration:. 9. *Approval of Minutes - City Council: September. 2, 1986, Regular Meting Sem 4, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 10 .*Approval. of Ma nute a - R e ,e1opment Agency: September 2, 1986, Regular Meeting September 4, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 11.1ellatificatica of Warrant Register - September 11, 1986 12.*Denia] of Clam: Currie 13.*Acceptance of traffic sign,- drainage facilities, and street improvements on Twin Peaks Rod etiidl and; and alithorization for final payment. 14.*esolution No. 15 .*P sol ution No. i6.*Reso ution No. I7. *Resolution, No. Approving Agreement with the State of California, Departmimt of Pestry for Mutual Fire Protection Aid Annexing Territory to the SreImprovement District of the City of ,Par ay; Joel Lair n; applicant; located at 13775 Highlands Terrace. Annedng Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway; Cay Bthnsack applicant located at 13947 Sagewaod Drive. - Authorizing Application for Grants Under 1984 Park Bond. Act. i - CF,pOKW {7 septembW 23, 190" e 3 1V' nasol: tion M. �! Establishing S Sign at Sil .moi rset and Tr 3.9 *Resolution ' M. - Establishing Stop Sign at Rios Read and S�+etfield Lane. CM MAHN= IMM 200, 21. mcm 22. 23! Z=k VMr 24 r. ARM". ' 25TA - 26. CAM, t to Th�atsdag, S s 25', 1986, 4: .OQ 7A., City CCUnCil C ersr. 33325 Civic Center Drive., Tmm 25, 1986: Ear oonfi at aca of itms on t� Wcrl shcp , please call tae CI y Clerk E a Office.., 74$-66a0 . ' n La vely 3.. Peel t Cmferecce. - Rogers' - night: club within x. Center 24. Di:�C sign. with M� r C= Cable, _ rate i. ease. k 3` Presentation. r Pdmera3o Trtu S42%W project 4 Update. crr Gil Goals and Objectives