Item 4 - EA, TTM 86-03 - Frank Pierson Sr.TO: FROM: James. L. Bowersox, City Mana AGENDA 11EPOIZT CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members f the City Council 4*, INITIATED BY Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning ervices James: H. Lyon, Assistant Planner DATE-: SUBJECT: September 23, 1986 Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map 86 -03 --- Frank 6 -03 --Frank. Pierson Sr.., applicant:, A request to subdivide 18.5 acres into seven parcels located at the southerly' terminus of Welton Lane. APN: 323-Q90-52, 53 ABSTRACT On September 2, 1986: the public hearing for TTM. 86-03 was continued to September 23, 1986 so that the applicant and Staff could ,respond to Council concerns regarding the map. Mr. Piersonhas requested that the public hearing be continued an additional 30 days to address the Council's comments andto determined the economic feasi- bility of the project. RECO24ATION It is recommended that the City Council continue the public hearing for. TTM 86-03 30 days until. October 21, 1986 to allow the applicant timeto evaluate proposed improvements and costs. JLB:RrRT: JHL :. i s ACTION: SEP 23 1986 ITEM