Item 23 - EA and CUP 86-07 - Poway Wesleyan ChurchTO FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Servicesj,4 - DATEr September 23, 1986, SUBJECT Environmental Assessment and Conditional use. Permit 86-07 -`Poway Wesleyan Church, Applicant: A request to use an existing residential structure as a church.: The proposed Project is located at 15244 Espola Road in the. RR -C (Rural Residential) zone.. AGENDA REPORT Gt CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APRT: 321-012 48 ABSTRACT' PROJECT PLANNER: Sharon Crockett, Assistant`Planne; PARCEL SIZE: L.75 Gross Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential Rural la ZONING: Rural Residential C SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES: PDC 86-14 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED. None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION:. Issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions ACTION: SEP 23 1986 ITEM. of 21 Agenda Report Septamber 23,, 1986 = Page 2. BACKGROUND A. Project Descri tp ion The congregation of the Poway Wesleyan Church is requesting that the Council approve a.conditional use permit. (CUP 86-07) to a low the use of an existing residential structure as a church with sup- portve services. The 1.75 -acre site is located at. 15244: Espola_ Road in the RR-C.(Rural Residential) zone. The congregation is also purchasing the 1.5.4 -acre site north and adjacent to the sub- ject=site. In the future, as the size of the congregation increases the applicants. plan.to remove or increase the size of construct amore facility. The the existing building and permanent applicants are:also requesting the that Council waive the applica- tion fees-, ( see. Attachment 7) During the�'previous years, the existing house was used. as a group- r carefacility and in 1.985- as a hospice. if approved,- the 3,350 square -foot ,building will be: remodeled to contain a. 744 square -foot meeting room, and will utilize- the. remaining rooms as a lounge;_, an. office, and four classrooms,. while maintaining the existinT kitchen and one -carr garage.. Theprevious owners have sprinkierea he. t building- however, the Safety Services. and Building Departments have indicated that additional, modifications to they existing .urrent.codes. The.noncon- building :.. may, bei: required to. comply with, c I forming wood fence within the front setback area will need to be removed.: E Espola Road has been designated as a. scenic road. A S0-footr landscaped open -space easement from: the ultimate width of the right-of-way is, required.. The. location of this ' easement will require the redesign, of the proposed parking lot. The Code i requires one parking space, per. 45 square. feet, of gross floor area The within the main auditorium where there are no fixed seats.• meeting rooms is 744 square: feet in area, thus, it. requires: 17 on- site: parking spaces:. A few of the proposed parking spaces are located in front--of--the one -car -garage., These spaces will al o need, to relocated, The parking lot canbe redesigned to provide -.be the required parking spaces while: maintaining the 50 -foot open - space. easement and access to the garage ( see: Attachanen 4)-: The properties to the south, west, and north are zoned RR -C and are partially'developed.with single-family residences. The property to the east is zoned RR -R and is also developed with single-family residences. SEP 2.3' 1986 ITEM 2of 21 x } Agenda Report. September 23, 1986 Page 3 B Develo ment Facilities Access to the site is taken from Espola Road: via a. single curbcut. Approval of the project will require widening Espola Road with 3.7 feet of paving from the center line to face' of curb, and dedication of' right-of-way fora 47 -foot half:. street.. In addition, curb, gutter,, and sidewalk improvements are required. Also required are the relocating and undergrounding of existing utili y Lines,. and relocating the existing fire hydrant to seven f eet from face of new exurb.: The applicants are requesting the Counci . defer the required improvements to Espola Road,, the undergrounding<of the: existing utility linest as well as: other public improvements, to, the, `site: until the permanent church is constructed or the existing building i s expanded (see Attachment, 8), During the: review of the submitted site plan, and considering the required improvements to Espola. Road,- it appears that. the- mature pine and eucalyptus trees adjacent to: Espola Road may need to be removed, to construct the required. sidewalk.. If removed,. thew trees will be replaced on a two-for-one basis from the. approved arterial street tree. list. fore Espola Road.. Drainage: improvements as well as other public services r sucki as: wa.ter, sewer, and. utilities necessary toa serve the proposed use, can be -provided. G. Environmental, Review There • are! several mature. trees; on. the property The property slopes down from: Espola Road. to a flat. building pad, on which the existing 'building is constructed: Along the,, westerly. property line is a natural drainage channel which supports.a- mall riparian hah tat.; Thoro osed use of the: site and the construction of the F P parking lot will require the: removal of a small number of trees.. The natural drainage channel;. will not be dis urbed.with the devel- opmen.t- •of this project. A review of the Environmental Initial Study, and an on-site inspec- tion of the site found potentially significant environmental impacts: related to the cumulative effects of additional: traffic° generated by the project's: expansion and the project.'s impact on area. -wide and on-site drainage Staff' recommends the issuance: of a Negative Declaration with. mitigation; measures: for traffic and drainage, as: well. as other conditions noted in the, staff reportL and attached resolution.; 3 of 21 SEP 2 3: 1986 ITEM 8 Agenda Report September 23, 1986; - Page 4 D. Correa ondence Notice of public hearing was sent to property owners within 500. . feet of the property and published in the, Poway Dews Chieftain. FINDINGS The proposed project conforms; with the City `-s General. Plan and the: Zoning Development Come.. The location, size, design,, and charac- teristics, of the. project ° s use. will be compatible with and mill not, adversely affect or be:` maternal "y detr.i cental. to . adjacen.t: uses, residences,; bu:dings,` structures:,, or natural resources. The site is suitable for the type and the, intensity of the use that is pra.- posed.. ` Public access. easements will not. be compromised with the development of the proposed project.. RECO iENDATION it is recommended, that the: City Council approve Conditional. Use Permit 86-07 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolu- tion. and issue a Negative. Declaration ti tl TLB=:RWT: SEC: pn t Attachments: 1, Proposed Resolution Standard ondition� 2. S Conditions, 3.. Surrounding,General Plan and Zoning. 9 4. Site. Plan S. Existing Elevation b.. Existing: and Proposed:. Floor Plan_ T. Request to_ Waive Application ' Fees F 8,. Request to I?efer Required Public. Improvements r a SEP 23 , ITE a Resolution No. P - Page 2. Section 2: Environmental Findings: The City Council.finds that this project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues q a Negative Declaration. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 86-07- subject to the following conditions:` -' 1. within 30 days of approval-, the applicant shall subm in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. Z. A revised site planshall be: submitted and approved by the. - e p 3 Directors of Public and Planning -Services. The plan shah provide a minimum of 17 on-site parking spaces to City', standards. Parking: spaces are not permitted within the required S0-foot.open-space easement. { 3 A0 -foot -wide scenicopen-space: easement. from the ulti.- _ mate width of the right-of-way.line shall be dedicated to the City prior to use of the: site.The exact location of said easement shall be approved prior to issuance of a grading permit by the Directors of Public and Planning Services... -Said easement shall. be. landscaped to the satis- faction of the Directors of.'Public and Community.Services_. 4. The following required improvements shall be designed and constructed to the, satisfaction. of the Directors of Public and Safety Services prior to use of -the site: a. in; lieu of the required traffic mitigation fees, the applicant shall widen Espola, Road -to 37 feet from the r: center lineto face of curb and dedicate adequate right=-of-way for a 47 -foot half street. Curb, gutter,,and.sidewalks are required, b. Street lights shall be installed to City standards and,an 18 -month energy, charge fee is required. c. A standard alley entrance off Espola Road at the ultimate location of Espola road shall. be required.. The design shall assure the street drainage does not enter the property through the driveway. r 6 of 21. SEP 23 1986 ITEM Resolution No. P - Page -3 d. The existing fire- hydrant shall be relocated seven feet from face of new curb. A post indicator valve and a Fire Department connection to City standards shall: be installed. e. The applicant shall locate and adjust a sewer cleanout at the east edge"of the sewer right-of-way. S. if _there is an expansion"of the use to the lot north (3.21-012-49)of the subject property (321-012-48)o, the two logs shall be merged. , 6. The existing sprinkler system shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services. - 7. A fire alarm system shall be installed in the existing building to serve the classrooms to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services,. 8. :A Eire Department 111KNOX" security entry system shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of ` Safety Services.. 9. All fences within` the 50 -foot open®space easement shah. be { removed. prior to use of, the site. t 10. The existing building shall be repainted and repaired to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services prior to use of the site. 11. The parking lot and required landscaping shall be installed to the: satisfaction of the Directors of Public, Planning, and Community Services prior to use of the ,site. Section'4: City Council Decision: The city Council hereby approves Conditional. Use Permit 86-07 subject to the attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED -and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State. of California, this 23rd day of September, 1986. Carl R. Kruse,, Mayor ATTESTt Marjorie R. Wahlsten, City Clerk SEP 23 1986 ITEM 7 of 21 STAN . _ RD -CONDITION OF'PPR0VA Subject: P O Applicant: •-e Q; cLocation:. ' Iq TH _.4.,2 Those items checked are conditions of approval. Y CITYOF PflW�1Y1 I. APPLICANz s L CONTACT' THE DEPART14ENT OF PLANNING- AND; BUILDING ' REGARDING CDMPLZAl4CL WITH TSE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SEblti$CES a SZTZ-DLVELO 1. Situ shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file- in the- Planning, Services Department: and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised sitar plans. and building elevations incorporating all. conditions: of approval Shall be submitted to the- Planning to issuance of building permits. Services Department prior 2. Approval at this request shall not waive compliance with all - sections, of the,- Zoning Development. Code and; all other applicable- City Ordinances in effect at the time of- building permit issuance.. i. They developer shall provide a minimum of 251 of the" lots with adequate sideyard area fat recreation vehicle storage pursuant- ursuantto: tatCity standardst, and the C.0 &R.`s shall prohibit the storage of recreational,vehicles in the required, front yard setback. S. Bail bosec. an lots 10-000 square feet ar less lir sire and in areas where sidewalks ase- required; shall be installed and. located by the developer subject to approval by the.Planning Services, Department 6. The developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of -approved roof materials- and colors. into the design of the residantia.L development in a. manner which: is both, compatible }y and complementary among each of the residential. straits. T.. Trasix receptacle' multifamily developmeeats shall. be enclosed 6 foot; high masonry wail with view -obstructing gates by s pursuant to City standards. Location shall. be•subject .ta approval. by3 the Planning Services: Department' �( 9. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners- shall be architecturally integrated, shielded. from view and sound buffered.. from adjacent properties: and streets. as required by the Planning- Services Department. 12(9. prior ta, any use, of the Project'site or business activity being commenced thereon- all conditions of approval contained herein shall. be completed to the satisfaction. of the Director of planning Services. Z0. The applicant shall comPIT with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code,- Uniform Mechanical Codec Uniform Plumbing Code. Vationsl.,E_iectria Code, Uniform Fire Code- and all other applicable codes and ordinances in of feet aa -W' 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits# for combustible construction- evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that coater supply and facilities fac fire protection is available.. Where additional fir& protection is required by the Director, of Safety Services, it shall be Serviceable prior to the time of construction= 12. for a neer residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include# but not be limited to: Permit and Flan Checking Fees- School Fees (in accordance with City -adapted policy and/or ordinance), Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a. Prior to final slap approval. b. Prior to building permit Issuance. SEP 2 3 1986 ITEM 8 of 21 13. For a UGw-com®ere al oe industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include* but not be,limited to: Pssmie and Plan checking Fees* Water and Sewer 4 Service fees. These -1688 shall bw paid: as Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. l4. This approval sbsll becmw null. and void if' building permits are not issued iorthis project within one year from the date: of project approval. 15. Street oars shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the fidal map# and street addresses shall. be p�covcied prior the issuance of building peseta 16. Suilding identification and/or addresses shall be placed on all now and existinq• buildings- so aa. to be plainly visible ftae< tie attest or access roads color of identification and/or addressees shall contrast with their background color. B. EARN= AND VBSSC=R ACCESS �. 1. All parkinq lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one: fifteen. 4151 gallon size, gree foc every three ( 3) parking space&. For parking lot islands# a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be -provided and be`separated gime vbicular areas by a 6 inch high# 6 inch wl" portland cm=ate carat curbing. Z® Packing ,lot lights shall be low pressure scdiusr and have a i } sasiaus< height of eighteen 1188 feet frost the, the finished >grade Of. that parking surface, and be disacted array from all property liaesv, adjacent streets and residences. 3. All tvo-war traffie aisles shall be a minimm of 24 feet aide and:ertgency accssa shall. ber provided maintained -free and claar., I aF s"Lmvm, of 24 fast: wide at all. times-durfnq construction its accordance AWL Safety Services Department regniraeosats - 02( 4. All pariaiag spaces shall be doublo striped. C. Ll1sCSCllpE1�G 1. A detailed landscape and. irrigation plan, shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Secvices.Degartment and Planning Serviceas Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A baster Place of the existing on-site trees shall be, provided toL the Planning Services Departmant prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, tar determine which trees shall be retained. 3. Eadstinq,.oa-s,Jte trees shall_be retained wherever possible and small be trimmed and/or topped. Orad, • dacay£ng or , potentially dangerous tines shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Servfces Department during the review of - the Master Flan -of existing on-site trees, Those trees which are approved for removal 5haLlL be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as,regoired by the Planning Services Department. 4. Street, trees, a; minimum of 15 'gallon size or larger,p shall, be installed is accordance- With tine City of Poway acdivance and. shall be planted at as average of every 30 feet on interior ¢- streets and 20 feet o terior. streets. ,� �/ IdsCod 4,`( • S. A minimum of St! trees per gross acre. comprised of the following sizes.shall be providedL within the development; 204` - 240 bot cc larger, lot 15 gallon, and lot 5 gallon to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plan in all multifamily and PRO projects. s Mr 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition,, free from weeds, trash, and debris. 9 of 21 SEP 23 1986 ITEM D. 9MYS CZ 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be- designed. and approve in =nfcc=nce with the Sign Ordinance. Z. a Comprehensive Sign Program" for this. development shall bs 4 submitted to the Planning Services: Department for their review prior tor issuance of building permits. Approval shall. be by the*City Council. S. �CBEATZOK` I.. Ow lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail an or adjacent to: their propertyr the developer is - required .tcr have contained within- the C Can.'s the, following statemventr In purchasing the home. I have read then C.C.&A.'s and understand that said. lot is subject to- as easement for the• ; purpose of allowing equestrian/pedesexian traffic. 2.. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian il. systeae is 8CcoCdanCWL with the adopted sign. standards and to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning: Setvicesa: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 3. Aa open space easement shall be granted to tae City over. upon, - access and under the area. def ined ow the final. maps as asr equestrian trait ad. no building, structures. or other things: shall be constructed# erected, placed or maintain ed act, subject: easements'_ except for, the- construction: and staintenancwof said trail. and. structurew appurtenant to tiff trail. 4. Dedicate the- Master planned equestrian/pedestriam trails- to the satisfaction of the Directors. of they Departments of Public and: Planning Services in accordance• with. the Master` Plm of Trails, Element. y � S. Parkland. Dedication or payment of Park Fee& at the established. rata shall be made: a. Prior to final trap approval. b. Prior to building permit: issuance. } _i t !. EXMING STRUCTURES t L. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for ` property lineclearances.considering use, area and I fire -resistiveness -of existing_ buildings. I Z. Existing' buildinq(s) shalt -be made tQ comply with current building and, zoning regulations-- for this intended use or the building sball'be demolished.' ; 3. -misting selvage- disposal facilities shall. be: removed. filled and/cc capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and tho Osifozw PLumbinq Code, G. AD0=20WM APPROVALSREQUIRED L. Devolopment Review or Minor Development Review shall be P g accomplished vier"to: the Issuance a:buildin permit. } 2. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision w •app 3. This Conditional Use- Permit is granted for a period o€,ems--► manthis! At the end of which time, the City Council may add or delete ccndipionsr 9;'_ revoke the Conditional UUsee Permit t. Th* de vifloper shall dLsplay a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, andlor suitable alternative 10 Of 21 to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. SEP 2 3 1996 ITEM S. When publ ' �r private equestrian/pedestrian traNara required as. a part of the- subdivision. the developer shall display a, map. is the sales off icee of said subdivision# indlaatinq the trails. 8. Alles maps that ace, distributed or made available to the lis p l include, but not be limited to trails, future and r existing schools, pac a: and. streets. ' f. Th*, developer sbaLl provide a, noise: display board ims the sales- office alesoffice to ths,satisfcation o£ the planning Services Director - The, display shall include the site, plaa''and noiaw study. 8: Kock nq drawings shagL include a certification by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the City, of FewW s noise` ordinance+ will be mat. g. At thee completion of aonstructica, and prior to occupancy Anterior,anct exterior CNEL. shaLL be determined by ' field t stinq at developer• s expense-. Tests tc bar conducted: by a reeognized.acoustical. expect. No occupancy permits shall beg ranted until Condition -G-7 is met to then satisfaction of the Buildingde Co(latest: ad opted edition) 'Sound Transmaisaicn Control. Ia.. The applicant shall provide- verification of State Boacd of Equalization notification and that. apprapsiate reviews and/or approvals have- been accopplished to the satirise-- tioa at the Director of Administrative Services.. Ir. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACr THM PUBLIC SERVICES OEPARTM-r REGARDING COMPLIANCZ WITg TSE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: B. GRADING I. Grading of the subject property shall bs- is accordance with: tilt unifam Building Coder City Grading Ordinanceeapproved grading plan and geotechnical report. and accepted grading practices., 2. The grading plan shall contain: a• certificate siguod• by a a registered: civil eagineer. that the grading plan has preserved i a minim= of LIDO square feet of solar access for each dulling unit and for eac#i future- building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work: a:. Prior to final. map approval. b. Prior to building Lmcmit issuance. 4« Qeological report shall be prepared, by a qualified engineer cc geologist and submitted at the time of application: for grading plan check. S.'T8e final grading plan, shall be•subject to review and approval by thw -Plain inq Servicesand Public Services Department and shall be'eomplated prior to recordation of the final . subdivision map or issuance of building permit. whichever comes first. MR(S. A pre -blast survey'ot surrounding property, shall be conducted to the satisfaction act the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic -recordings shall be taken for all blasting ` and blastiag shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the•City, Engineer. I. STREE7l'S AND SIDEWALKS L. All Ciccu ation Element roads shall be dedicated.and improved to Circulation Element goad standards and, to the- specifications of the Director of Public Services. 11 of 21 SEP 2 3 1986 ITE a. lie. developer shall pap a pro�rata shays for the inatailation • s or adificatlan,' of the traffle' signals. at c C a. Prior to final, map approval. r b. Prior to building permit issuance. 3. 'Ve#iieulac access rights to Circulation Eleneent roads shall be dedicated to the City, of Poway, and labeled an the- final -map to ti* drs"J s_ ::tion ai the Oirectar of Public Secvicaa oar bi separate deet. i. All iatecior and estecfor public stseata shell be, constructed tar pablie° attaet standards. S. Stdaeealks/Vii. feet in width shaLITIm required on tl✓anel sidetsi of -..' 6.. R=IPsoeal accena andmaintenanew and/or agreements shall be pzgvidsd iaanriag access 'tea al,a parcels over private-roadst dCLV4W cc parking scene and. maintenance- thereof tar the satisfaetim- at: t w Director at Public Services., T. Street striping- and siquing- shall be installed to- they 'satisfaction. of the ®hector of Public Services.. } s. All street structuraL sections shall bay submitted tara, and spprayed bT tho Oirmtor of. Public Services. !'. Street Improvainnt plans -prepared air standard size .sheets �br a Registeced Civil Engineer shall bawsubmitted Far approval by tbW 019eetot of Public- Services. pian cheek and inspection esPenses shall be paid by the developer.. IQ'. ALL exterior street improvements shall, be,constructed prior to vC5 CF TSE y s/7 F, 4VA-11198940ce of building permits, to, the sat afaetion� Of the 01reartor of ttablic Sesvicas. hZ. 8tz:et impravva ants Lhat Includer but are not limited tog Udewalk* -lt. Cross gutter 6. orivevaYs f. Al2ey gutter Nheel. Chair ramps ,� 'gr Strsst L paving ....�.;id. C Wer and- guttas h. Allay paving Omit tt constructed prior to the occupancy of that units, to- the satisfaction. of ther Director of Public S@tvic08t IYd Al .`daaaged off-site public' wacks. facilities►. Including parkway trees, ahall.be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction- of the Qepactment of Pablle Services., 12. Friar to- aur vbrk_ being performed im the public right-of-wayr an eaeros hmQnt PIRCIWLt;L shall be obtained from the ' Public Set9►icsc office and appropriate fees paid. iu addition to any Other permits. required. C3 Ii. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved landscaped ftedlan along the pra ject frontage( s)'a a. Prior to ileal map approval. b. Pries to building permit issuance. 15. street lompcovements and waLatenancee shall- be made in aecacdance° with City Ordinance standards ford s. Urban -Streets b. Seem -rural streets c. Dedicated' rural streets d. Non -dedicated rural streets 1016. 'Phe developer shall pay the Traffic Hitigation Fee at the established rates: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to buL ldLnq perm Lt issuance 5/lam 12 Of 21 SEP 23 1986 ITEM tS i J. DRAINAGE AND noon CONTROL 1 1. Intersection drains wi21 be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 2. The, proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flecding undec ` the Rational Flood. Insurance- Program and is 2 subject to. the provisions of that prograep and City Ordinance. 1. a drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surtacw water originating- withi i e Advance energy charges and District engineering charges { shall be paid by the developec- d. Annexation to the lighting district,shall be accomplished ,• of lighting fees and evidence of annexation and.payment shall be presented to the City prior, to final map approval or building permit. issuances, whichever occurs t�s1► 9. Cable- television .services- aball. be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify thw Cable company when trenching for utilities. is to be accomplished. L. GEMMM MMMR tT3" ASA MPAOOALS 1. Permits front other agencies ofll be required as follows t a. Caltrans b. Sari DieW County Flood Control. District . C. others 2. A. copy of the- Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CUR'S) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the homeowners Association shall bo subject. to the review for compliance with conditions hereint to. the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed -with the Secretary of State. the County- Recorder and the City Cleric at the time of i final map- consideration. i 3. Prior to recordation. a Notice of Intentica to fares Lanascapa and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved -in district formation shall bt borne by the developer. 4. Pini pascal: ���'� tract maps shall conform to City standards r and procedures. S. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map-. thereX ' shall be -granted to the -City, am open space easement over Lots®. common areas& ®to. Said open space easement.shill, be approved as form by the City Attorney and shall, limit the use of said. open space to' recreational: parposss. including:' buildings. structures and improvements. 6. Should this subdvison be further divided, each final sap shall be. submitted for approval' by the- Director of Public Services. : 7.. All provisions of the Subdivison 'Ordinance of the- Poway . Hunicipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land." S. Those pottions,of the subject property proposed to be held under common. ownership shall be labeled such and identified -by &-separate lot -number an the final map. 9.. Prior to final map approvals all of the above , improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within -two years:fram'map recordation or prior to building permit issuances whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreements secured with sufficient securities, in a forte approved by the city llttorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final mag approval. 10. Prior to final map approvals all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above. 11. The, tentative map approval shall empire an unless an application for time extension is received Qa days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. SEP -2.3 1986 1T Eta 14 of 21 _Y . r • ♦ • •f W.M.�♦•!•�i�...♦..�.1•.• • r 1. �I�•AroAJitO:i! .. wS( •t7A4 X• w .ash: • • �• r 'C~4'iwiUlA•!wwni1i•:IYi •.. •• • • • • • • a .. • ' • ��✓i/ or 430. • • • •• ...41014••• •vi:. • R-2 f S6 RR - RR :sir gAF_ w......V:: N = � - L ••` SVM.••• CITY OF POWAY trAN SCALE • • ti4Okit, ITEM stip: Z 6611-101,340. pc.,644. TITLE.: ATTACHMENT SEP 231986 ITEM ____11.5,721::11:z11541111irlii: r{i 4i •L''` -au J(illMIll11j tLi' ii,;:r. 1111, 11/ii ,i: bit I - • 11 r ,` ' ` '� - - .1TIrn1Ir puilatI! ':13111,,3Lt171111,1/111 it.:a11 . 111..111;ii tII L.. . . 'MIS • s Os -) POWAY ESLEYAN CHURCH 13321 POWAY ROAD. POST OFFICE BOX 862 POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 REV. JOHN SCHLETEW(TZ, PASTOR PHONE: 618-748=0365 The City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 92064 Dear Sirs, This is a request to waive the application fees for obtaining a conditional„ use permit, for the Poway Wesleyan • Church. As a part of The Wesleyan Church of America, the Poway Wesleyan church is a non-profit organization which is providing many pos- itive services to the citizens and community of Poway. In addi- tion to the genuine positive aspects that any evangelical church would add to those who participate, the Poway Wesleyan. Church, whose membership is 90% local residents, has aottvly and : freely given to the community as a whole. The church mails a direct mail paper "The Poway Community Messenger" every six weeksto some 5000 residents in Poway. The Messenger promotes the whole- someness of marriage, hole-someness:of`marriage,_ family and country; as well as giving practical help in dealing with the stresses of life. The church is also active in community affairs. As an active member. of the Chamber of Commerce, the Poway Wesleyan Church has given to the community through Chamber events. This past spring the young people of the church held.. our Third Annual. Trash -A -Thou in conjunction , with Poway. Clean -Up Days. Last 'year the city council honored us with a Beautification Award because of the pos- itive effects of the Trash-A-Thon. The church has also actively: participated for several years in Pow -Wow Days in many ways. As a non-profitorganization that is actively giving to the community we request that the fees be waived. associated with obtaining a. conditional use permit for 152M4 Espola Road.. Thank you. de ere ohn . chletewitz Pas . or,toway Wesle. a Church 19 of 21 rrsNI= Sep. -07 Mitags-r- For. et S SEP 2 3 1986 ITEM .r: J d POWAY WESLEYAN rICIRCH 13321 POWAY ROAD, POST OFFICt dOX 862 POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064- REV. 2064 REV. JOH(4 SCHLETEWITZ, PASTOR PHONE: 619-748-0365 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 9206 Dear Sirs, This is in reference to the proposed project for the Poway Wesleyan Methodist- Church at 1524. Espola Road. Should the council require, the discussed street improvements, we are requesting a deferment of those improvements based of the following reasons: 1. The ' improvements would only addtwo- feet of pavement and not an additional traffic: lane; 2 The curbs and sidewalks which would, be added would in effect; go nowhere, as there currently are no other curbs and sidewalks in the area; 3. Only two poles would. be moved underground.. In addition, please consider the fact that we are a young, small,. community church. Our average Sunday morningattendance for June 1985 -June 1986 was 46 people. The sire- of the assembly area. at 15244 ` Espola Road is only 106, which the city engineers have noted will not generate any mo. e trips per week than if the property were occupied as a single family residence. Than.. you for your -consideration. Sincerely,/ t Johnhietewitz Pastor, -Poway Wesleyan Chi 20 of 21 rratet eon prate- 11.EFE4earifeivcr of Fueuc. trAfarecomMgrs 06417c14MEhTr. SEP 23 1986 ITEM AMk REFER : U; E PERMIT To the members of the City C ounce l for the city of Powey, Ca. I received your letter in reference to the above request hearing,; and I appreciate an opportunity to have some input about the request. Having; resided until recently at the property being considered I am very well qualified to present to you how it is to reside in that property and hove L believe it is for all who live withen 500 feet on either side of ESPOhA ROADfrom the school east to Twin Peaks 3 . All of the desirable and needed requirements for a personal 's inglkcn6 res defteihaseftr a long: time been eliminated..Here are the reasons that I make this, statement: Privacy, quitenesse, seclusion are gone from early monday morning ;to about .. bpm friday. Saturday and Sunday we can. live with as they are much better daysm Monday through friday there are the big busses:* and the. 9Loijy, matereye-les for about three hours each day. The work: force in the building trades 4 :oing to and coming from thein jabs in their. trucks and tractors early, r on those days are very- noily. Tho very worse-are the delivery trucks and- heavy rig tractors as they deliver-cements, oil, water, all types of gals « « There are the oil eampanzes big sema.- rigs with bus ldin maters their deisels that are: very° n.oiays and all the rigs with d%seals engines} are: making a lot of illegal amount ofnoise:$ and many are pulluting with ` large amount of baack smoke.. was a: Ga., state licensed official in these-_: subjects amd do understand and have a knowledge, about noise 2nd pullet ono. It, appears to ffie these situations v ll. not change for the owners of the= currently built homes are for the owners for those building site along the portion of Espola: I have commented ong, consequently to have others. choices for use: of their property seems very needed and proper as well as equitable. I agree with the Environmental report on this requesVhat there will not be any significant impact on Espola road. I believe this type of use., of this property or any along that strip from the school to Twin. Peak rd would be the very best type of land use puss ble Even some. fthhto Itght 'public use zonings like Dentes.t and: Dr. of medicine and that type: use i's s better then to have it'ONLY RR.-C, because the rural effees no longer avai labl:e Thank you,and I hope thiswillassist you in making your decision. } w Stone.Sr:, ;