Item 9 - Minutes of the Meeting September 2, 1986NOT Cis APPROVEC
Cin CSF Pawl, (;1lT.TT.i=Izl ,
mnu=CF!='C= Rairm
_MR 2r 1986
The Sq*amber, 2, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Poway was called : to order at 7.00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council.
Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California.
G' Fd= CAM i
Bob ]Emery., Is nda. Oravec, Mary Sh ardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl ramse
Jam Bowetsa City Mer
Marjorie Wahlsteu city Clerk
stem, EcIds City Attorney'
John Fitch Assistant City Manager
Patrick Foley Awistwt. to tte at:y, Manager
Lee Lewis- Director of ccmmnity Sexvices
Susan. Palone Director of Adaain strati ve Services
Alan Arehba]d Directtar of Public. 5erviees
.Hill Toon.; ` D%ractor of Safety Serviced
Reba Touw Direr of PLvming Services
Jbbn Bridges Assistant Director ofPUnn ng Services
Brad Mi Senior
Suzanne Oliva. Deputy City
Deputy Mayor Sheila_ + led the Pledge of A3.tegiance., '
Mayor, Krase presented an employee award to Stewart Gary, Fire Battalion Chief,
for service to the: City of Poway and Poway Water District since 1:970 3
and stated'he'is going- to* the 'City of Carlsbad as Fire Battalion chief.
Mayor, Kruse presented awards to the; members of the F1ar ila i n Advisory.
C®m ttee: T=Vo ght, Busssell SheZdo , Donna Dugam, Darwi a: A. Drake, George
Leffler,. man, X. Elder and. Betty Rexford. He ended theafor their mak,
and noted their, final report had been accepted an August: Sr 1986.
PON= cm-
Mayor Kruse. explained the procedure for Public` oral Canmmin canions dere_ was }
no one present, wishing to speak.
SEP 2' 1986 ITEM 4
Staff: report by Director of Planning Services TOM. She stated the property
cites meet the slope criteria, conforms with the General Plan and the zoning
designation. She not the area has very few ecological resources- that need - to
be protected.'
Speaking inopposition:
Prank P essoa, Jr., 6828 Federal Bivd., Grove, stated. itic to
road- ' i:tnpr
conditions and rem a continuanceto allow time
for further review.
Norm Elder, P. O. Box 632, stated concern that inadequate road standardswould ,
be inuosed with no road maintenance agresnent andthe additional
traffic that will be created.
Council concerns included slinability y to build. the road to acceptable
because of the stems. topography,
and road maintenance. ion
included possibility of roadding from the south.
by Caunci. Emery for
Marion. by' Counciaer� tkavec, s .
tiauance to September 23, 1986, to allow tune: for additional review..
carried unanimously.
Mayor Kruse opened the public homing.: Introduction. by City Manager Bow ersox,
He stated this is a request to modify the conditional. use Permit to
allow the construction of two mini -soccer courts located at 14530 Espo] a. Mad?
He reconmended a condition be that the applicant s1 11 complete all
ditions required in the original use permit prior to additional building a this
Staff report by Director of Planning Services Tbuw.:
A speaker slip, in: favor was submitted: by Mark T. Bentley but there was
present wish ng to speak.:- _s
Motion by Counciin ober Emery,. �
seconded, by Council' er Shepardsan, to adbpt
Resoluticfl No- P-86-61, entitled. g Resolution of the City Council of the City
of ?may, Conditional: Use Permit: 8�q5-�0�'7M. Assessor's Parcel
Number 321-190-31. w Co iticns were added. related to parking reviag within. six'
months after new ; improvements and that no requests- for additional uses on this
site will: be allowed, as well as completion of all oonditions required. ins origi-
nal: permit prior to additional building al this site.
Mat -al carried unanimou.sly.
Page 4 CETT' CF P September 2, 1986
Page 4 - CITY CP` -,, September 2 1986
- M •
Ct IDITI(1�iPlL USE P�T' 83-01A
Ma= mouse 1d1e i.ia hearing, r T.istxom by- \r.8.ty ft3ager- 73tmGi.3S=-
This, is: a rpt. to amend. a. cxsncii t mal. use permit., He reviewed. the history of
this: site,including lti trig nc designation. as space the Cs�3n a
trade -off for allowing increased density in'L the suer resident al:.a�e ..
The: " C.ity agreed to give. 80W of thespace to flier church in re% for their,
of 20W as: `,a. neighborhood park. wish to:: defer this CO -
d t=: and. ere unable to c&zin, bandi to insure its
rndatan is to deny this`. request.=
Spea��.uYg =1 favor of staff's recommendation::
ThomasH.. WeLi ,32614 O rdhaven Lane..
Speaking against staff Ips" r tion:
Atty:: Robert La Cady 5059 Avenue, San Dim, Att(ney represeratag
Cb=(:h. of airist..
Council- stated they; were i'. favor alte ties which. ; � be =. out for'
ways of assuring a park was: ivalt".
City Manager l owerso discussed the possibility of defe�cr egg the. pack to, the
sewed phase as well; as: interest benrh types' of leans and rarsem�eat
agreements' that, cm:ad all. be viable altetn Vee.
Council discussed, the- churlsmembers dcinq some of the L nta Stich{ as
the Irandscapir�g which, w =Id. Help, lower costs; as well. as the possi b >~%t
P A& ownership of the- park.. _
Citylian+ge Bawersa e3ai:ned there presently existsan Irrev+ocab�ler offer of
Dedication al hwing the: City` to: ac,%= � the once the. pmrkK is bu is
so: desires.-
if the; Crouhcsa_
M&AM 'by —t=- `farzyr se=nded by Chi. membw Rnmy to centime, this,
hearing to S 231986. Motioa carried nimmisly..
yW -25: p m and: called it back to order to
Ma Kzvse ._ " they �etzag at 8
8:&M p-=w Alit. Imenbexs were present`.
SES' 2`a 1986 ITEM,
Page 5 - CITY CB' POrAVAY - September 2, 1986
Mayor Kruse opted the public hearing and read the title of Ordinance No.. 191,
t1AnOrdinance of the City of Poway, California, Adding Chapter 8.92 to the Poway
Municipal Code Prohibiting Rental of Substandard mousing Which Endangers Health
or Safety.
Introduct on by City Manager sox. He stated the C.3 ty Attorney was asked: to
review the ability to apply City standards to rental, property and research
t oncl rides we can.:
There was no cae present wishing to speak an. this item.
Maim by Ccuncilmember Shepa.rdson, secaided by Councilwauber Tarter, to waive
further readi.ngg of the Ordinance, ctinue the: public. hearing to September 16,
1986, for ;seed. r , and Isom Negative 17 tip.Mm...tion carried'ucani-
Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing. Introduction by City' Manager Borma Tsar.
He discussed the changing industry and technology since the MC" ru1 ng .
Council ed the ordinance needed some addiioia1 workand rein
chance to renew other municipalities' ordinance that have been successful.
Speaking in. opposition`
Dennis Shirrel, 13669 Putney Roadexpresser) concerns with there being no
provisions ns is the ordinance for Federal pre-emption, control of
electrcnagnetic emissions and the section dealing with positioning of
the antenna.
Gary Edgington, 12251 Buckskin n-. Trail., testified heis an amateur radio
operator andwas caicerned with sane of the wording with relation: to
wires was willing to information in, regarding amateur opera-
Pat , , 13844 Savageray, was concerned with the definition of
antenna which includes anything. He felt satellite. dashes: should be
regulated by CCM: and requestedthe ordinance be:.reworded. so itis not
so. broad.
SEP 2.3 ' :. ITEM
APPP444 k"I
Y ir_,
Bruce Branton, 13178 Ifoodmont Street, thought it might be appropriate to
relook at this ordinance to be sure it is not burdensane to the City.
Mark E. Miodus, 13704 Carriage Road, expressed concern with the definition
of sa.teLlite antennas being too broad which could preclude amateurs
from experimenting thereby interfering with ensagencir and disaster pre-
Fair slips were submitted in opposition but not wishing to speak.
Motion by Canicilmernber Tarzy, seconded by Caincilmanber Elnet-y to withdraw this
frau the 'agenda to be readvertiseri for a future public hearing and urgei staff
to utilize the Anateur Radio Society as a risource in the redraft. Motion
carried unanimously.
MIL 10
Introduct.ion by City Manager Bowersonc. He stated this ordinance is similar to
ordinances in. effect in the City and. County of San. Diego and reqmires reduction
in akdoor lighting after 11:00 p.mto help reduce light pollutim that adver-
sely affects Palmer Observatory.
Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing and read. the title of Ordinance Na. 192,
"An. Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Mending Certain Sections of
Title 17 (Zoning Development Code) of the. Po oy Manic- ipal Code.'
Motion by Councilmenher Emery, seconded. by Council Shepardsctor to Taaive
further reading of the Ordinance and anit-frma- the c hearing Stether
16, 1986, for secaid reading of Ordinance No. 192 and issue Negative Declaration.
Motim carried. unanimously.
TIM 31
ammo= 193 - FIRST READING
Z011,86-04: .ittEriNKYZEL trniNO.AADS
Introduction by City Manager 13owersonc. This proposed ordinance sets standards
for lot size (one acre or larger); lot width (150 foot minimax); roan size (300
square feet); kitchenettes (nzucimura 10% of roan); landscaped open space (400
square feet for eachunit); and pool size (500 square foot mthimum).
Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing and read the title of Ordinance No. 193,
'An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Califamia, Braiding Certain Se -Lid -as of
Title 17 (Zoning Development Code) of the Poway MunicipaL Code.
SEP 2 3 1986 ITEM 9
There was.. no ane present wishing to speak.
Motion by Ccunci]mether may, seconded by Ccuncilmember Tarzy, to waive further
reading of the Ordinance, continue the public hearing to September 16, 1986, for
second reading and issue; Negative Declaration. lotion carried unanimously.:
Introduction by City Manager Bawersox.. The Code is currently silent regarding
motorcycle sales and repair in uenufacturing zones. Recommendation is to prohi-
bit than. in, the MP zones and make than a condi t.icnal use in the Ms zone.
Mayor Kruse opened, the public hearing and readthe title of Ordinance No. 194,
"An Ordinance of the City of Po ay, California, Amending mer 17.12 of Title
17 (Zoning Development Code) of the Parlay Municipal: Code."
There was no one present wishing to speak.
Motion by Chunci.lmanber Tarzy, seconded by C'aincilmenber Shepardson, to waive
further reading of the Ordinance, continue the public hearing to September. 16,
1986, for second reading, and issue Negative Delaratian. " Motion carriedunani-
MN 13
OR[?INA CE tr.).. 195 ' READING
Introduction by City Manager BowersoICe Council at June 26, 1986 workshop
directed, preparation of an ordinance that would rehire safe use of barbed wire.
Staff is rooming one change regarding prohibition of razor wire on roofs
because of potential injury to fire fighters.
City Attorney Eckis stated that addition is not a 'substantial change.
Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing and read, thetitle of Ordinance 195, , "An
Ordinance of the City of Poway, California,_ Amending Certain Sections of Title
17 (Zoning Development Code) of the Poway. Municipal Code."
There vas no one present wishing to speak anthis itan.:
Notion by Co ncilme ober Shepardson, seconded by CounciIraember Tarzy, to waive
further reading of the Ordinmice, continue the public hearing' to September 16,
1986, for second reading, and. issue Negative Declaration. Motion carried =ard-
nani-u ously.
SEP 2; 3 1986 ITEM
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1fF4T AP
Cccuie l expressed concerns regarding emissions affecting the atmosphere,
possible violation of CEM Guidelines,. heavy truck traffic on Poway Road and.
the fact many mitigation Treasures are strictly voluntary with no means: of
enforcement. They stressed their position be made clear to the County on
this issue.
City Attorney Eckis statei. Council can make it clear to the Sward ; of
Supervisors that they inband to see that CEQA. is adhered to in whatever
manner required.
Rick lecke, 16985 Rio Maria Road, thanked Council for
which echo the citizens' concerns.
M. W. Colson, 14382 Carnitas Street, rested, additional inforalaticn rela—
tive to traffic and noise problems east of Espola Road.. He appreciated
Council's cats and urged citizens to contact the County.
Bruce Harm ltan ,, 13178 Woodmont Street expressedd concern with truck traffic.
Council acct staff report and. directed preparation of ccmnents.:
S. City Manager &AVM= statedthat in order for Cadillac Fairview.- to acquire
construction: financing from Security Pacific Bank, it is necessary for the
City Canaciland. the Redevelopment. Agency to approve estoppel.. agree" is
with the bankand the developer.
Motionby ber. Tarzy, seconded by Ccuncilnber Fry to approve:
the Development Pgreement Estoppel between the City, Security Pacific-
acificNational Bank, and a ° Poway, Ltd.; and approval of the District. Estoppel..
A/greens:it between. the South Poway Canmunity Facilities District No.. 1,
Security Pacific National Bank, and CF' Poway. Motion carried unanimously.
C. City Manager Bowersoc_intr�� Fire Cantairt Mark Sanchez
new Fire Battalion Chiu replacing 's ;ewart Gary.
City Manager Bowers= recalled the recent City of Cerritos accident and
recunmended mil adjourn the meeting in memory of the people who died
He noted manorial services will be heldand suggested some appropriate
gestures, such as flowers, from our Council to theirs along with a letter to
their Mayor.
Motion by Caunci. !wry, secondeal secondby Counciim ober Tarzy to concur
with City Manager Ba erso 's request. Motion carried unanimously.
SEP 2 3 1986 ITEM
NOT IV;." IT wl-i ROV
i Fags. 10 -CITY cFPcmr -• September 2, 1986
27`.. Emery, request and. received �Z conc�irr�ce to. da.rect
staff: to caatact. Sheriff Duf€y's, Mice and urge him not. to follow-, the,
ale being' set: San. Diego in, regards t4' x.3.3: aliem dstenticn .
edthdriving. lanes be better dal ineatei28. A. ?rave requeste
by reflectors: at. Twin Peaks- and Midland. Road intessecticns.
lmenber'aravea rued an article be placed in gMK, Tioday
regarding mylar baU and the hazard they create by causi asg power
outages- when they get intoi power lines,,
29 .Ccunci3�nerer Shepardson suggested resurfang,' thee' Poway Road, bike lanes.
They are i s poor M tian
30,,.. Om6nci3member' TarzyT requested. staff: prepare a brochure for the: new residents
S.- cityy,` ...: as: welL . as services ` --rby -.
succi as, tocalI fortheir ect ii�
TL Ln as. Lake, Pway. O curredo
31. Mayer k=p askea about the: "rk Poway Road" sign and staff, caters it Will,
.'. be reply with °�1 L'�AiayRoad-
Up6m motic by V®LW shppardsca f' s Gir j
Sme- ordere'i the:• meeting adjourned i n msnory, of the victims c the Cerrat .
accident, to� Thursday,: Steer 4,5 1:986. The time, of. adt. VMS 10:03 p m�
M&j=ie, K. T�ahlStMf_ City CI erI�
City of Poway
SEP 2 3.1986 IT E g