Item 9 - Minutes of the Meeting September 4, 1986T YEk P *OVER car cat paw, CALIFCIIMA CE THE C.iT! =CIL ADJOURNED SIMMER 4, 1986 } The Septeaher 4, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned frac. the September 2, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic. Center Drive, Poway, California.; CCENCIEASEMERS PRESENT AT CALL Bob:Fh, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Reuse mew ' AT RCM CAIL Linda O avec (Councilmember Oravec arrived at 4:15: p.m.) James Bowers= Marjorie Ittah sten LYnn McDougal Zichn Fitch, Patrick Daley Alan Archibald. Reba. Tout_ Bill.. Toon: John Bridges Stewart Gary City Manager City Clerk. ty City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Public Services Director of Planning Services Director of Safety Services Assistant Director of Planning Services. Battalion cn Chief/Fiire Marshal MK PRE-DEVErLINEW UNCE: APPLICANT: CIRRUS HEWED 14037 PCMt ROAD` Staff rte. by City ;Manager Boeersox.. The building existing an the site is the Fletcher Baaron and the applicant isproposing to use property for cone -office and -storageyard.- Primary concerns are requirements screening the use an the -east and the south. Charles A. Herold, 1437 Hi. , Solana Bch, objected to the requirement for an 8 foot masonry wail and stated he had petitions frau the surraug property owners agreeing to a 6 foot wood fence. Colada stated the gre-develosment conference process prevents talking about. specifics 'of a project. They concurred the use is satisfactory, bit specific oonditials must be di seed in a public hearing. SEP 23 1986 ITEM 9 2293 Aa O4 Yr APPROVED Page 2 CITY QF POWAY ADJOURNED FEGt}IAR G• September 4, 1986 ITEC. 3 GARDEN ROAD WIC Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The General Plan currently designates Garden Road as a four -bane road. In the future, there v�i.1 be an access frau South Poway to Espola. Road. and making Garden. Road a four -lane road could encourage more traffic.. Ree iuendati is to designate Garden Road as two -lance east of Neddi ck and four -lanes wit of Neddic.k Gail Trunnel, 13314 Neddck, requestedthe road remain two -lanes the entire length. Council concurred east of Neddck should be two lanes, but requested: a proposed improvement plan to show where widening world occur before making a decision on the portion west of Neddick. ITFi( 4 CCIIMUNITZ SWIG FOOL Staff r by City Manager Bowers . Be introduced architect Milton Johnson who specializes indesigning sigKathy pools. Allen, Deanne Erickson, and. Dee Stephens were present frau the Parks and Recreation Coma ttee. Following discussion, ,Council authorized staff to negotiatea contract with Mr. Johnson and proceed- with design. (Caincilmanber Qravee left the meeting at 5:30 p.m.) ITEM 5 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM Introduction. by City Manager 'Bawersox. Staff repast by Fire Battalion. Chief Stewart. Gary. Be showed a film illustrating the effectiveness of sprinkler systems in. residences and --cited an added cost of approximately $1.00 per square foot to the vost of a hums. With training, plumbers can do the installation. Staff recommends a cannittee be established including major developers, systen. installers andstaff to work out the technical details. (Mayor Kruse left the meeting at 5:40 p.sm.: during the film showing.) Following ' discussioa, Council ` concurredto direct staff to proceed with the pre•-- paratim of an ordinance. SEP 2 3 1986 ITEM 9 2294 a