Item 12 - Claim for Damages - Bryan Currie�ENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is, included on. the Consent Calendar. There wil :be no separate discussionof the report prior to approval by the. City Council unless members bf the Council, staff or public request it to be removed front the. Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and, give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: James L.Bowersox City Nana INITIATED BY: Douglas A. Milton, Purchasing Manag. DATE: September 23, 198.6 SUBJECT: Claim for Damages Bryan Currie Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council i ABSTRACT A claim for damages in' the amount. of $100,000 has been filed by Bryan. Currie and Ronnie Currie, the claimant's father. BACKGROUND Bryan Currie: was riding his tike at the intersection of Silver Lake Drive and Mountain : Side Drive and was struck by: a Pickup truck.. The Curries are claiming : negligence against the City because of poor visibility to drivers and the lack of a signal or a right -of -waY posting at this. intersection. RECOMMENDATION t, .s recommended. dI.B IAM j t Attachment 1. Claim that this claim be denied. for Damages ACTIO : SEP 23 ; ITEM 42 ia£3 i 4. Give a description of the injury, property ° damage or toss,so far as isknownat the time of this claim. if there were no injuries,: state "no injuries-":, Clamantsuffered compound. fracture ` to right femur,. head.., face and .«««................a.•..«««••..M..._M..«.41...«.........0000..«........................ mouth inj ux~ i es 4114•01.411.11100M0.041.01. ••••••••••••••.00,111. 5".: Name and address of any other person injured: S Name and: address of the owner of any damaged property 4.16111.0010.111.•••••••• ••••=4.4.641.0•400.•••• 7. Damages claimed: a.. Amount claimed as of this date: . 100_,___O Q O; Ix Estimated: amount of costs: _unknown •.- c. Total amount claimed: unknown. d. Basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies oft bills,; invoices, estimates, etc.): Medicals eciaia ain; & sufferin s .� Y�.c..•�. er�nanent d .. F .•...c.. 1sa�3Z- t e. Damaged vehicle (if applicable); Make Model: Year Vehicle tdentifieat ont No (VIN) �-- ( �......... Mileage 8. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals,. doctors, etc._ b;.:. UCMSD; Hos, ital c.. ,Brandon M. Westa d:. Leigh Anna zRilson,. 9 Any additional information: that might be helpful in considering, claim:: •••N••..M•..-«-..N.•«.M..O•Y«««-•.W.•••M.i«M••-••YpM•••MS •••.•M«.N--M•.-.....•«-M. 1111.11400.11.0.0 N•NM,....NNN.«..«..«M.MN.YM.M•..N.NN•Y•««s«..M.M«N.MN..««YN....•�.M�.M..NNN.MN. iY..y«M•N.NM«�.«.MN«�M-CMN•Yew«..•.«..-•N..Y«.Mi.�.••.�•e«.�Y••.. Z •. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM! (Panel Cede §72; Insprenc Cede. §55Li) .- 1 have read the matters and statements made in, the above claire: and; I: know the same tobe true of my owit know- ledge, exceptas to those matters stated uponinformation or belief and as to such matters ! believe theysame to be true. I: certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRUE and: CORRECT.- Signed this: day of ...M....... ..«.«0000.1: ... - 3 f 3- -" TI M Z LL. CURR E ,, Father. SEP2 t f Chit A SSIG ATURE