Item 14 - Mutual Aid Agmt. - Renewal California Dept. of ForestyAGENDA REPORTIL CITY OF FOWAY ` T3isl report is included an the: Consent Calendar. Therw will, be no separate: discussion. of the y z A report prior to, approval by the City Council unless members: of the Council, staff or public. request it to be ramwm& from the Consent Calendar and discussed. separately.. if you. wish to � mv_ Have this report palled for discussion, pleas fill out a slip indicating the report number and giva it.tc the City Cleric prion to the beginning of the City Co w.0 meeting. 1 To: Honorable Mayor and Members- of the City Council, From: James- L.. Bowersox, City'Maria Initiated f By: William. A.. Toon, _ Director of Safety Services { Marr A. Sanchez Battalion Chien Date: September -23,, 1986 Subject.- MUTUAL AIB AGREEMENT` - RENEWAL CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY ABSTRACT f Mutual aid agreements have: been: successfully negotiated:' throughout the fire: services, for` many Fears:, giving the citizens. s of, those: Jurisdictions, entering: ' a. mutual aid pact- a. measure of t; v- t fire protection that could not be achieved. in ani c.� _ems �a��. The - City of Poway, since incorporation,, has been a signator ' of a 11titual Aid Agreement with the: California: Department. of Fy' orestr. � Renewa3. of this Agreement is. recommended. BACEMUND The MutualL Aid Agreement with, the California Department .of Forestry is a renewal of an old contract. that had been signed by the City of ' Poway in. 1981 and before than by the Poway Mun.icpa3 i Water. District., This. Agreement has- been revised,. by -the addition. of Paragraph 6, Page 2', to better reflect the needs of both agencies. The Agreement term is f ive (5) years.. FINDINGS The Mutual Aid Agreement with the California. Department. of Forestry is an invaluable ` document toL the City of Poway, it protecting our community against wildland fire. This. Agreement ACTION 3 SEP 2 3 1986 IT E M 1 of 6 Page,,. ;2 1 Honorable May. Members of the City- Coune:il allows us t0 call, - the Cal ifornl,a �epartm@il' o Forests ©n . any +, ldland fire within 'aurCity boundaries. Their, - equipment manpw@r.. and, epetise in fighting wildland fires are. totally -a our° disposal during these- situations. This Agreement with- the ralifornia Department. of Forestz7 has: been a cornerstone, of good ` fire protect'ic�n, in. he 'past,, and will continue : to be o incalculable, value ,in the future EECOMMENDATION . It, is, recommended that the City. Council of the City of Poway approve the, attached Mutual Aid Agreement: by approving the. proposed Resolution,, also. attached,: and to authorise: the Cit Managez to sign ,the Agreement ATTACHMENTS 1, Cal:iforn a Department. of F"orestrT_ Mutual.. Aid Agreement �:.. Resolution .ILBi: t�TAT -IM,',,- ab: 4.6 = a; SEP 23 1986 ITEM 1 o 2.r............. . L 4. That any mutual. aid extended under this Agreement will be extended with the express. understanding that: the fire- official. in charge (in whose jurisdiction a fixe requiring mutual. aid. occurs:) shah. remain in charge at such fire including' the. direction of personnel and equipment, provided through the, operation of this Mutual. Aid Agreement,. 5, Except as may be provided by separate Agreement. between: the parties hereto, the assurance of mutual aid the set forth herein shall constitute sole consideration. for the performance hereof and neither, party shall bef obligated to reimburse the, other for any action taken or aid. rendered. hereunder, or for.any use of material, damage to equipment ,. or° 3ablity inc�xrred which: may occur. in the course of rendering there fighting assistance herein provided for-. f 6That, certain specialised ypes of fire protection he resources may not be made. available subJect to the - , provisions of the Agreement, that such resources ,and will be: available only on a reimbursement basis., T_ 'This Agreement shall remain in foil force and effect for a period of -five. C�i years from the date hereinabove written unless, sooners terminated. 'br either ] of the -parties giving to the other `fifteen. (15). days of } written notate. of such termination..` IN WITNESS W OE, the. parties hereto have caused this 3.1 Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first. hereinabove t' written.,° CITY 07 'OWA STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEFARTMNT OF FORESTRY B By James �. Bowersox Barritt Neal City Manager SEF 2 3` 1986 ITEM 2 1. 4 of 5 of 6 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF POWAY APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY FOR MUTUAL FIRE PROTECTION AIIi EAS, the State of California, Department of Forestry, and the City of Poway maintain; equipped fire protection organizationscharged with the duty of fire related. emergency responses within their respective jurisdictional limits; and WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Forestry, has proposed to enter into an, agreement for mutual fire protectionaid with the CITY 0F, POWAY and WITEREikS, the. City Council of the City of Poway has duly considered said agreement and having found the same to serve the beneficial purposes of the City of Poway; and S, saidagreement has been; recommended by the City Mm ±ager and the Director of Safety Services of the City. NOW, THEREFORE,: BE ITSRESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows 1. That, the terms and, conditions set forth in the. AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL FIRE PROTECTION AID," attached hereto, ishereby accepted, and 2. That the City Manager of the City of Poway be, and he is, authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the City., PASSED and. ADOPTED this 23rd day of September-,_ 1986. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor SEP 23 1986 ITEM RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF'THZ CITY COUNCIL OF TES CITY' OF POWAY APPROVING AG WI'T1.'; TSZ: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF` Ft}REST FOR MUTUAL FIRM PROTECTION AID :, the State of CAlifornia.,. Department, of Forestrzr, and the City, of Poway, maintain equipped fire protection organisations charged with the: dut7- of fire related emergency jurisdictional limits responses within their respective:; and State of California, Department, oil ,.the , T4rsstryx has proposed to enter into an agreement for mutual fare- Protection aid with the CITY OF POWAY;, and WAS., the City Council. of the: City Of Poway has -duly considered said agreement and, having found. the, same to serve the beneficial purposes, of, the City of Powag; and WAa, said agreement has been recommended by the 4 City Manager and the- Direct of Sa 'ety Services: of the: City. NOi, T '3i3REBE IT RESOLVED by the: City Council of F: the Citi aid Powag as follows.:' s.,. l.. That the terms and: conditions; set, forth in the- ,.- AGRFOR. MUTUAL FIREPROTECTION AID,: �t attached. EFENT r ,, ed, and heretos hereby, accept Z That. the: City Manager:- of they City of Poway be and . lie: is..' authorized. and, directed to sign.. on, behalf of the. j cit J '. PASSED and, ADOPTED this 23rd day of September,; 1956. Mayor. ATTEST. x City Clerk SEP 231986_tTtM 14 hofs