Item 18 - Installation of Four-Way Stop Signs at the Intersection of Triumph Dr. and Silverset StreetCITY OF POWAY `his report is. included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council,: staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have thisreport pulled far discussion,: please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. rnrr IA BY Aran D. Archibald. , Director of Public: Services/City Engines: DATE September 23, 1986 SUBJECT: Installation of Four -Way Stop Signsat the Intersection of Triumph Drive and Silverset Street It is : recornnendedthat the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the placement of four-way stop signs at the intersection of Trium rh, Drive and Silverset Street .as shown on the attached vicinity map (Attachment 1) . BACKGROUND Based upon the concerns of residents within the area and on the recommendation endation of the Poway Sheriff's Depart u ent, the Engineering Division has investigated the traffic conditions in the area. Dueto the future development of Ranch Arbo i tos to: the west of this intersection and the closure of Tree Crest lane (street entrance to the Rancho Arbolitos hones), traffic" has increased substani- al ly in this area, warranting the place- ment of stop signs. It is reconvended.that the City Council adopt the attached; resolution (Attach t 2) authorizing the placement of four-way stop signs at till' intersection of Triumph. Drive and Silverset Street. Sof 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF ME CITY COUNC=L OF THE CITY OF POMY,: CALIFORNIA, ESTAH ISBI G A EDUR-WAY STOP AT ME$ - ON OF IrRILIMPH DRIVE AND SILVERSET` STREET` PEIERE&S, Section 21351of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of stop signs in the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, this Council has determined that, certain stop signs should be. established. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with said Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code, a Four -Way Stop be established at the intersection of Trivacph Drive and Silverset Street. PASSED, ADOPT, and APPROVED bv the City Council of the City of Prey, California at a regular meeting thereof this. _„ day of September, 1986. ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk Carl Kruse, Mayor SEP 23 1986 ITEM 18_