Item 19 - Installation of Four-Way Stop Signs at Intersection of Rios Rd. and Summerfield LaneAGENDA REPORT' ,� of off, h CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent. Calendar. There will be no. separate discussion of the, report prior to approval by the. City Council unless members of the Council,, staff or public-, request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish, to d "tN:1H� cQ have this report. pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give ,it to the City Clerk -prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. 1_ TO:-, Honorable. Mayor. and Manbers of the City Council. ERM.-, James: L, BOW-ersox, City NIT�1TED BY Alan D: Archibald, Director° o Public: S' It Engin ;. J.. Bradley Kutznerr Senior Civil Engineer DA'I`E�r- Septanber 23', 198 SUBJ`: Installation of Eou�i�iay Stop Signs: at ]intersection, of Rios• Road and Summerfield Lane I ABSTP.Wr; It is recoanded that. the City Council adopt the: attached resolution. authoriz- ing the placement_ of four.way stop signs at the. intersection of Rios: Road and. Sumxerfield. Laneo; BACKCPfJ[Jl�? C n September. 16., .1986:, the. City. Council heard.. a request for installation of traffic control signs: at the intersection, of Summerfield. Lane, and. Rios Road. 1 At that, time Council .directed, staff to return with. a resolution authorizing installation: of a four-way stop. This is in response to that. request.. .' The too subject. roadways; intersect. at. right. angles;. There: are; no sight restria tions on any of the- approaches- to the. intersection. Neither{ roadway is. a "through street..:" Both serve only the. utmediate residential area. e There: were no accidents correctable by installation of a. traffic device: during . t 1985•,. and. first, quarter of 1986.. However`:. the visually wide open appearance of z thee,ntersectlon given drivers on the south,: east,: and: west bound approaches the4 f sense that they have the right- of way over cross- traffic. The way to counteract r' the drivers. erroneous expectations is to provide posit guidance through the intersection* This could be accaTlished by installing a four-r4ay stop at the intersection:.: ACTICT: 7 - x SEP 2 3 1986' t.T E: M 19 r 1 of 4 It is ream tided that the City Council adopt the subject resolution, AttaclimentAttachment Z, authorizing the placement of four-way stop signs at intersection of rios , � and Surtnerfield lane.. w � RESOLUTION NO i -E A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, ,CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING THE PLACEMENT OF FOUR WAY STOP SIGNS AT INTERSECTION OF`RIOS ROAD - AND SUMMERFIELD LANE WHEREAS, Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code'permits the, establishment of a.Stop Sign in the City of Poway, and WHEREAS,,this Council has determined that. certain Stop Signs Should be established. NOTi r THEREFORE, HE IT' RESOLVED , that in accordance with said Section 21351, Four 'Way Stogy. Signs he installed at the following intersection: Rias Road and Summerfield Lane PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at 'a regular meeting thereof this _.:.day. o,f 1,986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K..Wahl.sten, City Clerk �K SEP i96 i;TE d: 9 3 of INTERSECTION OF SUMMERFIELD LANE AND RIOS ROAD..