Item 7 - Public Hearing for the Consideration of the City-Initiated "BLM Reorganization" (Board of Land Management)I ENDA REPORT
TO: honorable Mayor and Members o he City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man •=���
INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services
James R. Kessel, Associate Planner
DATE: October 28, 1986
SUBJECT: Public Hearing for the Consideration of the City -
initiated "BLM Reorganization" (City of Poway; -
On May 20, 1986, ` the City Council adopted a Resolution of
Application for the subject proposal. On October 6, 1986 the
Local Agency`Formation Commission held a public hearing on and
approved the proposed "'ELM Reorganization" by unanimousvote,
with Commissioner Bilbray absent. LAFCO's action designated
the City of Poway as the "conducting authority" and authorized
the Poway City Council to conduct proceedings..
1. In August of .158:3, the' City of Poway and the: Bureau of Land.
Management (BALM} entered into -a fiveyear lease _agreement- in
regardto `the development and management of •approximately 1,87
acres of public land located on the. City°"s eastern fringe.: At,
the pres:en.t time:,. approximately 1'325 acres or about 70 percent,
of the public land, is contiguous to the: City's eastern: bosun
• dary, but is within the unincorporated territory of-the;•County
of San' D.i.ego.. The balance 'of the area, which• consists of about
552 acres, is currently within Powayts jurisdiction.. It is:
the City's intent to• nova annex; the unincorporated portions of
the BLM:territory.
The proposed reorganization involves. the annexation. of approxi.
mately 1,325 acres of vacant unincorporated land to the City of
of 11
OCT 2 8 1986 ITEM 7.
Poway, and detachment of a 405 acre portion of theproposal
area from the Ramona Municipal Water. District. The total_ area
and jurisdictional status of the subjectpublic land is
depicted on Attachment 1. Asshown on Attachment 1, the pro-
posed annexation area consists of three separate land areas.
It shouldd be noted that the northerly area is currently within
the boundary of the Ramona. Municipal Water District (RMWD) The
District is responsible for providing water,. sewer,= and fire Pro-
tection services within its jurisdiction. The District, however,
does not provide water or sewer to this area at the present time.
The remaining two areas are not within any service districts at the
present time. The subject detachment,. ineffect, will relinquish
the District's service responsibilities to the City of Poway.
The lease agreement between -the. City and the BLM specifies that
the City agrees to improve and manage the leased areas in
accordance withthe terms and provisions of the Recreation and
Public Purposes Act (Federal. legislation). and the. Master Plan
of Trailsof the City's Comprehensive Plan. In regard to the
above provisions=,: the City has designed and adopted a trail
plan: which interconnects: the BLM parcels, and this ` plan has
been sanctioned by the BLM.
The Bureau hasrecognized that. the City has made substantial..
progress: on the trail. development. grogram over their Publics
holdings: and is pleased with the City's firm commitment to the.
lease. agreement. In light of this recognition, the Bureau has
indicated that the City may ,, following the completion of
annexation proceedings, make application to the 131.M. for patent,
or transfer of title, of the. entire 1,877 acres of public land
to the City of Poway.
Staff has contacted Mr. Pete Kempenich, the BLM' s Realty
Specialist, regarding the subject patent..; Mr. Kempenich has
offered to "field inspect" the BLM. parcels and to assist in
processing a request for patent to the appropriate: decision_
making body. Staff has arranged the field inspection for
October 30, 1986. Staff will preparedocumentation of all
existing and planned trail improvements on the BLM parcels
inorder to clearly demonstrate Poway's strong commitment to
the lease agreement, andto facilitate the patent process-
rocess-Staff has, prepared a draft letter of request for the BLM'' s
approvalof the patent (see Attachment 2)
OCT2 8 1986 (TEM 7
Agenda Report
October 2.8, 1986
Page 4
provided by existing City- units. Since the areas to be annexed
are for the most part accessible to only riders and hikers, the
call volume for such services will be low.:
The principle hazard from these areas, is the threat of brush_
fires. Currently, these areas are covered by the State
Division of ,Forestry for fire suppression and prevention.-
Since the areas- are largely inaccessible to safety-vehicles,
fire suppressioa would be; costly when relying on aircraft, hand
crews, and bulldozers. This could result, in unusual costs to
the City 'depending on the frequency and extent of large brush
f ires.. It may be necessary. to budget funds:- over a` Tong period
of time for the maintenance of a few fire roads or trails: in o
the subject. areas.,
When fully, developed, the trail. system serving the five BLM
parcels would consist of approximately twenty-one miles of
improved trails and staging areas'. A comprehensive maintenance.
program WC?uld include ei®!On control/trial'tread upkeep, brush
trimminglitter pick. up' L sign maintenance, and also, upkeep of
the staging areas and parking lots.. The City would utilize the
California. Conservation Gore CCC)' for maintenance 'manpower
over the system of riding and. hiking trails.: Annual costs for
this.Service-would be approximately $'2,000.' In the event the
CCS forces would: not be; available,, the:City could realize an
estimated annual coot of around $-30,000 to maintain the trail
system. with City staff.;
Notice of the public hearing for .the "BLM Reorgani.zat. on"� has
been 'advertized. in. the Poway News- Chieftain pursuant t'o Section
56153 of ' the Government; Code. mailed notice was also c.ven ias
required by Section 56157 of the Code:.. As: of October 10, 1986,
no correspondence or comments have been received regarding the
It' is recommended that the City Council. 'hold the public hearing
and, (1): adopt the, resolution ordering the "BLM. Reorgan- nation -Ir,
and: ( 2) direct the City Clerk to make therequired f 11ings: with .
JLB :RWT : JRN:pcm
1. Jurisdictional Status of Proposal Area
2. Draft Letter of Request for Patent.
3. Proposed Resolution: ordering the `rBLM Reorganization"'
OCT 2 8 3986 ITEM 7.
4 of 11
tRCEL ['- Z, 4 3 - ANNEXA --fl TO F Wa
PARCEL: 3 i t HMELrr Fi®M'` RMWD
TERRITogr f 1,1377" ACC.
PROFWED RevramizAnom
AREA►. s: 1,3Z5 AC
BRUCE. TARZY, Councilmember
LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember
BOB EMERY, Councilmember c �...,�.� too
October 29, 1986
W Gerald E.. Hillier, District Manager
U.S.-. Deft of the, Interior ,
Bureau. of land Managewent
California Desert District
1696 Spruce - Street,
Riuersider`CA 92057
SUBrM= Recreation or Public Purpose. Lease, Serial rhnnber CA 13066
Dear. Mr. Hi leer:
Please- accept this: letter as a: progress, report on. the City` of Poway.` s
accomplisi�ments and:- ongoing;: commitment regarding the subject lease agreement.
Since entering znto the, five -yew lease program with the Bureau on. August, 23,
1983 r the City has made~ significant progress'.. The: City hast expender cin
California Conservation
s�derable. staff. hours, municipal � � and utilized
Cotes crev�s toward its goal to improve and. Perry manage the: 1 X877 acres, of
public- ' land.
The attached information doculrents- the existing improvements and accomplishments
to date arsd also the "planned" 'improvements which will be, completed in the very
near future
In annexation of the public lands. to the City of Foway, the; City,
Council approved the subject proposal, at its. meting of October 284 1986.
Please see: the enclosed- staff, report. and. City' C=Cil resolution._ The annexa-
tion will effective on or about 30.: 1986: and the entire of
the five parcels will. then be in the City's jurisdiction.
In light of the above-mentioned. improvements and the, cc let on of annexation:
prOCePdingsr wee believe that the City is ahead of" schedule on fulfilling 4the
terms: and conditions of . the: lease agreement.. Therefore, on of the Poway
City Council, it. is respectfully} requested. that the: Bureau. now, grant a patent of
the, subject. :ands to the City of Poway.-
OCT 2 2 1986 tTEM 7�
City Hall Located at .1332 Civic Center Drive
Yg Address: P.O. Box 789,, Poway,. California 92064 • (619) 748-6600, (619)- 695=1400°
6 o L1:
Mr. Gerald E. Hillier
October 29, 1986
Page 2
We look forward to adding thisvaluableland resource to our inventory of
permanent open space lands, andalsorovidin a uni
p � due .recreational. opportunity to
the residents of the City of Poway and the surrounding ociiainities in the San
Diego . region.
Please contact me if you shouldneed additional information or assistance.
cc Mr. Peter A. Rsmpenich:
Indio Resource._ Area
1900 Tahquitz - McCallum, Suite B-1.
Paint Springs, CA. 92262
inre of the Poway City Council.
OCT a a 198& ITEM 7
i { i
The City of Poway has constreuted 9 miles of riding and
hiking trails through the BLM project- site... The City had.
originally planned to construct 12 miles of trail crossing
} the BLM parcels, however, the current trail master plan
shows 22 miles
Mount Woodson Trail was completed in July 1984., The trail -
is 5 miles long and routes from Lake Poway to Highway 67.
Two emergency helicopter pads and two rest areas have been
installed along the trail. The staging, area. is located at
Lake Poway Recreation Area,. staff has the material to
construct a lodge 'pole fence to ` identify the stagingarea
boundaries., The California Conservation Corps spent 14,"068-
hoursconstructing: thel trail:. City staff was utilized for
engineering of the trail., acquiring trail easements, 'marking
the trail, supervising trail construction, and .construction
of signs- and trail accessories. City staff spent: 16 50 hours
on. the project
"Iron:. Mountai, Trail was StaL'te;d 3:n September 1R84.. Two
m'ile's of a 9, mile loop trail' have been completed._ Addi®°
tional 7' miles of trail have. ` been narked and: brush removed...
The City constructed 2200: feet of lodge pole fencing along a
property boundary to gain,access to the BLM parcels from:
Highway 67The City also constructed a. 200' 12,00 "x125 •
staggingarea next to_ Kighway 67" for parking.. Staff also
negotiated with CalTrans to. construct a tunnel and one mile
of trail tai connect with the Mount Woodson Trail on the west
side of Highway, 67.. This trail. is part of the Iron Mountain
Trail loop and connects into the trail CalTran-s will be-
The California Conservation Corps, spent 6.250 hours
constructing the Iron Mountain Trail. City staff provided
the engineering of the trail., required trail easements,
marked the ' Era.l, provided heavy equipment and an operator
to construct the staging; area, supervision of the trail..
construct a and the construction; of signs:, City staff has
spent 841 hours on the project and the. 'ci.t.y has. spent
$12 fffff on fences and materials.
OCT 2 8 1986] ITEM,
$ of 1i
HLM Trail Update
Page 2
mount Gioodson North Loop Trail was started in, September,
1985. The trail is part of the Blare Sky' Trail ('Green Valley
Trail) and 2 miles have been- completed ending 310 yards from
the top of Mount Woodson. The trail will eventually link
the Poway trail system with. the Ramona trail system., The
California Conservation Corps spent 4750 hours on c'onstru°c:-
tion of the Mount Woodson North Loap Trail., City staff pro-
vided the engineering for the trail, marked the trail,- and
supervised- the trail construction.. City staff has spent . 645
hours on the p'ro j.ect
Blue Sky. Trail, is scheduled' to, be 'campeleted in-' may 1987.
Staff is in the process of neclot.ating easements with the•
Property owners.. The pro,petty owners seem receptive to the
ea:sements. Staff has,, negotiated ws th 'th.e California Cons-er-
vat on. Cops: to: cons°trudt the trail and funds have been
appro'p iaped:..
Iran., Maun.tain . Tra:,i.l is scheduled to be, com.pleted in 29&8.:
4neLL easement still needs to be-' acquired. The° California
Copse fa.tion Corps wsa11 provide°' 20 -000 work hours and, City
staf f provide 2r oio,,o; wo r k, haa,rs- to construct th:e
remaining 7. mi1,es. of trail.:
OCT 24 1986- ITEM 7
9 of 11
WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of
San. Diego° adopted a resolution on October 6, 1986, making deter-
urinations, and approving= the proposed "'BLM Reorganization"r con-
sisting of three separate areas of " land. and. involving annexation:' of
a total area of approximately 1,325 acres of uninhabited, unincor-
porated territory to the City of Poway, and detachment of an
approximately 405 acre portion: of the subject territory from the
Ramona. Municipal _'dater District; and,
WHEREAS, the Commission certified that it has reviewed and con:-
sidered the information contained in a Negative Declaration far the
the proposed reorganization project as prepared by the City of
Poway and issued by the City on May 20, 1986 in accordance. with the
California. Environmental. Quality Act and CEQA Guidelines- and
WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation, Cammisson designated the
City of Poway as the conducting au:thor1:ty, and: authorized the Poway
City Council to conduct proceedings in compliance with. the
Government Cada and the Gomm-issionrs resol.ution� and
WiEREAS`, the. proposed reorganization area is described in:
Exhibit A and shown. on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this
reference incorporated. herein, and
WHEREAS ,. the City of Poway . hereby certifies that the terms and
conditions required by the Commission:, in regard to the modifca-.
tion of the boundaries= of the proposal area as contained in Exhibit
A attached hereto, have been fully meat; and
WHEREAS, the: reasons for the proposed reorgani za.tion are to
provide for changes of organization which would result- in the City
of Poway''s complete jurisdiction over 1,877 acres of BLM land which`
the Ciity presently leases from the BLM, and to facilitate the pro-
visions of the lease. agreement between the City of Poway and Bureau
of Land -Management; and
WHEREAS, the regular county assessment roll: is utilized by this
City and
OCT 2 8 1988 f T E M: 7
IG of 11
Resolution No.
Page, 2
WHEREAS, the affected territory will not be taxed for existing
general bonded indebtedness of this City; and
WHEREAS, this proposalis consistent with the Sphere of
Influence of the City of Poway, as approved by the San Diego Local
Agency Formation Commission on August 5, 1985; and
WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management, current owner of the
territory inquestion, has consented to the subject proposal and
has authorized the City of Poway to be the "lead agency" for the
reorganization proceedings; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing on this proposed
reorganization was called for and held by this City Council on
October 28r 1986, and this Council finds and determines that no
written: protests have been filed andnot withdrawn prior to the.
commencement of the said public hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the.
City of Poway, pursuant to Title 5, Division 3, commencing with
Section. 56000 of the Government Code, hereby orders the BLM
Reorganization involving annexation of territory to the City of
Poway and detachment of territory from: the' Ramona Municipal Water
District, for the territory described above and more precisely
described in Exhibit A and shown. on Exhibit B hereof, and the
Council directs the City Clerk of the City of Poway to transmit a
certified copy of this resolution with applicable fees required by
Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the executive officer of
the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Diego County.
PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of , Poway,
State of California, this 28th day of October 1986.
Carl R. Kruse, Mayor
Marjorie R. Wahlsten, City Clerk.
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OCT 2 8 1985 ITEM 7