Item 15 - Award of Bids and Appropriation of Funds for the Construction of One Lighted Tennis Court at Poway Community Park►.VA REPORT ' - F
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TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
JamesL. Bowersox, City Man_
INITIATED BY: Lee Lewis, Director of Community Services
Daniel T . Gannon,- Landscape Fac gait es Manage:cc�cu�
Octor er 17 , 1926
SUBJECT: ; Award of Bids and Appropriation- of Funds for the E,
Construction: of One Lighted 'tennis Court at Poway
Community Pari
- t
aids were received on October 14, 1986 for the construction of one
Lighted Tennis Court at. Poway Commun��y Park. �t is yeco,�;u�te��ied
that. the bids be awarded. to Zaino, Tennis Courts r Inc. for the
construction of the `enn s court for X36 , 535 and ` Maco Services- for
the tennis court lighting for $1.1, 36 5 . it is also i ecommended that
Council :appropriate $?8., 000 for the additional funds required to
construct. the tennis count.
:The `Poway Community Park Lighted Tennis Court Protect has been did.
tvrice.. The low bidder on June 13, 1.986` was for $5Z 152. TMILs- hid
was .rejected on July, 15, 198'x. The project was then rebid in two,
segments;, tennis court, construction, and tennis court lighting,.:
Three rids were received. for the tennis court lighting and three
bids were received for the tennis court construction.,
Three combined bids were received for. each construction segmen4.
of .the tennis court project. Maco' Service: was the low bidder for
the tennis court 3ightincj at X11,365. Zaino Tennis Courts, Inc.
was the: low ` bidder for the. tennis cour E. construction at $ 3 5 535
.AA.YY $ 1986 tT E M 15
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Agenda Report
October 17, 1986
Both companies have good references and are qualified to perform
the work:. $'25 000: has been budgeted for the: proTect.' The total.
project cost is $53 , 000:0. $281, 000 in additional funds, is: required
to, complete this project..
It is recommended that -the City Council. award the bids for the
constructiran cif oAe lighted.. tennis court at. Poway Community. Park
to Maco 'Services" for the- tennis court lighting for $11,365 and
Zaino- Tennis Courts, Inc. for the construction of ' the tennis: court
for $30rS,35 it is also recommended that the: City Council appropr -
ate $"25,;00.0 from the unappropriated general fund balance' 1-99,30 to'
11-16�G91 Community Park 'Tennis Court Project
J LB: DLL.:rDWC vl_
4 .
00-T-'2- 8", 1986, tT M
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