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Item 19 - Public Transit Status Report and Recommended Changes
:.� ENDA REPORT CITY OF P OAY discussion of tha Calendar, will d cur a This report is included on the Consent Cal r. There a 1 bs no separate is repo prior to approval. by the City Council unless: members of the Council, staff or public Ay .L '4..Iw.1 Ij request it to be:removedfr= the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to C v� have this report pulled for discussion, please fill. out a slip indicating the report number THE and gve:it to the City Clem- prior to the beginning'of the City Council meetinq.. TCS; Honorable mayor and Members of e -ity Council- FROM-1 ouncilFROM: James L.. Bowerssx City Mana: INITIATED BY: Lee Lewis, Director of Community Servic DATE October 28 , 19-8,6 SUS JECT Fubl c Transit Status Report and Recommended. Changes BACKGROUND The City Council has directed staff to submit an annual review of public transportation: services provided by the, City. t E"lUDINGS: A l 4f the public transportation services adopted, by the City,, Council as a result of the City"s trans study are showing much: improved: ridership,.. The, f ixed route, mini-bus service had atotal of 152,115 passenger in FY" 85-86 an increase of 31 s 2 ,percent over N the pre.viou s year,, The airport service had 4363 ri-dera, an Increase of 5.5 percent, despite a two ;month interruption in ser- vice, press buses carried 7741 passengers a .27 percent increases. Lastly, the Dial-A.-Ri-de sere .ces transported 5-r755. r der s , an . 'increase of 49.,l percent a Recently',, staff had anticipated a decline. in ridership with reduced gasoline prices, however, the opposite was realized " In September. ridership increased in all services, when compared to the same month in Z9°85 IV Overall ridership was. up-44.7 percent by comparison to 1985... Attached is a report detailing proposed ser- vice recommendations and operating statistics for consideration by the City. Council.. ACTIGN OCT291986 ITEM 19 of 1$ K Agenda Report October 28, 19°86 E Page ' 2 k staff has reviewed the recommendations and concurs with the County's staff findings.. The recommended fare increases are a= result of increases established b"y the Met.ropoli.tan Tran- sit Develogmen Board. Member cities are required: to adhere E to MTD.B s fare structure for cone sten.cy. The recommended initiation of Route 843 in 1987 will provide service along Twin Peaks `Road which is. cu.rrentl unserved.: Sunday bus; f " service is being proposed for 19,88 after, Route 8,43-has been. implemented.. No demand has been made by. residents for. Sun- day service-,, however, staff feels- a, ridership exists if the" eervire is offered The contract for tie fixed route min°- bus. 'servi:ce expires on June 30", 198:7 and` authorization to, bid for a service provider is required RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Ctiy Council review the reportand approtre the following`: 1,. That the City +oof, Poway -adopt the -.f ollow-Ing fares to be consistent within the Regional Vare Structure.adopted by MTD^B,.. Route 844/845 tlocai } Existirng L .7a.n.. 19&7 - Senio,r/disabled (single ride } ..40.;50 Regional Passes (Konthly) Un xm te-d !38.00 ` $4.0600: Senior/d.sabied $19.0®0 Route 19: (Express) <; Single ride 10' ride ticket booklet 812. off $13'..0"x. Monthly pass $40.00 $45.00] OCT 2 8 1986 #T 2 of s Agenda Report October 28-, 1986 Page 3 2. That the City of ` Poway approve a new Route 8.43 besinn'in:g in: September 1987 aetrving Ranchot Carmel, Raneh.o, Arbon .44/8 - tos and Poway, and Sunday .bins, service: on Routes 844/845 beginni:ng in Ju:l'y .1988 r beginning 3. That the City of Poway approve a procurement. fob birds: forthe Fixed. Route bus service beginning July, 1, 198 through. June 39-j, 1994.. 4. That the City of Poway approve a change in service , hours for the. Poway Dial -A -Ride on S;aturdays from= 12 noon -i:- P• to-, B. -OR a.-m.,.-6-00prm..beginr�ing January i9£3r7 and instruct- County Transit and Poway represen-- j tative;st to- meet. with the Poway Valley Senior Citizens to discuss alternative transportation arrangements fot i Si.o.rs from the Saturday night b nua- event Seniors , _ - I8L�D1,Lpst . ; Atta:eh.ment,s .s 8 � ["TEM: Y� 3 Of �drtYE tS, ry SAIrDIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC, WORKS :MA���y,�• Building 3 5555 Merland Avenue San Diego. Caiifornit92123-1295 Telephoner (619} 565.5.177 e_v GR MLLE M.BOtl mAn., €Director Sepitembe 3O s 1986 14r- Lee-Lewis Director Community Services ty of Poway 13325 Civic. Centers o .rive Poway,. CR 92064 Dear Mr'_ Lewi s SUBJECT: Status Report of Foway. Transit Services This report consists.. of a summary of current Poway Transit services. . It also .. includes some. recommendations fore ser. vice changes. and: future changes than wi. I= q'injde in tr a tepar tion, of specif icat ons for bidnxr�a of .the Pa�a� fixed_ route semi ce.s . in early 1987 for service begi natng July !.,: 1987. RECOMMENDATIONS y . ng. fares tcx be consistent within 1 That the City, o� Poway adopt. the followi the Regi ohaT -Fare Structure adapted by MTDB. Route $44/845 (Local Existing : New January. 1987: SeniorlDf saved (Single Ride) 40Sq. Regional- Pusses 04onthTy) Unlimited. $38.00- $40-00 . Senor/D salrl ed $19.00 $20:.0.0 Route, 82D (Express Single a R3 de $ 1.-25 $ 1.50 10 Ride Ticket Booklet $12e00 $13.00 nonthly Pass $40.00 2: That the Ci ty of Poway approve a new Route 843 be Inning: in September 1987 serving Rancho. Carmel, Rancho Arbo"li.tos and Poway, and Sunday bus service on Routes `844/845 beginning- in July 1988. 3. That the City cif Poway approve a procurement for bids for the. Fixed Route pus service beginning: July 1, 1987 through.June 30, 1.990.. OCT 2 8 1986 IT 19' cou m UcIMUR coon.. Rom COMMMIoRM. cOUM SURMOR MUM WAS 0"NZ5 of comy'Allupoorm rwWroRrAnm ormaium n006 COMMOL. smml w of 18 •o 5 of 1 Mr. Lee Lewis, Direct+ Communi ty Services City of Poway :September 30, 1986 That the City of Poway approve a change in service hours for the Poway Dial -A -Ride on Saturdays from 12 noon -10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.: beginning January 1987 and instruct County Transit and Poway representa- tives epresentatives to meet with the. Poway Valley Senior Citizens to discuss alterna- tive lternative transportation arrangements for seniors fl'on the Saturday night Bingo- event. FIXED ROUTE (844 and 845) Ridership has continually increased. over the past. year typically each month exceeding 30 percent above the previous year. Due to emphasis: on marketing the, service and close professional management of the operation,. ridership is higher than anticipated. Annual ridership is up- 31.2% and fare revenues are up 39..0%.. Increases have been significant. with shopping trips to North County Fair and trips- by school: -age children. Operating, productivity has improved in several areas including cost. per mile, passengers per hour, and average miles per hour (see attached_ Annual Statistics and Monthly' Rider- ship) .. Approximately 1.5,000., rides per month are, provided on the 'two routes. Na changes are recommended in the fixed route bus service until July 1987. Addit%:onal: discussion wil 1 be provided below regarding the extension of the fixed route. service .beyond June 30, 1987 when: Community Transit. Services,.. Inc.. contract expires. Community Transit Services,. Inc has provided excellent bus service with a high level of reliability and safety. We have received several favorable commentsfrom- passengers and very few complaints.: EXPRESS BUS , (Route ,820 ) Ridership has increased steadily over the past 12 months despite slumping gasoline prices (see attached Figure). A survey conducted in October 1985 by SANDING showed that 72 percent of the Route 820 riders earn more than $30,000 per year indicating higher income riders with autos available are using this premium service.; Monthly Ridership in July 1986 reached 926 for a record high monthly total. On September 2, 1985.. Sundance Stage Lines began operating the County Transit System Downtown Express serviceusing deluxe i nter. ci ty coaches. Due to higher costs, primarily attributable to insurance increases, County Transit is recommending a modest increase in fares beginning in January 1987. Additional discussion on fares will follow. POWAY DIAL -A -RIDE 'The transfer of the contract in April 1986 to Community Transit Services,. Inc.. has occurred very smoothly. Ridership has continued to increase. The use of one vehicle covering' the entire city, has proven to be cost effective and productive. There is no need at this time to expand vehicles or service hours. Ridership is approximately 550 persons a month. OCT 28 1986 ITEM 19 Mr. Lee Lewis ' rector Community Serfles -3- September 309 1986 City of Poway An analysis of the usage of the Dial -A-Ride indicates steady patronage on weekdays, however, ridership is strong on Saturday only from 12 noon - 5:00 = p.m. Between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m , there has been almost no demand k ` except at 10:00 pm� for passenger pickups from Bingo at. the Senior Center. Therefore..for the five evening hours, the operation is costing: money with practically no fare revenue. :We have received informal requests for Dial -A- Ride service on Saturday mornings. 1. That. the City consider a change in service hours for the Poway Dial -A- Ride on Saturday to 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p m. beginning January: 2,..198"7- (cur- rent Saturday hours are 12 noon -10:00 p.mi } . f 2;. County and- City of Poway representatives, meet with the Poway Valley Senior Citizens to discuss al-ternative arran trans ortation ements for P g the three to four seniors weekly who need transportation from the Bingo event at 10:00 p.m- on Saturday night. POWAY AIRPORTER E.1 Camino Livery- began Poway Airporter service in March: 1986 following a two month absence of service die to the abrupt cut in service by Airport Stage Lines and Capital f Fleetwood. Ridership has i n.creased consistently during the past six months since El, Camino took over, peaking at 764 monthly , passengers in August 19863, a record monthly total•. E1 Camino has carried .3,022 passengers (through August 1986) since it's startup_. We are extremely-' p eased w ttl their- cooperation and excellent safety and rel a abil i ty record. The new Poway 'Airporter fare structure implemented in March 1986 has encour- aged si gnfficantly more group travel: improving considerably theefficiency. of the operation. There has been acceptance ;of the increase in single: fares to . $ O ; and ,good support for the $15 group fare., F FARES Y. Fixed Route (:Routes 844 and 845} t' On September 25, 1986, the Metropol i,tan Transit Development_ Board adopted a regional fare, change for the MTDB bus operators beginning . January 1, 1987. The Ci=ty Council is requested cs ratify this fare change. The following changes to the Poway bus service fares are as follows: Routes 844 and 845 Exi.stinq New (January; -l9&7) Sealor/Di:sabled (.Single Ride).404 sot Regional Ready Passess (Monthly) Unl'imi`ted Pass $38.00 $40.00 Senior/Di sabled. Pas $19.00: $20.00 Express ,Bus (Route 820) MTDB does not set County. Transit. System express fares. " However, due to recent cost increases in the County Transit Express Bus Operation, primarily related to higher operating costs and. insurance increases, we are recom- mending a modest fare increase for CTS Express Routes '800,-810 and 820 on January 29 1987.' The -proposed fare increase for Route 820 is as follows: OCT 2 8 1986 ITEM 19< . 6 of 18 Mr. Lee Lewi s Director Community Services, 1 -4-';:September 30, 1986 City of Poway Route 820 Existing Proposed Monthly Pass $40.00 $45.00 10, Ride Ticket Booklet $12.00 $13.00 Si agile Ride $ 1025 $ 1.50 NEW SERVICE CONTRACTING The contract for fixed route bus service (,Routes- 844 and 845) expires on June 301, 1987. Based upon a review ew of the existing contract specifications,, a scope.. of work is being developed for the extension of the fixed route service. Schedule The. tentative procurement schedule is as follows:' October 1986 - City of Poway approval . for County Department of Publi c Works to proceed with Request for !Lids. ; November1985 - Specifications and Bid Package deve.lopment. January 1987 Ma.il Request ,for Bids to potential Contractors. February 1987 - Bids due. April 1987 - Award contract. July is 1987 - Contractor 'starts service. Term: The new service specifications for fixed route bus'service would be bid with a three year term. Vehicles New, contract will require seven new 21-29 seat gasoline powered: minibuses. Service Expansion In, addi tion to. the existing 844 and. 845 routes', we are proposing two e1ements of a service expansion program. - 1. New. Route- 843 - Ini tiatea new bus; route in September 1987 sevi:`ng: the o. owing traffic- generators. Rancho Carmel, TRW, Scripps Clinic, Gemco, Rancho 'Arbol itos, Midland. Road, Poway Road[Mi d:l.and Road, K -hart, Long s' Drug, Safeway, City Nall , Community Center and eventually South Poway Indo trial Park. A proposed routing map is attached for.your review. The route would operate Monday, through Saturday. The 'route will require one bus operating on a 60 minute frequency. 2. Sunday Bus Service - Initiate Sunday bus service on routes 844 and, 845 beginning in July 1988. One bus would be provided on each route. with a 60 minute frequency. OCT 2 8 1986 ITEM 19 7 of I Mr. Lee Lewis, Director Community Se rvims -5- September. 30, 1986 City of Poway .4 BEDS STOPS/BENCHES Bus Benches Thirty-four new wooden -benches have now been installed at Poway bus :stops; most of the benches have been located Along; Poway Road.- An -additional 10 benches have. been ordered and are expected i n: November 1986.: Placement of these will most likely be along Pomerado Road Bus Stop Maintenance We are requesting adda ti�onal trash cans " at bus stops along Poway Road to z reduce litter problems. In the pas twelve months, -County Transit has spent.' 2,65D for a contractor to trim trees, dear weeds and brush and pick up ry trash at Poway; bus, stops. While we do not mi nd doing this work,,* i t s - hopeful that some of the. maaortr. ee trimming required i n, Poway roadway,right _ of -way near bus stops be: carried out by City, of Poway staff when possible. STATISTICS Attached. are up-to-date tables in ridership -and -performance of the various Poway Transit Services`. Yary truly. yours, ROGER F.WALSE� Deputy Director _(Actings Program DevelopmeptCPub-1 i c Services RFW:: EPS.: sn Attachment cc: Tom Carwin,. MTDB- ' (City MS 58) Lee Wltgren., SANDAG' 8 of 18 OCT 2 s--1986 ITEM 1 >,.. a i::' 1y a ♦5.yqs t !\. .; .moi �rvr - - ---- • s ar... 3. - �z i r � ? co. O ca u s °0 v o c' Q c maiiiiiiMIME Z Cr 0 � f O a� Q CL E W G ° O � 1 tc ♦ Z7 0 ro (b A cn 4-- Z, T- Q LU C i tQ: T CaLL •� , eon C +� sf � O eaa �eaeseN e�i�®i a� O t3 CO. .. CD _C N Uk O r Q C CV 0. i— c criJ fit. _ L 9 of 18 �rvr - - ---- • s ar... 3. - ARNMA COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM. ANNUAL STATISTICS SUBURBAN:- - PAY (F .utal- FY 84=85 Ps 85-86 Revenue to Cost 15.7 Cost%Mie $1.35 0peraiing Cost $ 299.932 $ 345,737 +17.6% dare Revenues 4,258 $, 64,32I Tota Passengers 1:5,981 152x115 +3],.2 Total ' S'ervi ce Hours 10,916 119704 + 8.3% 3% 1 Revenue,, Mi les 191,461 255.,171 -33.3 PosengerlNour 10.'72° 13.00 +21* 3% .r Hiles/Hour 17.70: 21.80 +23.2%` EPN��ht� - 9/ 186 8j3-026 QST 28 1986 ITEM o O'f COUNTY' TRANSIT SYSTEM' MNUAL STATISTICS PAY AIRPORTER ' FY 84-85 FY 85-86 . Revenue to Cost. 38.6 .µ o MIle N/A. $I.O ---- r Qperating Cost 5T,I42 $ 68,;450:.7 far, Revenues $ 0",94C 273,005 :: +29..-0 %tai lt Passengers = 4,134 49.363 ,Tatar Ser. vice- :8our�s NSA Z,G99 -.--• _Revenue M NSA 67, 475 :,Passenger Wour HSA 1.62' ----. EPH j hb SI3-02G - 1 of 1 OOT 2i 81996 l -TE :- .. ' cwwl TRANSIT SYSTEM ANNAL STATISTICS . WRL—AAME c'= F i - ,. FY 84-8511 .Y 85-86 ' y Revenue to Cast.I)l S.9 - 10.3 �L5. Gorr $2.35 -�1�.�9% 'tin Cost $, 39,289 $ 53`x,128 +35.2% 04* Rev4nues 59,468`� +56.61 Total Passengers +49,I Teta ' Service Hours 2 589' 2�'S26a - 2.4 Re:vrrue �I les - I6,1 Zt,I88 +Z4.8. -Passengerfiiour '' 1. 49L z"28, EPH 'hb , 9/2/86 �� OCT 2 a- i98ITEM19 COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM ANNUAL STATISTICS POitAYEXPRESS BUS RIDute 820),7 . FY 84-85 FY 85-86 3 Revenue to Cosi �� 21.4 26«2 +22,.4 cost/. M% a $2.69. $2114 " + % Qperat! Cost $ 33,.3:48 36,716 +1Q.1 x. Fare Revenues $ -79.1.35 $ 9S415 +27.0 Total" Passengers' 6,Q95 7,741 +27'. Totat Service Hours 450 415 - 7..8 Revenue � les 12.,397 12,446 + Oa0 a"s engerlHuur 1.3.5 18•.7 +38.5% EPN:;. j ha 1af X4/8 8342 e 13 of 1 : OCT a. 8 1988 T.E. y AWL tp _ cD W a 1 oc 00. Lli tib wn U_ '. i n _ 'CO00 " tF)t`- `_ V_ s-- J (GPU.osnOLU SN3C)N3SSVd d0, N3snft.N 14 of 18 00TH 1986 ITEM19 .' `(�« .. i.H («amu NM'e (1.f(al (Yl 4 Y t(ra>a«Yxal 77 �.......y..,,. a...R._..��..._ k...... «. .. a.� .YN ♦-w'«. •s .. aY «, na ._"'.v'vsd] -...,-..._-. .-x+.'.!_^ ._.... �,,.aa.a,r--•-.IS. .: a.-1 -iI. ♦.• ♦.. _. .... �. . � -.• ..R. - - - - ^.. .._._,.fl�Yn '_ a �'ti. �..n ,_ -. �.s .. - _.uts ... .�-a .. .. ..... _. t i �' "_ - -. ;. •.. it eel, - .LLI. an OM �. •Y f` Fes.+'lw 1i. i. I •fe - Z Mra a - .., .i f. (spuosnoti.L): SN3JN3SSvci -`0 u3ennN 15 of 18 ` ��� 2 8;198 �`C � i to �# f F: tK C4 W co .. to cl . Of - oal S-. to -' .. IL to I - _ k... :low, _ 0-'. C),; ca L tri. cry o to o o o tQ ,�. .� n. , SN3DN3SSVd AG NaEiygnN I OCT TEM 19 16 of Z8° r ^^ R .1 c0` aQ; Ef3: Q LLI ine�— M, IL 0), 0. F v' o a oar_ CD�o c�: a o a c a © o 0 0: 0 a o r`. to to- re] N: T-- S830N3SSHd J0 N3eri 17, of R TEM 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 0 11 tiny 10 9 0 8 7 o 5 4 00 3 v 2 m 1 ALL POWAY TRANSIT SERVICES MONTHLY RIDERSHIP 8Y YEAR MEE NM 1111 1111111111111111 MI= NW' 1111 El INN MI IN 111111 MEW= NM NM MI 11 II NI NM 1111N111 r MI= MAN ir I MI NI aruirma ir Ell I an our ma IP ma a • or I OF II NI MP MI M N 011 larommiernmammi ruamwommommis ammaimasmaas 1.1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 i111111111111111111111111111111 JUL. AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC. JAN FEB MAR APR MONTH Min 5 Ell FY86 IMO FY87 MAY JUN