Off Docket - Award of Bid for the Construction of Vehicle Fueling Facility at Lake Poway RoadAGENDA REPORT CITY O :PO AY Honorable Mayor. , and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City -Man IN TIATED BY: Alan D. -Archibald, Direc:tor o Public Services/ City Engineer J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer. DATE: October 28, 1986 SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Award of Bid.l for the Construction of- Vehicle Fueling Facility; at Lake Poway Road. -At the July 8, 1986.meeting, the City- Council. authorized. _advertise. for bids on this project. FINDINGS: t4: tnr staff to The following two (2) bids were received on October 14, 1986: Landex Construction. Corporation-. 2. D. W. Jensen Corporation.............. *These figures do not include the ..retrof iting of which has . been eliminated from the contract. The engineer' s estimate was $ 93 r400:00. RECOMMENDAT ON a .$ 97,648.00* 132,092.05* existing facilities,' It is recommended that the Poway Redevelopment Agency award the bid. to Landex Construction Corporation in'the amount of $97,648:.,00'. JLB ADA;; JBK fig' TION OOT 3 0 X98 I:T Nl p4 -4±. -pis