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Off Docket - Completion of Orchard Bend Box Culvert
ADA REPORT CITY OP PO WAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counc FROM: James L. Boweisox, City Man INITIATED BY: Alan. D. Archibald, Director of Public Services Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer DATE': October 2 8;, 1986 SUBJECT: Completion of Orchard Bend Box. Culvert-` �1 The construction of a box culvert on Orchard. Bend Road is an offsite improvementcondi tion. of Tract 4092R. Construction, of this: box culvert began t in the. 'summer of 1585.. Most of the work was completed by the, spring of - 1986.4. but . a number of small cleanup - items: remaineduncorrected throughout the 'summer. The long construction period and particularly the lack of activity by the contractor has frustrated the homeowners adjacent .to the box . culvert. in. response to their concerns., they Public Services Departmentsent a letter (Attachment 1) to R. B. McCoric and Ham BrothersConstruction on June 20, 1976 demanding completion of the improvements.. The contractor.. completed most of the items. of work in the fetter, but did not correct all of the deficienciesin the rip -rap. On. October 20, 19aGr staff members of the Public Services Department met with R. B. McComic and Ham Brothers representatives - and all four adjacent homeowners. The work to be .completed was agreed upon; by all parties. Jim McMenamin, of R. B. McConic agreed in .the attached letter (Attachment 2) to complete the work to our satisfaction by November 15. In addition to the work mentioned in the letter he also verbally agreed to plantberry bushes at al.l four guadrants to: help improve the appearance of the concrete headwalls.: They also deposited $5,000 in cash to- assure timely completion of the. work. eNf OCT as, [9 &` ITEM oFF- Oc*t AGENDA REPORT' �- October 28r.1986 Zompletaon of Orchard: Bend Box. Culvert Page 2, This: work was subsequently started on October 27 and is progressing satisfactorily. Regarding the. Landscape Maintenance District improvements for Tract 4G52Rr R. B. McComic has: agreed to complete this work by December 1st., The Community Services Department has acknowledged that ' forces: beyond McComic'- s control (SDG&E gas crews)- have delayed landscape nstallat on.sand they are satisfied that progress: is: being made... -Since Rol, B t McGomic has responded swiftly.' and positively, posted cash; to assure timely completonr and .commenced correction-of the deficienc es, we have not withheld. occupancy , f nets homes in, Birdlevood-W We expect that the , requ red. improvements will be - completed by the specified. dates without further delay. RECOMMENDATION it is_ , ,recommended_ , that. this "report be reci lvec3 and filed.: _ d.t_ +YaL3Q^t!xAFS z . F Attachments. l,. Letter from Public Services- Dept.'' to ?dam Brothers .. and R.B-. MCComic 2. Fetter from -R. B. McGOMIC to , City OCT (;J311 s� t-TE OFF - DW rf CARL R. KRUSE,: Mayor 'RYSHEPARDSON,Deputy Mayor BRUCE TAR t Councilmember- LINDA, ORAVEC,, Councilinember BOBi EMERY.. Councilmember- June 20. r 1986 :ITY OF 1'O' Hans. Brothers: Construction P. O .Box 84: Lakeside,. CA 92040 R. B. McCoanic, Inc. 6920: Miramar Rd.. r Suite 104 Ban Diego.. CA 92121 OF IN, THE co Attention: George Ham,, Jr.. and Jim McMenamin Subject:: Offsite Improvements for grsch Ranch Dear George and. Jim:: This:notice concerns. the offsitesewer, and. storm drain. improvements -required as a. condition of development of Hts.ch Ranch,: •A. Separate set of" six sheets: of improvement plans was developed for these.? im rovements arid. Z' think we ould alh -like ;to= see this work completed.. and • accepted by the City acid the securities released,: `- '1 1 beI' ieve that the .S.agewood :sewer work- has finally been completed. but I would _ like: to: have a water truck demonstrate that the drainage problems have been solved once and for all It woud be; helpful to have the.- neighbor, Martha. Cole, present at. that time. The .Orchard Bend.sewer work would appear to be completer however,. I r d like• tc •apply the same test with the water truck; while we `'re all ' there to. con -firm that na drainage problems have: been inadvertantiy created. The: Orchard Bend box culvert is still deficient in several. areas listed below I. As previously re uested, we:would like the box sandbagged so that.: the. inside can be inspected by .Jim Knowlton, our soils consultant, to assure that the patched crack does not constitute a structural problem. ATTACHMENT 1 OCT2.8, r ibC& I EM OFF D City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive fag Address: P.O. Box 789;. Poway, ; California 92064 (619) 748=6600, (619) 695-1400 ., :: George: Ham, Jr. and 3 ,m McMenamin June 20, 1986 Page 2 2. The rip-rap placement, particularly downstream,-is not. complete. A great deal of the rock was: placed.without.the ' benefit of City _ inspection. Much. of the, rock. "dumped" int© the creekbed. does not, x meet. the - specs.flcations, on the plans.: r Several rocks in the northwest quandrant are much too large for this applcatIon and must be removed.. The pians note that,. at the downstream end of the: work, the rock should conform' back into existing channel"'. This.. hash' t been donee We need to-`be shown that the rip--"rap placed in our absence: meets, 'the specsfied gradation;, is placed to the proper depth, and is underlain, with proper " filter fabric.. Take- care, to assure -that the ,ust. do��wynstre/a�a�n of®t�hye: box is g �rgocky .6w bel.o i. the. f 14i.17l- tf`i. the • ido l= ,.''a. The rocks: ` have been:' random=ly- dumped �.. upstream and downstream and not care.ful�Ilr gZaced. Rip-rep must be carefully se le.cted.* F and interlocked and should: notmove under foot.: The fa ices o 'the water in ' a IOG ;5 year flood will relocate anything that is loosely placed.. -OnCeL the: placement is completed, the, rock should be washed down, to remove loose soil ' on the surface. .. . y- required, z Y Ciclr e' neer will �a?e' 3.Co Ver1f c l%- pos tine drainage- rainage.3.. 3 The rock veneer work has not been. completed. The plan., o`.,-early shows " expose (dj face of headwall, and.parapet to be rock veneer 4typ. east & west s idea. " Since no dovetail { anchors were provided on these fasces,. you, must propose an attachment method for our review. = 4 of ITEM o-PF-DOCk6 f 7 George Ram, Jr. and Jim McMenamin June 20, 1985 Page 3 .. Orchard. Bend Road must be restriped where it, has been repaved, both over the box and along the sewer trench.. This must include raisedreflective dots. . Exposed graded, areas mustbe hydroseeded with a natural, drought resistant hydroseed mixper plan. This must besufficiently irrigated to establish, full coverage. i . Severallarge tree branches were broken off inthe northwest quadrant and left. Also, there is debris from washing out concrete trucks immediately north of that. area. This needs to be cleaned up. The small palm tree in that area was pushed partially over and needs to be straightened back up. Once all of this work has beencompleted to our satisfaction, your engineer must prepare as-builts of, these six sheets of improvements. The neighbors .in. this area, have been very patient, but this job has ' dragged: on much longer than: necessary. It is imperative that. you schedule the completion of this work. immediately and advise us promptly so that we may provide adequate inspection. The abovework must be completedby July 25, 1:986. If it has not been done by that date,we will be forced to withhold occupancy of new homes: within Hirsch Ranch and possibly seek assistance from the bonding company. Sincerely, PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT •.Alan: F. Schuler Senior Civil Engineer ABS: mh ccp Al. Minor John Fitch Don Gray Clifford Doughtw Martha Cole Don Mitchell OCT .2.(3,1984, ITEM a F=F -Docker' RB McCornic,Inc. October 20, 1986 UC ! 2 01986 taiTiLc Mr. James Bower- sox City Manager. CITY OP POWAY P.O. Box '785 Poway, CA 92064 Dear Jim:: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $5,000 00, which we are Posting as a cash deposit "pending completion of additional rip -rap work at the Orchard Bend Box Culvert. This cash deposit will be placed in an interest-bearing account . and will be refunded to us upon completion and final inspection approval of the work. Our fieldrepresentatives and I. met Alan Schuler and Mr. Doughty at the Orchard Bend. Box Culvert, and we contended that the work has. been done per plan and specifications approved by the City of Poway on July 10, 1985- Mr- Doughty' s complaints are subjective in, that. the ` half -ton rip -rap ' is of varying_ sizes, and. " he is not pleased with the aesthetics, of the rip -rap adjacent to his property. The Orchard Bend Box Culvert is completed. in much the same manner as the Martincoit Culvert, except that we were required to place rock veneer on the Orchard. Bend structure In an effort to, work with the City and keep the project moving forward, we will post the cash deposit, verify the ` placement' of filter fabric and replace r'i.p-rap whichis not half -ton in size. We will complete this work by no later than November 15' at which time the $5,000.00 deposit plus interest will be returned to us. This assumesthat the City of Poway's Engi- - neering Department has inspectedand approved the work upon its completion. Regarding the landscape maintenance district for Tract 4092, we will complete all of the improvements within these landscape maintenance district areas per plan and approved changes by December 1, including all weed abatement and planting, as well as completion of the horse trail system. Please note that should: rain occur between now and December. 1, we may experience a delay and this completion date does not provide for any inspection, disputes which we may encounter with the Community Services Division during the course of installing the landscape. improvements. ATTACHMENT 2 OCT s, i98b ITEM oFF -t W eT As we have in the pastr we are working to finish this. additional ork as: soon as possibly, and 'we' appreciate .your cooperation sn albring u,a to complete the inspection process. and get ocC��- .ac for. p � , all bu Viers in 8ridi.ewoocL. E- , r ames D. McMenamin Frajecoordnator t SDN: ld�: V7ary„� 1�Js'IO�•Cop-sony _ 1 F , r 1.043 , 4 R: Y . Y - F„ r - OCT C281178b" !TEM AFF -�