Item 21B - PDC 86-40 for Living Way ChurchAGENDA ESO i CITY 07 PO A Y r M THE- TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counci... PROMs Fames. 'L.. Bowersox, city Manac INITIATED BY. y; Reba W. Touw, Director. of Planning Services*X Reis Hughs, Assistant Planner DATE: October 28, 1986' SUBJECT: Pre Development ConferenceAnalysis (PDC 86=444 for � Living Way Church., Applicant ABSTRACT` REQiJEHT Consideration of a. request for a proposed corp- dtonaz use per�ctit to allow: a modusr `elassrcou. €acality to be placed on an existing churoh site at the southeast corner of Midland load and Twi , Peaks Road. YI LOCATION: 13689 Twin. Peaks Road. ... GROSS ACREAGEr 3.4 : Acres SURROUNDING _ ZONING AND LAND' USE: The property adjacent to the north of thesub— Iot is zoned `0 en . S ace (OS) and contains 7 P P '. the administration offices andcperat�:vns center: for Poway Unified School Districts Single s family homes adjoin the lot on the: south,` in the . RS -4 zone., ` vacant: ' RS -4 property is Located to the east and west of the site A' N. +fir S}.{q (rte - if'j. Agenda Report October 28, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND The existing church was issued a use permit in 1971 and has a seating capacity of approximately 250. Living Way Church has been located at the subject address since. December of 1985. Due to the increasing size of their congrega- tion, they would like: to locate a temporary 12 foot X 63 foot modu- lar classroom facility on the property. This mobile unit would containthree classrooms and remain in place until a new sanctuary couldbe designed, approved, and built. The modular classroom. would be located behind the main building andbe partially screened from the view of motorists. on Twin Peaks and Midland Roads. ZONING The zoning of the property is Residential Single Family 4 (RS -4). Council approval of a Conditional Use Permit' is requiredfor the mobile classroom trailer which will remain in place for more than. 90 days. JI B R6+WT: KAE3: pn Attachments: 1, of Zoning Map. Site Plan Agreement of Understanding OCT 2a 1986 TEM Ai6 ITEM PDC. 86„-L,4 TITLE : eI'//iVV :4 SCALE Nor ro sc9e ATTACHMENT Z s h �r c a r 'Pr13 n war Atatx• r iiateOkses. ,27=31. 22.$7' Rra`_ 7Z" -D 11.•1.757 4 J= r! .834: 3.41 AG.._ PaREIMEOF `UNC032=NDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Living Way -Church , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in. land described by tax assessor's parcel numbe.r(s) 314-192-72-00 Proponent desires to develop this property inaccordance with the will. of City and without the expe.,nss of a protracted development. City is concerned. that Proponent will create development plansunsatisfac- tory to City and consume tinier and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based: upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing for to filing any application for devalopmnt upon the following understand-- City ne sta d - City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof.' Cityviii receive no evidence, specific- in nature, in support of a particular deveioent plan. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision, in favor of or against any development proposal. or 'part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. If any development proposal is subsetaa.=:y Bitted, Proponent win. proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding° that City has Wade' no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: Oc to ber 7 1986 Proponent: Si tura ITEM PDC S %L0 4 OEEl err' OCT 481986 ITEM TITLE • of 6 ATTACHMENT