Item 27C - PDC 86-42CARL R. KRUSE,Mayor
BRUCE TARZ Councilmember.
LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember
BOB EMERY, Councilmember
Manbers of the city C c RCM: Carl Carl. R. Kruse, Mayor
DATE: October 28, 1986
SUB F rz Pre-Develorment Conference Analysis (PDC 86-42)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * *
Attached. is a request from.. News Develorment. Company for. a pre -development cow
fer mce; if you concur, it' will be scheduled. for the Nc v , 1986 workshop..
OCT 8 1986 ITEM. 27
City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive
Mailing. Address: P.0 Box 789,. Poway, California 92064 •1(619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400
E P -!
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
James L. Bower.sok.,City Mana
INITIATED B.Y:: Reba W. Touw Director of. Planning Services- Ae
Sharon. E.. Crockett,- Assistant. Planner
Oct®be'r 2"8, 1986:
Pre-De�relopment Conference Analysis: ("PDC 86-421.for
Nexus 'Development Company.
Request:. ,
,Clarification-, of a" .proposed- amendment to the
development standards for ']y projects --that.
would limit'development and density calculations to,
an area of _15percent or less in reference to a pro
posed 78 -unit, apartment. project..
Northeast. corner of the intersection of Poway and
Carriage Roads.
11.9 acres.
LanC Use:
The property to the north .s zoned far, single fam�:ly
residential uses..: A 7 -Eleven convenience ence etore is
located to the west,: an, ARCO AM -PNS, m nimart to the
outh, r and Wendy's restaurant i s located adjacent to'
the east boundary.
91lopeft -
Previous grading has established cut banks. There is,
a 25 foot. elevational change from Poway Road. to the
Plateau equal, to 57$ slope:. Fromthe plateau ' to the
toy. of an adjoining hill. there is a 107 foot ele-
vational difference equal to a . 36%slope.
ACT1 a
OOT 2 8 1986 tT E M 27 (L
Agenda Report
October 28,
4. page 2
General. Plan
and. Zoning.
The.'subj.ect site: is zoned Residential Condominium.
Properties to the north are. zoned RS -7 -with- those, on
the east, ` west, and south. zoned for General
Commercialuses-. There is. also a small section of RA
zoned property to the northwest.
Tentative-- Map 41.80 was approved by the County of San
Diego in oc.tober 19°8.0 and revised in 1992. As; part
of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1.9-83 the
zoning was changed from RV -3 and PV; ---10 (Residential
Variable} ` to RC: (,..Residential Condomiriiuml . The
approved tentative Wrap in a conditional use
permit. for a 71 -unit condominium project for the
site.. A. third, time extension for the tentative map
was denied in December` 1984. With. the denial of the
map; the Conditional Use Permit 82-0-2 for tie project
also expired. The site has: been, previously graded
creating an elongated plateau parallel to Poway Road
and. Carriage Road which is; suitable for development.
A large h ills.ide extends to the east ` f o -r tb? i s: la -
teau area and: was designated as: open`: space under the
now expired tentative map and conditional` use, permit.
During the past month, Staff has been work -l' with:
the applicant to ` develop ' a project for the site that
would be acceptable to the, Council. Recently the
Council has directed Staff -to amend the development
standards :for multi -family projects. The proposed
amendment would limit development, and. density calcu-•
latons. to: those areas with a _slo a o -f 15
p percent or
less. The subject site is one of the two sites:`
within: the City that is zoned for multi. -family deve.-,
lopment and contains slopes in excess: of 15 percent...
The Code provides. for a maximum of 7-12 units per net
acre. The gross acreage of the site is 11.9. acres.
This acreage wouldconceptually support up= to 1:2:7
cor dorinium or apartment units at a maximum. density
of 12 units per net acre.
The applicant'sengineer completed a slope analysis
of the site to determine the amount of acreage with a
slope, of 15 ' percent or less.`. In his analysis he
included all, areas of ,the 1:1..9 acres; site. (Thais
exhibit. will. be introduced at the workshop.,. ), There,
are approximately, 5.:65 gross acres with a slope -'of -15
percent or less.; If density is based upon this 5..6:5:
gross. acreage, this' `would allover 67' units- at the maxi-- . ,
mum of 12 units per acre. The appl,icant.'s proposal:
is for 7a units...
OCT,$1986ITEC 27
Agenda Report
October °
28r 1.9:86
Page 3
The follow ng development standards also apply to.
multi -family projects.. A 50 -foot setback is required.
from any singefamily zone . r�hen the groposed
building exceeds. IS feet in' he .ght..; An ei.ght:-foot-,
hiRgh. block. -wall -is required on the .boundary line btrt-
ween the. two- zonesF.: Bu lding heights are: limited to
two stories or 3`5` feet whichever *a less. On-site
parking ifs based on ,the -number o -f bedrooms with.a -
mini -mum one -garage spaces "per- bedroom._ -site
i:mprouements such: as a swimming: pool, children r s play,
areas and. park -I ke quiet :areas are also required.
ATI existing slc�gea must be landscaped with trees',
ahrubs.:r and groundcover *:
Due to: the high: �zrsi:billty of the project site,
future - structures ..should be constructed in, a nonce
obstrt�s�ve _manner' an painted %n darthtone .colors to.
minimize the visual impact.
to :Plan
Agreement of Understanding
eater Eton. _ Appl-icant
001 1986 tT E IA 2 �.
City Council for the City of Poway, herd natter referred to as `City" and
NEXUS-DEOPN EN COMPANY , here naf er referred to as 'Proponent"
enter into this Agreement: of Understanding based upon. the following facts:
Proponent oils: or- has an
�Aecitlitabe interest an land described by tax
assessor's parcel riuinberlsl
Proponent desires to develop. this
P� p property in accordance withthe will of the
City and without the expense of a protracted deveiopont.�
City is concerned that. Proponent will create.`dev t
a plans unsatisfac-
tory to- City and consume: =time and. effort of City employees needlessly on
unsatisfactory develogient plans unless City assists in directing Proponent.
Based upon the above-ffent oned facts, City will grant Proponent a hear s
prior 'tog any application for development: upon the following unders
City will rerlaler no decision with regards to any development proposal
or part thereof..
City _ will receive no evidence, specific in nature, air support of a
particular deveioPrent plan.
City will make no representations that will obligate the City to r
a decision in favor of or against anny development
thereof Proponent _nay subsequently suhnit.
If any development propos is subseauentiy submitted, Proponent... will.
proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City
has :rade no representations: upon which Proponent may rely.
Dated: e ?%
Sig' urs
OCT 2g 1986 ITEM 27e
1331 INDIA STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 619-232-3034
Qctober l6, 1986
City of Poway
Reba W. Tour
Director of Planning Services;
P.O. Box 789
Poway,Calif. 92064
RE': Pre -Development Conference
Multi -Family housing site
NE Corner Poway Rd. •& Carriage Rd.
To whom it may concern,
Attached 'please find a copy of a proposed site pian for the
above referenced project. The proposal indicates 78 units
in 13 -six unit buildings on the 11.9 acre site. This results
in a density of 6.55 units per acre. The. buildings . proposed
would each have 2 -three bedroom townhouse units and. -two
Bedroom flats with units ranging in size from 900 to 1300
square feet.
The proposed design is in substantial conformance with the:
City of Poway Multiple Family Design and. Residential Zone
Criteria. previous meetings with the planning Department
staff have resulted in, the lower density and revised site
design. Although we have staff support for this proposal
we request city council input with respect to density,access
and design concept.;
if you. have any questions or require additional information
please contact me at 232-3034.
Wiliam B. Eedenkamp
Architect . .A-
6 or
OCT 28 1986