Item 21 - Projected Call Volumes between Poway and Escondido and Estimated Cost SavingsMEMORANDUM CITY OF PO AY Mayor and. Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City ManaN. ma ` INITIATED BY: Patrick R. Foley, Assistant to the City Mana } ATE: October 28, 198E SUBJECT: Projected. Call Volumes Between Poway and Escondido and Estimated Cost Savings OF �yF AT THE In 1984, the City of Poway filed a formal complaint with. the Public Utilities Com mission challenging Pacific Bell's . zone: usage measurement ZUM) calling area. Pacific Bell ''s ZUM system had made free local calls. between Poway. and Escondido a toll call. The, Public Utilities Commission ruled in .Ppway's favor,: and on July 51 1985 calls between Poway and. Escondido were no longer toll. calls. If the City of Poway had not won its case against Pacific Bell calls bet ween - Poway and Escondido would be Zone 2 calls. The rate for a Zone 2 call is 8.4 the first minute, and 34 for each additional. minute. The following estimated cost savings are based on a 5inute call between. Poway and ' Escondido. - 1985 call volumes Residence Business -minute call 616,097` 20= 9 , 072 204 1986 call volumes: Residence Business 5 minute call annual cost savings $123,219 18,614 annual cost savings 663, 537 20 $132,707 100,240; 20 $ 20,048 Over a two year period, Poway'ssuccessful challenge of Pacific Bell's ZUM system will have saved the business community an estimated $38,662 and the, Poway residents $255,926. Poway ;now has one of . the largest local calling areas inthe state. Paway'; s. local calling area includes. Rancho Bernardo, Periasquitos, Mira Mesa, Escondido, El. Cajon and. Ramona.